JumpStart by Robb Armstrong for June 23, 2020

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    Baslim the Beggar Premium Member over 4 years ago

    Hey, Robb, very cool! I did not know it was not Edison who made the carbon filament.

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    charliefarmrhere  over 4 years ago

    Reading about Edison, it appears he may have borrowed quite heavily (stolen?) from the works of other inventors, & I believe a British inventor was ready to patent a light bulb but Edison beat him to it by a narrow fraction of time.

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    David Huie Green LikeNobody'sEverSeen  over 4 years ago

    “I shall rewrite history however is required for the ice cream. You found my price.”

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    Rhetorical_Question   over 4 years ago

    Lewis Howard Latimer , American Inventor

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    gsawyer101  over 4 years ago

    Thanks Robb for the history of Lewis Latimer. Quick read proved very enlightening.

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    jpayne4040  over 4 years ago

    Do not ruin a compliment with facts.

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    jagedlo  over 4 years ago

    You would think Captain Ruiz would remember how much Joe was affected by last year’s patrol and ban him from any ice cream patrol duty!

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    Ellis97  over 4 years ago

    So much for a history lesson.

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    Aladar30 Premium Member over 4 years ago

    No one like an “I Know it All”. I know this very well.

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    delennwen  over 4 years ago

    How can they even plan an ice cream patrol in this summer of COVID? I guess, just like for the summer camp, we’re going to suspend our disbelief and still enjoy this usually realistic and current strip. I do enjoy it!

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    caffeinebuzzdsgn  over 4 years ago


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    ScretWitch  over 4 years ago

    Interesting. I had to google! – Lewis H. Latimer who created a light bulb with a filament made of the much more durable carbon. He went on to patent a process for efficiently manufacturing the carbon filament (1882) and developed the now familiar threaded socket (though his was wooden) for his improved bulb. Moreover, he wrote the first book on electric lighting, “Incandescent Electric Lighting” (1890) and supervised the installation of public electric lights throughout New York, Philadelphia, Montreal, and London.Latimer’s other patented inventions include such diverse items as the first water closet (i.e., toilet) for railroad cars (1874) and a forerunner of the air conditioner (1886). Source: https://lemelson.mit.edu/resources/lewis-h-latimer

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    yangeldf  over 4 years ago

    I believe Benajmin Franklin actually managed a prototype light bulb, but couldn’t keep it lit for a practical amount of time. I also recall Tesla made a BETTER light bulb after Edison got a bug up his butt and wouldn’t let them use his light bulb design to light the world’s fair. As it was said on Family Guy “look it up, Edison was a dick!”

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    RebelOConner  over 4 years ago

    actually, Antonio Meucci invented the telephone, and Joseph Swan the light bulb.Bell and Edison stole their respective inventions.

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    mikeywilly  over 4 years ago

    It’s great that Mr.Armstrong brings out the truth about a significant man. Keep up the good work!!!!

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    tonycom5 Premium Member over 4 years ago

    Bell did not invent the telephone. He had buddies in the patent office. Look up Antonio Meucci and Elisha Gray.

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