Phoebe and Her Unicorn by Dana Simpson for February 17, 2020

  1. Omav
    Averagemoe  about 5 years ago

    However, you do not fully comprehend the power of my presence. Therefore, your silence is invalid.

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    codycab  about 5 years ago

    Heā€™s REALLY got nothing better to do, does he?

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  3. B986e866 14d0 4607 bdb4 5d76d7b56ddb
    Templo S.U.D.  about 5 years ago

    way to soil it, Phoebe

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  4. J cdfqvx
    luducks  about 5 years ago

    10/10 would bask again.

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  5. Sweet taffy
    Quabaculta  about 5 years ago

    When I visit my Mom, or Mom visitā€™s me, we chat, turn on a movie and chat some more, watch as she does handwork and I some other type of craft. The silence outweighs the conversation, but I always tell Mom Iā€™m ā€˜basking in the presence of her loveā€™. Itā€™s a quiet ritual which developed over the last 30 years or so.

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  6. Wileecoffee3
    Need coffee  about 5 years ago

    Are there birds off panel? Basking robins?

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  7. Miyuki
    mistie710  about 5 years ago

    Iā€™m puzzled. Just how many seconds exactly constitutes one bask?

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  8. Manachan
    rpmurray  about 5 years ago

    Heā€™s like a mini-Marigold.

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    Zoomydid  about 5 years ago

    I love Prince Aspirational Arrogance. I would bask in his presence all day!

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    Mr. Organization  about 5 years ago

    The kidā€™s got confidence.

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    fuzzybritches Premium Member about 5 years ago

    I was mistaken to think his arrogance was aspirational!

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  12. Wiz wirp boing
    johndifool  about 5 years ago

    One of the stars is becoming unglued in panels 3 & 4ā€¦

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  13. Feu6catz 400x400
    Synnastyr Kuhr  about 5 years ago

    They say every time someone asks that question he gains another star.

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  14. Slogo3avatar
    scyphi26  about 5 years ago

    So Phoebe was unclear on the conceptā€”not her fault you didnā€™t explain how this would work.

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  15. Th 2434264126
    Snoots  about 5 years ago

    I donā€™t get it: if Nostrils is accurate in her claims, unicorns are amazingly wonderful and itā€™s not possible for a unicorn to be dorky looking. Arrogance, yeah, but what gives with the appearance?

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    Aladar30 Premium Member about 5 years ago

    Well, at least he regret.

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  17. Rhadamanthus
    craigwestlake  about 5 years ago

    Ah, his humility is a shining example to us allā€¦

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    STACEY MARSHALL Premium Member about 5 years ago

    While he basks in his reflected brilliance!

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  19. Brain guy dancing hg clr
    Concretionist  about 5 years ago

    You know that ā€œmoment of silence in memory of ā€¦ā€ thing that people do? Iā€™ve always figured it was a contest. First person to look up and check if someone else is looking up (to checkā€¦) loses. Which is generally me.

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