Gil Thorp by Henry Barajas and Rachel Merrill for March 09, 2020

  1. Rainbow phoenix   wide
    Ravenswing  about 5 years ago

    Mopman to the rescue! Find that trash can!

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    TheBrownStarfish  about 5 years ago

    P1, We could have told you that, Teddy.

    P2, Why doesn’t Gil just say, “So.”

    P3, Teddy has two feet like Tom Dempsey’s kicking foot. Nice shine on that floor, Mop.

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    Mr Reality  about 5 years ago

    In all reality , Way to pass the buck Mr Rollins .

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    Mr Reality  about 5 years ago

    In all reality , Is Marty Moon still in quarantine with the Corona Virus , inquiring minds want to know .

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    bearwku82  about 5 years ago

    Why the sudden change of heart Tedrow? Steve Harvey tells GilPa this storyline can be settled on Family Feud.

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  6. Ted4th
    seismic-2 Premium Member about 5 years ago

    There hasn’t been a new midterm exam used at Milford High since 1953. Gil’s reflective look in P2 is his remembering how that was the only way he was able to graduate.

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  7. Foghorn
    jslabotnik  about 5 years ago

    P2- is that the latest S&P500 chart on Mr Rollins’ right hand? Probably not, it’d be plunging toward his elbow.

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    Irish53  about 5 years ago

    P 4: “…thank you for bringing this to my attention Teddy….I will take care of it…you can go now…”

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    Irish53  about 5 years ago

    P 1.5: “….yeah…so did your barber…”

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  10. Wileecoffee3
    Need coffee  about 5 years ago

    And when Chris says he threw it out, then what?

    As nefarious plans go, this one could be thwarted by Larry, Darrell, and his other brother Darrell.

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    twainreader  about 5 years ago

    Alexa says: We studied together and he never looked at anything but my chest

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    tcayer  about 5 years ago

    I think I messed up, by shopping around a copy of last years’ midterm!

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  13. Oip
    James St. John Smythe  about 5 years ago

    All this is for not anyway- the midterm is going to be interrupted by a duck and cover drill as is.

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    hifirick1953  about 5 years ago

    How would an AP teacher know who Teddy is anyway?I hear Teddy has a 1963 Sears lingerie catalog he is trying to move.

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    Irish53  about 5 years ago

    Well, the groundhog saw his shadow today, so we get at least 6 more weeks of this Eddie Haskell wanna-be jag-off

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    Klubble  about 5 years ago

    P2: “Survey says…clang….who cares?”

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  17. Luhm 2 27 10
    Mopman  about 5 years ago

    Damn – looks like I missed Steve Harvey’s floor last night, it’s duller than this storyline. But check out that hallway. Better bring your sunglasses!

    And speaking of checking out, I’m sure you’ve been dying to check out today’s issue of Mopped Up Thorp. Well wait no longer:

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    cholly3  about 5 years ago

    And uh,,,,since when is looking at an old tests unethical? College frats have had old exam files for decades. Gil should tell the teacher, “Great, I’ll reward him for being resourceful!”

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  19. Luhm 2 27 10
    Mopman  about 5 years ago

    This has been beaten to death by everyone for the past week, but note that even Steve Harvey says LAST YEAR’S TEST. If he was using the same test every year (because he’s a moron) wouldn’t he just say the kid gave Steve a copy of the midterm in advance? So again, WHO CARES? That is not cheating.

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    Irish53  about 5 years ago

    Maybe it’s time to engage ’Watha and the gang into giving Teddy the attention he deserves in the form of a blanket party

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    Snarker formerly known as Rube Whigham  about 5 years ago

    Teddy’s so stupid that he doesn’t realize that he is the one at the risk of suspension, or, speaking of beaten to death, of some Gil discipline…

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