Dick Tracy by Mike Curtis and Charles Ettinger for March 25, 2011

  1. Bill 1960
    Vista Bill Raley and Cometā„¢  almost 14 years ago

    Good morning allā€¦

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  2. Bren suit
    FLIGHT SUIT  almost 14 years ago

    And over on Comics Kingdom, Fly-Faceā€™s jacket is still green.

    What a sorry state of affairs it is when we have to leave this site just to find a discrepancy. If Locher was still in charge, Fly-Faceā€™s whole outfit would change colors and styles from one panel to the next.

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  3. Emerald
    margueritem  almost 14 years ago

    How did they work that tidal wave thing?

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    Can't Sleep  almost 14 years ago

    Wait ā€“ What? The FBIā€¦? I thought only the CIA fell for scams that that.

    Nuts! Now Iā€™ve got to wait another 24 hours for the next strip!!

    This is how adventure strips should be - thanks, guys!

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  5. Fearless 2
    thejensens  almost 14 years ago

    You can still see the daily strips in B&W.

    Go comics emails me Dick Tracy everyday. Now, when I open the email, the strip is in B&W. When I click on ā€œadd commentā€, it takes me to this page where the strip is now in color.

    So, if you have bookmarked this page and go directly to it, then all you will see is the color version.

    When I signed up for gocomics, at that time they send you on comic for free daily.

    But, I donā€™t get Dick Tracy emailed to me until about noon hour.

    So like you, I go directly to the comment page.

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  6. Fearless 2
    thejensens  almost 14 years ago

    One question for all you posters -

    Dick Tracy has mainly been a guy thing, but are there any ā€œGalsā€ out there that are reading Dick Tracy and are part of the group posting comments????

    P.S. - Good Morning to you too - Vista Bill!!!!

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  7. Bakuman kato
    Tarry Plaguer  almost 14 years ago

    Well Safeway674, I know a ā€œGalā€ that is inking it. (grin)

    Flight Suit. Since the creators of the strip arenā€™t coloring the dailies, even if Locher was still doing the strip, you couldnā€™t blame him for the color changes. Shelley wasnā€™t aware that the strip was going to have the Dailies colored, and she didnā€™t ink them with that in mind. She isnā€™t changing her current inking to adapt to it either. All strips, except the Sunday, are inked as B&W. The Sunday, and ONLY the Sunday, is colored by Shane Fisher.

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    OldTracy  almost 14 years ago

    Iā€™m getting whiplash from the speed of this story. This would have taken a month to get here before. .

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  9. Helix.arf
    ARF2  almost 14 years ago

    Comicstrip Nation is carrying the daily Tracys in Glorious Black and White. http://www.comicstripnation.com/dick-tracy/index.html

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  10. 53c218d0907c012ee3c400163e41dd5b
    Lorelei5  almost 14 years ago

    safeway674, Iā€™m a gal and Iā€™ve been reading Dick Tracy comics for years. At the age of about 8 or 9 I went through a detective phase (still havenā€™t grown out of it!). During that time I found a couple of reprints of some Max Allan Collins stuff, then when the DT reprint collections came out, Iā€™ve started collecting them.

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  11. Image
    Det.DanDone  almost 14 years ago

    Apparently Locher Auditorium is not a smoke free establishment.

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  12. Oddball
    Morrow Cummings  almost 14 years ago

    I know a buncha ā€œgalsā€ who read and post regularly here. Except, theyā€™re ladies!

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  13. Tracy
    coratelli  almost 14 years ago

    Another wonderful strip!!!

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  14. Poodlesuit2
    El-Buzz  almost 14 years ago

    Been following this strip since the 50ā€™s. I once made a pilgrimage to the Jewish Museum in NYC, then across the river in NJ, to view original art boards by Chester Gould (among other cartoonist heroes of mine). I watched with sadness as the last permutation of this strip withered and died, but honor the former team all the same. Gould is looking down from Illustrator Paradise with a large grin of satisfaction today. Todayā€™s panel two: model sheet for Tracy in profile. I have spent my life trying to preach that cartoon illustrators are as relevant as any working artists on the planet. Staton & Curtis: thanks, maestros. And a tip oā€™ the yellow fedora to GoComics.

