Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for March 14, 2020

  1. B986e866 14d0 4607 bdb4 5d76d7b56ddb
    Templo S.U.D.  almost 5 years ago

    Bernice has known Gunther much longer than you, Bets. Trust her on this one… for the time being.

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  2. Ti
    Rhetorical_Question   almost 5 years ago

    Misplaced Loyalty to Tiffany- Gunther will pay for his stupidity

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    AnyFace  almost 5 years ago

    He’s really bad at this. ✨

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    GirlGeek Premium Member almost 5 years ago

    Ohh Gunther…you are so dumb

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  5. Ti
    Rhetorical_Question   almost 5 years ago

    Hopefully no one heard what Gunther said outside of the room, especially the Hallway.

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    Pointspread  almost 5 years ago

    The wire, season zero…..

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    Argythree  almost 5 years ago

    What a relief that no one pulled the alarm, and no crowd of screaming kids ran out, no fire department arrived, and Gunther didn’t get in trouble for a false alarm. He’s just in trouble with his girl friend, who is beginning to doubt that he’s the one for her…

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    kenhense  almost 5 years ago

    Yes Gunther was between a rock and a hard place – but his extreme reaction signals mental illness – he could crack down the line.

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    Cheapskate0  almost 5 years ago

    The beginning of the end – of Bets and Gunther?

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    Counterpoint  almost 5 years ago

    Maybe Bets likes weird – err, unconventional…

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    howtheduck  almost 5 years ago

    I am beginning to think you would get more studying done at the Black Out party.

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    Mordock999 Premium Member almost 5 years ago

    MEMBER less than a minute agoAw Come ON! Bets KNEW Gunther was this “weird” from the day she MET him. Or at the very least, she was willing to tolerate it. So WHY is she so darned “surprised?”

    Here, Exhibit A:

    And of course, a young woman who posts 24/7 on social media is not “weird.”

    But I digress.

    Gunther’s PREDICTABLE Bumbling attempts at changing the subject actually WORKED. Bernice is momentarily distracted and Kip’s party is safe. For now.

    That said, I REALLY hope We go back to the “party“ next week. If not move on to another arc.

    Because if We stay with Study Hall, I fear We’re for a Cringeworthy week of Gunther going to MORONIC Lengths to cover for Tiffany. And I still ask, what does HE owe HER, anyway?

    Stay SAFE, this weekend………

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    capricorn9th  almost 5 years ago

    SO my first prediction was correct. Shoot. I rather my second prediction to be the one because it involved Bets meeting a new guy at Kip’s party and leaving with him. Well, the subject matter was dropped and that was lucky for Tiff. However, I am curious about Stef’s reaction to seeing Tiff there when she expected her to be at Study Ball. Today’s Saturday and I doubt this arc will continue into next week.

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    ZeMastor  almost 5 years ago

    Yep… I knew there was no real fire, just a panic-stricken attempt to change the subject. Not sure if this arc will continue to next week. While the Study Ball part might have ended, we still don’t know if Tiff will be received warmly or get a “beat it” from The Blackout.

    The way that Gunther is acting, and the way that his last 2 sentences are devolving into mindless prattle, Bernice really should get suspicious. He’s acting weird. Not just regular Gunther-weird. Really weird. This calls for an investigation… or an interrogation! But Nah… arc is done with.

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    MathProf2  almost 5 years ago

    If you create a weird character, it’s not funny that your other characters think he’s weird. If his weirdness doesn’t seem funny without pointing it out, something’s off key.

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    ashley984  almost 5 years ago

    What a disaster…

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    ashley984  almost 5 years ago

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  18. Aaue7mah2h601i7rd8bq8ch1gey95ud4lfudtlv u3ws
    EasyEight  almost 5 years ago

    Strange the dorm is having a “study” party & a regular party. Nice not to have Coronavirus in that universe. The colleges and high schools in my state are shutting down. Not that it will stop the virus. Some idiot teacher came back from Italy, was clueless, taught at the middle school, tested positive, and is patient zero in my state.

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  19. Rabbit
    RabbitHole  almost 5 years ago

    The pot calling the kettle … I wonder how well Bets knows the Wohnheimführer to take her opinion on Gunther.

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  20. Big hug
    Brdshtt Premium Member almost 5 years ago

    Bets discovers Gunther is weird for about the fifth time. I guess it must have taken that many times to trip her threshold and set a logic 1 on her weird – o – meter.

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    Denver Reader Premium Member almost 5 years ago

    Gunther should be arrested for essentially yelling fire in a crowded theater.

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    jr1234  almost 5 years ago

    and Bernice won’t go back to asking Gunther about Tiffany’s where abouts

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    Aladar30 Premium Member almost 5 years ago

    Sigh… I really miss Gunther’s 3-day stubble beard. He looks so childish without it. But maybe (and I repeat, MAYBE) he’ll be able to don’t talk about Tiffany’s “relaxing meet with friends”. And maybe Bets and Bernice will become good friends.

