The Middle Age by Steve Conley for September 22, 2019

  1. Matjest t 03
    matjestaet  over 5 years ago

    So, dragon hunters have feelings, too…. Thanks, Steve, for this little gem which made my morning.

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  2. Aslan avatar
    Aslan Balaur  over 5 years ago

    Insert “I Have a Dream” from “Tangled” here…….

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  3. Durak ukraine
    Durak Premium Member over 5 years ago

    There is no such thing as a non-delectable cheesecake. All cheesecakes are delectable. Some are just more delectable than others.

    (With regards to L.L.)

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    Pohka  over 5 years ago

    Lol, love it! Back ground characters with background! As a GM in Runquest I did some but rarely like this. A great idea!

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    jrgtr42  over 5 years ago

    I’m reminded of the scene in the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy (the book) where a couple cops have a similar conversation with Zaphod, Ford et al.

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    Jethro Flatline  over 5 years ago

    Ha ha, this is what happens when the dungeon master enjoys encounters more than the players do!

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    Serendewi  over 5 years ago

    Maledicta, you need an enchanted frying pan friend right about now.

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    LOLBeth  over 5 years ago

    Do Tracy’s sonnets contain any words other than “Grrrk”?

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  9. Tma gocomics main character image 600x600
    Steve Conley creator over 5 years ago

    A little bit of process talk and a happy accident… there’s so much text in this episode that there was no room for our slumbering hero in the last panel. At the last minute, looking at the fourth panel, I worried that some readers might think Quimp had risen or snuck off (or evaporated, or had sunk into the planet’s crust – my readers are very inventive). To avoid confusion, I did something I hate to do – I copied-and-pasted the figure from panel one and added his rump to the bottom of the panel. Once I realized it was a chance to have our hero’s butt facing the sword, it made everything worse for the sword and better for us. :D

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