Gil Thorp by Henry Barajas and Rachel Merrill for February 19, 2020

  1. Luhm 2 27 10
    Mopman  about 5 years ago

    Amazing that he wasn’t impressed by someone rudely checking him out of the way just to get into the classroom first. Doesn’t he get it? How important it is to the girls’ basketball team that Alexa acts like a jerk? He sure is dumb.

    And now Mimi finally comes back to practice and is pissed. She already solved the problem by having Alexa imagine every basket raises her GPA. Phoebe is about to get a tongue lashing.

    And speaking of tongue lashing, nobody should be giving me one since Mopped Up Thorp is already published while most of you are sleeping:

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    Mr Reality  about 5 years ago

    In all reality , P 3 Oh don’t worry about Alexa Mrs Thorp , it’s a girl thing ,her friend has come to visit . Thanks for the info Phoebe . You’re welcome Coach !

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    TheBrownStarfish  about 5 years ago

    P1, Yeah, if he was a gentleman, he would have opened the door for me. F-him!

    P2, Phoebe’s in love.

    P3, I slapped Alexa on the azz and she turned around and punched me! What do you know about that, Phoebe?

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    bearwku82  about 5 years ago

    Sigh. I miss Marty.

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    huskiecoach  about 5 years ago

    P3 – Why would Coach Mimi not go directly to Alexa?

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    Irish53  about 5 years ago

    P 4: “…Alexa?…oh, well since you can’t coach worth a flip, we tried something far-fetched and stupid to improve her play….hopefully it works!…”

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    hifirick1953  about 5 years ago

    P4 Phoebe: Her Gravity defying talents

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    James St. John Smythe  about 5 years ago

    P3: Platform heels make their debut during practice.

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    wmac8898  about 5 years ago

    I suspect if Rubin and Whigham were going next door, they’d walk around the block to get there.

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    Bluedarter  about 5 years ago

    P2: #MeTooKenny. When Gil started coaching I was watching Howdy Doody on a little-bitty 12" black-and-white Dumont. Tried to make it to midnight and the test-pattern featuring an Indian Chieftain with full headdress. Kenny is destined to remain in Milford, probably end up apprenticing to Mopman for twenty years, trying to capture that big-picture shine..

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    Irish53  about 5 years ago

    P 3: Doesn’t she read her email notifications? I get one from Amazon like once a week with the title “What’s up with Alexa”

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