As far as I’m concerned, 2021 can’t come fast enough! But I intend to stay healthy until Election Day and to see if we can start, at least, vaccinating health care workers and people in high risk groups (the elderly, diabetics, etc.) with the general public later. So that in 2021, we can start reclaiming our old normal. COVID19 may have won this month’s battle (not to mention March’s, April’s, etc.), but it won’t win the war.
mattro65 over 4 years ago
Every day is a good day but some are better than others. It looks like they’re not having one of their better days.
AllishaDawn over 4 years ago
The only easy day was yesterday.
hammytech over 4 years ago
My Dad used to say “Wish in one hand and $h!t in the other and see which one gets filled”
gopher gofer over 4 years ago
they’d probably just give you vouchers to use toward a new purchase…
gokar n t fa over 4 years ago
Every day you wake up should be considered a great way to start the day!
uniquename over 4 years ago
There was an article in the paper (yes I still get one) yesterday, “Are these the Golden Years?”
sandpiper over 4 years ago
It’s called the age of adjustments, Frank. Get used to it.
1953Baby over 4 years ago
CHANGE happens. . .all the time.
GumbyDammit223 over 4 years ago
Hello, exchange department? Here’s my receipt. I’d like to exchange 2020 for a year that isn’t defective!
Northgalus2002 over 4 years ago
As far as I’m concerned, 2021 can’t come fast enough! But I intend to stay healthy until Election Day and to see if we can start, at least, vaccinating health care workers and people in high risk groups (the elderly, diabetics, etc.) with the general public later. So that in 2021, we can start reclaiming our old normal. COVID19 may have won this month’s battle (not to mention March’s, April’s, etc.), but it won’t win the war.
the lost wizard over 4 years ago
Can I take a raincheck on this year?
Richard S Russell Premium Member over 4 years ago
“Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That’s why it’s called the present.” —Kung Fu Panda
andersjg Premium Member over 4 years ago
Unfortunately, not all change is for the better.
Alberta Oil over 4 years ago
Your day.. depends on your credit, how you spend it is entirely up to you… and the best part is that tomorrow you get a new one to spend
[Unnamed Reader - c91c61] over 4 years ago
customer service would seem to be somewhat limited in that area.
tad1 over 4 years ago
Wish I could exchange 2020 for a better year.