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  24. Rosie2
    Schrodinger's Dog  almost 5 years ago

    told ya … NO FIRE !!!

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    WilliamVollmer  almost 5 years ago

    Why does Betts’ top remind me of an Star Trek TOS woman officers uniform? That collar-make the top red, and, all of a sudden I’m seeing Lt. Uhura. (Nichelle Nichols a fine actress in all senses of the word.)

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    kauri44  almost 5 years ago

    Sometimes his nasal spray…what???

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    luann1212  almost 5 years ago

    There is so much that can be said here, but I will just say that it’s 50/50 this will continue next week, I think there is no real issue with Bets and Gunther, and Bernice and Bets seem to be more friendly than some would have thought, but the Tiffany part of this arc is left hanging. But leaving us hanging is part of the GnK technique.

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    Ellis97  almost 5 years ago

    Loyalty can be so aggravating.

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    YorkGirl  Premium Member almost 5 years ago

    Well, that fell flat as far as redirecting to/exposing the party, for now. Wonder if the girls will remember the line of questions, or, will we go to a different arc, or back to TIFF’s confrontation with Steph? Oh, the Drama!! .. the Suspense! ;-o

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    David Huie Green LikeNobody'sEverSeen  almost 5 years ago

    Cute interplay.

    Please note: weirdness doesn’t necessarily drive everyone away.

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  31. Tyge
    Tyge  almost 5 years ago

    BAH! What a fizzle of a week! And we still haven’t seen the much anticipated Blacklight Blackjack. The Arlo and Janis strip managed to save the day however.

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  32. Quincey
    Moon57Shine  almost 5 years ago

    Gunther is a terrible liar. You know that Bernice is going to go investigate. She will hear the party going on and bust everybody, including Tiffany.

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    Troglodyte  almost 5 years ago

    Bernice will have a tiff with Tiff before long.

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    sueb1863  almost 5 years ago

    Tune in next week when Bernice finds out about the party thanks to (or because of) Gunther’s completely inept attempts to cover it up, and Tiffany gets the hostile treatment from her dorm mates who now decide she’s the enemy for getting them busted.

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  35. Tyge
    Tyge  almost 5 years ago

    Greg has a talent for disappointing! Panel 3 could have been added showing a buzzed Tiffany at Blackout. Now that would be a cliffhanger. :o)

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  36. Morning cuppa
    Wizard of Ahz-no relation  almost 5 years ago

    on the plus side Betts and Bern are talking

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    Lou  almost 5 years ago

    Truth be told, I think Bern is the weird one. Or, maybe I’m confusing weird with annoying.

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  38. Ignatz
    Ignatz Premium Member almost 5 years ago

    Has Bets always been this weird?

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    electricpostcard  almost 5 years ago

    Not in front of your girl, dumb move for someone who is not worth it. Would’ve been better just to let me know than cover for her. She(Tiffany) needs their help.

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    wantcomicsnow  almost 5 years ago

    Poor Gunther. Now Bets thinks he’s a flake. Hopefully he will explain to her later about Tiff, and the party, and Tiff not wanting Bernice to know she was going to the party. Then maybe Bets will put a positive spin on it, thinking Gunth is just really bad at lies and deceptiion.

    That could be a good thing.

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    Russell Bedford  almost 5 years ago

    so when does this campus get shut down for a month and all students must telecommute to classes due to the COVID-19 quarantine?

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    Joe1962  almost 5 years ago

    Gun not so bright.

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  43. Ann margaret
    Caldonia  almost 5 years ago

    Bets, if you don’t know just how weird Gunther is and has always been by now—I guess he hasn’t told you about Peru yet, and his mom and Mr. Gray, and how he was squeamish about touching Rosa, and Billy the Bookworm, and making a sexy witch costume for Luann, and…. Have you too even met?? lol

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  44. Ligand1
    RSH  almost 5 years ago

    weird is not exactly the right word for it. Yelling fire in an enclosed space and inciting panic for no reason is not lawful; definitely not covered by the 1st amendment.

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  45. Caligari
    ironbrigade1861  almost 5 years ago

    Gunther has oral diarrhea. He’s about to narc out the party; and his girlfriend is history. I thought he was supposed to be smart.

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  46. Rosie2
    Schrodinger's Dog  almost 5 years ago

    Sunday: Frank and Nancy reminisce.

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  47. Thinker
    Sisyphos  almost 5 years ago

    Gunther will never be one of the Cool KIds. And Bets is beginning to realize this. How long before she dumps him?

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  48. Ti
    Rhetorical_Question   almost 5 years ago

    In a parallel universe, Gunther would be Stephen Wozniak and Tiffany would be Steve Jobs.

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    passthejelly  almost 5 years ago

    Gunther is weird??Hey,they’re ALL weird.That’s the charm of the strip.‘SO YOU’RE NAKI,SAKI,AND WAKI?YOU’RE ALL WACKY!!".

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