Somebody stole my new Pontiac convertible fifty some years ago while I was in a night club, and I still have dreams that I’m searching for my car in all kinds of place, and I never find it. But it’s never a new Pontiac convertible.
My dad once took Mum’s car to the store, and then couldn’t find his car when he came out with the groceries. He walked around a bit, and then spotted Mum’s car. He said he was about a half-step past it when his brain went from “What’s she doing here?” to “Oh, drat. I drover her car.”
Never ever has this happened to me. First of all I grew up when there was still gas attendants. The one place I went to a lot if he was very busy, he’d yell over you can feel it yourself and give the money to Dan inside. So many times I did as I was on my way to work. Today they’d have a conniption fit. But no worries anymore as we no longer have a car. I use Handyride (for disabled which is what I am since I am on oxygen 24/7)
Went to a basketball game with a friend last year and we met at a restaurant for dinner first. Carpooled to the game from there in his car, and afterwards he dropped me off at home. An hour after he left I realized my car was at the restaurant!
Templo S.U.D. over 4 years ago
well, at least Earl is getting his daily necessitated 10,000(?) steps in
KA7DRE Premium Member over 4 years ago
Or Earl could have driven off with the gas hose nozzle still jammed in the side of the car.
sirbadger over 4 years ago
I ran into this problem when I lived a half mile from work. I drove to work and walked home.
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace over 4 years ago
But at least the tank was full when he left it.
(Don’t you just hate to steal a car low on gas??)
rekam Premium Member over 4 years ago
Senior moments are like that, Earl.
Charliegirl Premium Member over 4 years ago
I think he’s just putting her on.
iggyman over 4 years ago
I get busy while shopping and often forget where I parked the car!
wse945 over 4 years ago
Somebody stole my new Pontiac convertible fifty some years ago while I was in a night club, and I still have dreams that I’m searching for my car in all kinds of place, and I never find it. But it’s never a new Pontiac convertible.
jagedlo over 4 years ago
Hoping for Earl’s sake that the gas station isn’t too far from the house!
jpayne4040 over 4 years ago
Uh-oh. I had a feeling I was forgetting something!
ole biker over 4 years ago
Don’t be mad Earl; it’s a beautiful day for a walk, (back to get the car).
e.groves over 4 years ago
I think Earl needs to go to the doctor for a check up.
Breadboard over 4 years ago
Next 2 questions Earl . Did you pay for the gas and then put it in ? Or does that also still need to be done ?
indysteve9 over 4 years ago
Zebrastripes over 4 years ago
Uh oooh!
Michelle Morris over 4 years ago
Well, THAT’S disturbing. Yesterday, the hearing, today, memory. Next up:worsening eyesight?
Durak Premium Member over 4 years ago
Don’t worry, Earl, it happens to the best of us.
sarahbowl1 Premium Member over 4 years ago
That absobluminlutely made me lol!
Grutzi over 4 years ago
This must be a quarantine thing. We haven’t needed much gas and have to keep an eye on it as well as remind our friends to try to start their cars.
Dani Rice over 4 years ago
My dad once took Mum’s car to the store, and then couldn’t find his car when he came out with the groceries. He walked around a bit, and then spotted Mum’s car. He said he was about a half-step past it when his brain went from “What’s she doing here?” to “Oh, drat. I drover her car.”
magicwalnut over 4 years ago
Yeah. The lockdown has left a lot of our brains full of noodle soup.
snappyboy over 4 years ago
His carbon footprint is getting smaller with each stride.
ForrestOverin over 4 years ago
“But, hey! I don’t want you thinking I’m a doofus or anything!”
bernhisel57 over 4 years ago
Memory is the 2nd thing to go. I forget what’s 1st.
Alberta Oil over 4 years ago
Now… which gas station was it?
zeexenon over 4 years ago
Do you need change for the bus? And don’t forget the transfer ticket this time.
zeexenon over 4 years ago
What?! The mailbox isn’t on the house? It’s not facing the correct direction. Or am I being non sequitur again?
BenKrone over 4 years ago
What happened to the house in frame two?
Plods with ...™ over 4 years ago
Gotta hate when that happens. I know I do.
iggyman over 4 years ago
Ok, I’ll say it “Dude, Where’s My Car”
kathleenhicks62 over 4 years ago
We live too far from any gas station for that to happen to me-thank goodness.
phboles over 4 years ago
Earl is welcome to leave his Studebaker at my place
whenlifewassimpler over 4 years ago
Never ever has this happened to me. First of all I grew up when there was still gas attendants. The one place I went to a lot if he was very busy, he’d yell over you can feel it yourself and give the money to Dan inside. So many times I did as I was on my way to work. Today they’d have a conniption fit. But no worries anymore as we no longer have a car. I use Handyride (for disabled which is what I am since I am on oxygen 24/7)
kenwarnerfordictator over 4 years ago
Come on Brian. This is at least the third time you ran this strip. It is really funny though. Something like this actually happened to me once.
Snolep over 4 years ago
Went to a basketball game with a friend last year and we met at a restaurant for dinner first. Carpooled to the game from there in his car, and afterwards he dropped me off at home. An hour after he left I realized my car was at the restaurant!
donwestonmysteries over 4 years ago
I think it’s probably time for Earl to quit driving.