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    WaitingMan  almost 14 years ago

    Go away bad color.

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  16. Drmid nite head
    Dr. Midnight  almost 14 years ago

    Overall, I prefer the GoComics coloring to the Comics Kingdom versionā€¦ it is a little less garish. I think Sam would have looked better if he stayed in Black and White, thoughā€¦

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    dag8686 Premium Member almost 14 years ago

    I think Obama needs to start another ā€œNo Fly Zone.ā€

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  18. Maxine
    Maxine_Viller  almost 14 years ago

    This gal started reading Dick Tracy back in the early 70s.

    Itā€™s so good to see it looking great again!

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    LittleRedDress  almost 14 years ago

    Jim Trailer? Now thereā€™s a name from the past! Guess weā€™ll be seeing him shortly as tracy sorts out the answers to this current dilemma. And thanks, Arf, for the link to the ComicStripNation site. I like these strips in black and white and best of all theyā€™re tabloid-sized and offer a lot more detail. Thanks also to you, Mr. Pleger, for your insight into Shelleyā€™s contribution to this strip. Itā€™s definitely a team effort and it shows every day!

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  20. Josette   13 march 2016   c
    Bill Thompson  almost 14 years ago

    ARF2, thank you for the Comicstrip Nation link. The size they use shows details much more clearly and is easier on my eyes. I prefer the uncolorized image, too (who picked that skin shade for Gocomics? The same people who make ā€œfleshā€ colored band-aids?)

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  21. Img 0423
    willamp  almost 14 years ago

    I know the colors a little controversial but I love seeing D.T. in his yellow fedora and coat. After too years of not seeing it.

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  22. Avatar
    motiontoast  almost 14 years ago

    Yay! Jim Trailer returns!

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  23. Emerald
    margueritem  almost 14 years ago

    Lady here, been with Tracy since the 50s.

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    Clevite Kid Premium Member almost 14 years ago

    +1 for the colorized version, and the bright yellow coat and fedora on our restored hero.

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    jpozenel  almost 14 years ago

    Color gooood.

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    CyberV  almost 14 years ago

    Iā€™m extremely impressed. In less than 2 full weeks, weā€™ve had the return of Chief Patton, Liz returned to the beat, villains introduced, Tracy confronting them, AND a cameo by one of the Shadowā€™s supporting characters.

    Wow. Justā€¦ WOW.

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    dakota_jones  almost 14 years ago

    It has been a wild ride! This has been the greatest Tracy in 20 years, in my view!

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  28. Mr peanut
    leakysqueaky712  almost 14 years ago

    margueritem said, about 4 hours ago

    Lady here, been with Tracy since the 50s

    Marg, Biblically speaking??

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  29. Large tv test pattern  color
    Lyons Group, Inc.  almost 14 years ago

    Guys (and gals also), get over this color thing by next week. Because if I read anymore of thisā€¦well, you know what happen to Frog Applause.

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  30. Odd spots 002
    sydney  almost 14 years ago

    What ā€˜happenedā€™ to Frog Applause ?

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  31. Cookie close
    Saucy1121 Premium Member almost 14 years ago

    Iā€™m also a gal. I can remember my Dad reading Dick Tracy to me before I was old enough to read (about 4). Once I could read, I read it myself as long as it was in the local paper.

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  32. Josette   13 march 2016   c
    Bill Thompson  almost 14 years ago

    scuttlebutt99, we used to complain about the art and writing, such as it was. Now we complain about what is done to the art against the creative teamā€™s intentions.

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    bbeyes  almost 14 years ago

    someone asked about the tidal wave sequence from the original gould story. it was yet again one of his great weather extravaganzas!

    daily black and white rules! why wouldya change this new teamā€™s intentions?

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