Heart of the City by Steenz for May 17, 2020

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    codycab  almost 5 years ago

    This animation will always be missed.

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    some idiot from R'lyeh Premium Member almost 5 years ago

    This, I think, marks the final apperance of Mr. Tatulli’s byline in this strip.

    It was a fun ride, though I’m enjoying Steenz’ take on the character.

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    droosan Premium Member almost 5 years ago

    Indeed it was a fun ride .. and, I’m likewise agreed on Steenz’ Heart of the City.

    I’ve enjoyed HotC for the past 18 years .. and I’m looking forward to at least 18 more..!

    Best wishes to you, Mr. Tatulli .. and many thanks..!

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    Barb Dosco  almost 5 years ago

    Like this much better!

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    fudominic355  almost 5 years ago

    This feels like a reference to the change in the art style and author

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    Doctor Toon  almost 5 years ago

    I do agree that the comic is still good and I really don’t have a problem with the new art for what it is

    My problem is that even with the changes Mark made in his art style recently, the characters were recognizable

    The new art is so far off that I could hardly tell who was supposed to be who for the first few days

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    janlovenduski  almost 5 years ago

    I have loved Heart for years. I will miss the art work. But best wishes to the new writer.

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    The Legend of Brandon Sawyer  almost 5 years ago

    Thank you Mark For all your hard work

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    Eric Sobocinski Premium Member almost 5 years ago

    I always appreciated Tatulli’s ability to weave depth of meaning into the strip, whether in the dialog or in nuances of expression. I haven’t yet seen that in the Steenz reboot. It’s still early for her, and maybe she’ll find a way, but she has big shoes to fill.

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  10. Durak ukraine
    Durak Premium Member almost 5 years ago

    Very clever. You gotta work on your timing though ;)

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    stringer831  almost 5 years ago

    There are a number of subtle touches in this specific strip that I love, but that people who aren’t familiar with Philadelphia wouldn’t get.

    First of all, Heart and her mother are discussing change while walking on Pine Street—-Philadelphia’s “Antiques Row”. In other words, “out with the old/in with the new”.

    Another nice touch is the blue, vintage “Inquirer” box. The “Philadelphia Inquirer” is the local paper that publishes “Heart”. Current “Inquirer” boxes are white.

    Thank you, Mr. Tatulli.

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    Jefano Premium Member almost 5 years ago

    By this point Steenz is doing well enough that I expect to keep reading, while I would probably never even have picked up her version if it were launched as a new strip (which, let’s face it, in effect it is). I hope the benefit of getting hundreds of extra eyes on her work from Day 1 has been worth the inevitable invidious comparisons of her strip to that of her accomplished and beloved predecessor!

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    miafiori  almost 5 years ago

    I want the old heart back

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    Godzilla2016  almost 5 years ago

    I forgot what I was gonna say. But I feel like this strip said it for me.

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  15. John wayne
    micsal Premium Member almost 5 years ago

    Mark should have bagged doing LIO instead. the changes don’t work. Also this also explains why Schultz didn’t allow Peanuts to continue. He did not want and changes made to the chactors OR the way they HE drew them.

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    Josieq  almost 5 years ago

    Even how we look can change!

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    James Gifford Premium Member almost 5 years ago

    So… Is MT going to continue drawing Sundays?

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    Ib12us  almost 5 years ago

    To all the haters of Steenz if you can’t respect Mark Tatulli decision here then your doing nothing but disrespecting that decision. So quit your gripping and move on because he chose Lio who in a lot of respects gives him more freedom than Heart would allow.

    Steenz offers a new prospective and I appreciate her for that. For some the old Heart represented your security blanket. It’s like hearing about the good old days. The problem is that the good old days were nothing but youthful innocence that gradually went away as we grew up into the world around us.

    There really were no good old days except what we perceive it to be.

    Don’t like the artwork, fine, move on. Don’t like where the story’s going, fine, move on.

    Don’t like anything about it, fine, you made your voice heard now its time to move on because just like the day before to the day after tomorrow whether your here or not, its coming whether you like it or not as with Steenz’s version of Heart.

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    JCDaly  almost 5 years ago

    I’m sorry, is this the last Tatulli strip, or next week? I remember reading somewhere the date of May 24, but I don’t remember if that meant that was the date of the last Tatulli or the 1st Steenz Sunday

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    atomicdog  almost 5 years ago


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    kodipepper  almost 5 years ago

    I wonder if they posted this because of all of us who don’t like the new Heart comic.

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    ShadowBeast Premium Member almost 5 years ago

    And with this being the last of the Tatulli-strips, I’m done here. R.I.P. Heart of the City.

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    asrialfeeple  almost 5 years ago

    “The only constant is change” – Heraclitus. We have had a change of Heart, and not everyone likes it. However, we must deal with it. I, too, will miss this Heart, and her outrageous costumes, but am looking forward seeing what Steenz is going to do. Thank you once again, Mark, for the many years of fun with Heart & co. See you in the Lio pages.


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    mccollunsky  almost 5 years ago

    So this is the last Tatulli strip? I’m going to miss this style , but glad it existed and thankful for the years of enjoyment.

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    Guy Steele Premium Member almost 5 years ago

    A heartfelt thank you, Mr. Tatulli. Now, Steenz: RUN WITH IT! :-)

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    lindz.coop Premium Member almost 5 years ago

    I would continue to follow and give the new artist a chance, but Heart needs to continue to look like Heart and she didn’t even try. All comics change a little when other cartoonists take over, but this is way too drastic…call it something else.

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    Decepticomic  over 3 years ago

    I’m ok with the new art style, but this Addy is still the best Addy.

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    benjnavarro28  over 2 years ago

    This strip is about COVID right? Why is “change is good” the message of this strip when the changes Heart talks about were really not good?

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