Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for July 24, 2020

  1. Img 0910
    BE THIS GUY  over 4 years ago

    Only Texans allowed to cross the Red River are college football players coming here to get their butts whupped by the Sooners!

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    ajr58(1)  over 4 years ago

    The Texan died eating Rocky Mountain oysters, because the bull sat down.

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    Bob Blumenfeld  over 4 years ago

    Given his frozen smile, I wonder if this Walmart guy used to be an airline cabin attendant.

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    MichaelHelwig  over 4 years ago

    Now’s the time for the rednecks to get out their guns and chase this scum back to Wall Street.

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    swanridge  over 4 years ago

    So when is Texas finally going to secede anyway?? We’ve waited long enough!

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    GaryCooper  over 4 years ago

    I’m sure Denison and Wichita Falls have their own Walmarts. Their townsfolk wouldn’t need to cross the Red River to get to one.

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  7. Pirate63
    Linguist  over 4 years ago

    When I lived in Colorado, and later in Arizona, the first thing the locals would ask is where you were from. So long as you didn’t say Texas or California, you were welcome.

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  8. Catinma
    BeniHanna6 Premium Member over 4 years ago

    People would always scream and gnash their teeth when Walmart decided to come into their community in the past. But once it was there, boy did they spend their money there or what.

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    andygee  over 4 years ago

    The guy in the cap probably means Baja Oklahoma…

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    Troglodyte  over 4 years ago

    The man from Wal-Mart needs to attend a course on body language.

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    pngar  over 4 years ago

    I’m trying to figure out where they could be that’s closer to Tulsa than to any comparably major city, but still convenient enough to Wichita Falls that people would come there, instead of to OKC or Dallas.

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  12. Pupil
    Ka`ĹŤnĹŤhi`ula`okahĹŤkĹ«miomio`ehiku Premium Member over 4 years ago

    Wow. He belongs in a CarnivĂ le sideshow.

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  13. Froggy with cat ears
    willie_mctell  over 4 years ago

    “I walked from Dallas all the way to Wichita Falls.”—Blind Lemon Jefferson

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  14. Toughcat
    bakana  over 4 years ago

    “The man from Wal-Mart” is the Joker’s true origin story.

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    randolini Premium Member over 4 years ago

    I graduated from Denison High School. I lived in Cleveland OK east of Tulsa for 14 yr. but never went to Walmart. It’s quicker to run to Plano, Richardson or Dallas. He’s lying. I moved back and carried mail there in 84.

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