I once attended a lecture where a guy implied that writing down your goals practically guaranteed you would reach them. I didn’t get a chance to talk to him, but I would have loved to ask him whether he thought it would work if wrote down “I will win at least $10,000,000 in the lottery by the end of the year”.
Probably the best comic strip job for Pig would be the one Li’l Abner used to have, mattress tester, which involved sleeping on them all day. But for Rat, if he can get a job insulting people all day, that should be a good fit. There should be actual jobs like that.
Years ago, I had an appointment with a job counselor. He asked what my dream job was. I told him I wanted to be a marijuana tester for the federal government. The counselor started laughing. Seemed to think I was joking.
BE THIS GUY about 5 years ago
Does the job health plan cover alcohol rehab and/or insulin for diabetes?
DennisinSeattle about 5 years ago
How did Rat avoid being covered in ink?
B UTTONS about 5 years ago
Slight flaw in Rat’s logic – no one is going to pay Rat to drink Mai Tais.
Concretionist about 5 years ago
The hard part of that is “get paid”… Also mai tais? Seriously? That much sugar is bad for you!
Sherlock Watson about 5 years ago
I think that’s called being a Kardashian.
Robin Harwood about 5 years ago
It works? I’m going to try that.
Georgette Washington Bunny about 5 years ago
Doesn’t count if you’re paying yourself, Rat.
Yontrop about 5 years ago
Sorry but I can’t see Rat as a Mai Tais guy.
jel354 about 5 years ago
I thought Pig had a similar dream at one point.
Jeff0811 about 5 years ago
He didn’t say anything about being gainfully employed.
Purple People Eater about 5 years ago
I once attended a lecture where a guy implied that writing down your goals practically guaranteed you would reach them. I didn’t get a chance to talk to him, but I would have loved to ask him whether he thought it would work if wrote down “I will win at least $10,000,000 in the lottery by the end of the year”.
Breadboard about 5 years ago
All this time showing Rat with a beer in his hand … now we find out he’s a mixed drink rat ! … Croc Power !
mjb515 about 5 years ago
The gentleman behind “How to Drink” has figured that out. Of course it also includes knowing how to make cocktails and research the history.
nosirrom about 5 years ago
I’m not sure if I want to get paid to do what I like. I’ll lose my amateur status.
Alexander the Good Enough about 5 years ago
Well, if you figure that rat et al. are all being paid to be characters in this strip, by frame 4, voilà!, there’s a mai tai.
Kaputnik about 5 years ago
Probably the best comic strip job for Pig would be the one Li’l Abner used to have, mattress tester, which involved sleeping on them all day. But for Rat, if he can get a job insulting people all day, that should be a good fit. There should be actual jobs like that.
WaitingMan about 5 years ago
Years ago, I had an appointment with a job counselor. He asked what my dream job was. I told him I wanted to be a marijuana tester for the federal government. The counselor started laughing. Seemed to think I was joking.
LaughterIsJoyMuliplied about 5 years ago
Ellis97 about 5 years ago
Rat has no vision.
Call me Ishmael about 5 years ago
Rat’s liver won’t survive that job for long.
royq27 about 5 years ago
Rat is using a pencil…
CitizenKing about 5 years ago
There’s a lot to be said for being a professional drunkard. Sure the pay is lousy, but the hours are flexible and you get to be your own boss.
CalLadyQED about 5 years ago
This is why hate exercises like this.
Sisyphos about 5 years ago
Rat’s idea is fun, I guess. Mai tais are not my adult beverage of choice, however….