The pump for the pond in Betty’s garden doesn’t need to be running during night. So the line to it and all that electric stuff in the basement was recently plugged in via a timer adapter.
Ours recently started cutting out. We’ve found if we shut off the power strip to the wifi, wait about 30 sec to 1 min, and turn it back on it stops cutting out. Mostly. Weekends can still be bad.
McColl34 Premium Member over 5 years ago
Who’s the clueless one again?
Katsuro Premium Member over 5 years ago
I don’t have wi-fi: does using less of it decrease the bill? Is that how it works?
rhpii over 5 years ago
Wi-Fi; Fe-Fi; Hi-Fi; Sci-Fi; MiFi; Spotify; Oh My this is all so confusing.
TheBigPickle over 5 years ago
I can see that passive-aggressive Betty is interrupting the WiFi to force people off their devices. She’s a control freak like that.
gorgolo_chick over 5 years ago
I strongly suspect the payoff here is going to be that Betty has been turning off the wi-fi at 8 every evening recently.
saxie5 over 5 years ago
If Junior is so technologically advance, why doesn’t he go check the router and such? over 5 years ago
The pump for the pond in Betty’s garden doesn’t need to be running during night. So the line to it and all that electric stuff in the basement was recently plugged in via a timer adapter.
cabalonrye over 5 years ago
Wondering what mom does to the wifi box when noone is looking…
fix-n-fly over 5 years ago
Maybe it will come back on when you learn some manners….
berttoo over 5 years ago
Ours recently started cutting out. We’ve found if we shut off the power strip to the wifi, wait about 30 sec to 1 min, and turn it back on it stops cutting out. Mostly. Weekends can still be bad.