Tom the Dancing Bug by Ruben Bolling for March 27, 2020

  1. Img 20230721 103439220 hdr
    kaffekup   almost 5 years ago

    It’s not quite that bad. I still see people out walking, by themselves. And most people don’t want their dogs and mine to sniff each other.

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  2. Coyote
    eromlig  almost 5 years ago

    Well done, Ruben.

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    sevaar777  almost 5 years ago

    But, but, but, the economy must take precident according to the Orange Dotard
 So get out there cartoon characters and do your patriotic duty bringing those sacred dollar bills home, for as long as you last

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  4. Orange bird 2
    drycurt  almost 5 years ago

    Contrary to “Family Antix”, I actually see many more people, families and couples, outside and strolling the neighborhood than ever in the many years I lived here.

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  5. Out little avatar
    dadoctah  almost 5 years ago

    “Terrorists destroyed the World Trade Center, killing thousands.”

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    ozed  almost 5 years ago

    That last panel’s surely for the benefit of future readers, when all this has passed into memory but people like me still peruse the back-catalogues of the good comics.

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    jvo  almost 5 years ago

    In two short weeks the number of infections increased 50 fold and the number of deaths more than 30 fold. In two weeks time there will be millions infected and tens of thousands dead if the epidemic is not slowed down

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    J Quest  almost 5 years ago

    Very poignant, Mr. Bolling.

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    masingermo  almost 5 years ago

    Hell, where I live there’s just as much traffic on the road as ever around here. In fact, the stores may be even more crowded than usual since people’s businesses are closed. It’s going to take people dying for anyone around here to change behavior, and most of them still won’t do so because they’re convinced COVID-19 is a liberal plot.

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    Aaronious  almost 5 years ago

    I work for an essential business so my daily life hasn’t changed, except commute times are cut by 2/3 the time it usually takes me to get home from work, so there’s an upside.

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    Broacher  almost 5 years ago

    “Start packing your bags
”If only we all followed the examples of the rich and powerful and abandoned our city homes for our country bunk- – er, I mean estates. Likewise the leadership displayed by Senators quietly selling their stock portfolios before that all hit the fan.Leadership by example, right?

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    shw123  almost 5 years ago

    Ruben should have titled that last one “At the White House with L’il Donnie.” That’s L’il Donnie working on ways to help the country survive a world pandemic. And in the other room, that’s Mnuchin conferring with Ivanka as per how much bailout money her companies are going to be needing. L’il Donnie will take a picture of his wall doodle and show it at the next press conference as a way to help us all relax. He’ll add, “See, I’m still doodling on the walls over at my big white house just like I did before the mean virus showed up. Y’all should try it over at your houses, since you’re now trapped in ‘em. Look how calm it makes me. Sorry I don’t know nothin’ about pandemics. But then again, nobody else knew either. If they had, they woulda told me, right. And I didn’t break that lamp either!”

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    shw123  almost 5 years ago

    Forgive me – I got my Li’l wrong!

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  14. Pirate63
    Linguist  almost 5 years ago

    The Orange Maroon and Murdoch’s minions at Fox care more about ratings than people.

    As long as the Emperor of Lies can retain power, it doesn’t matter how many sicken and die – so long as those afflicted are in states voting Democrat!

    Let the Nation’s Number One Narcissist have his rallies with his throngs of adoring acolytes, in spite of the dire warnings of the scientist and doctors. Let him press the flesh with the fanatics 
 and then fervently pray that Nature takes its revenge on their hubris and stupidity!

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  15. Pirate63
    Linguist  almost 5 years ago

    This actually looks like my city in the afternoon.

    They’ve imposed a curfew from 2 pm to 5 am in Ecuador. By 2:05 pm the neighborhood is like a ghost town. Everything is shut down and it is very, very quiet. Even the dogs aren’t barking.

    Folks here are taking this pandemic very seriously.

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    if6was9  almost 5 years ago

    Ha! “Nutso Kaputo” at his peak. :-)

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  17. Galaxian
    sixam  almost 5 years ago

    How come there wasn’t any social distancing and shelter in place during the H1N1 pandemic?

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  18. Packrat
    Packratjohn Premium Member almost 5 years ago

    A statement on current events? Funny, almost, but we went hiking “Down Yonder Way” last week, thinking the trails would be deserted. Wrong. Never saw so many people with the same idea!

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    BiggerJ  almost 5 years ago

    More hopeful than you’d think – at least they’re not the strips that announced both 9/11 and 11/9 (aka the Trump election victory).

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    Super Fly  almost 5 years ago

    Yeah, but there’s yellow tape wound around the playground, the swings are off-limits, and the basketball court is closed.

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    charleswott  almost 5 years ago

    I love the joke here, but you know, I’d really like to see a “Nutso Kaputo” cartoon.

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