Lio by Mark Tatulli for September 22, 2020
HULAFLIX Television: Yes! IT's another streaming service! OK, we have all the same movies and old TV shows as the other guys, but we have this ONE ORIGINAL SHOW you gotta see, right?! Do it, man! DO IT! Hey! Where'd ya go? You getting your credit card?
monkeysky over 4 years ago
If all the streaming services relying on exclusive shows aren’t careful, that book might be “How To Pirate Videos”
Templo S.U.D. over 4 years ago
wise choice, Lio… hit the books
Bilan over 4 years ago
I’ll wait for YouHulaFlix+ All Access.
rekam Premium Member over 4 years ago
You should turn the TV off Lio. Don’t waste your Dad’s money.
jagedlo over 4 years ago
Nice way of combining Hulu and Netflix…
Ignatz Premium Member over 4 years ago
I don’t watch any of them, just not interested. I can watch all the video I want for free, so why?
gigagrouch over 4 years ago
My dad used to tell me, “It has an OFF switch.”
Doctor Toon over 4 years ago
There are a few of these shows I would like to see, but I’m not paying for the service for one show either
Have 16 unread books in the queue right now, I won’t be bored
Michael G. over 4 years ago
Well played, lad!
Boots at the Boar Premium Member over 4 years ago
Sadly you can subscribe to all the streaming services, and still spend less than cable/satellite. I wonder how long that will continue to be true.
kathybear over 4 years ago
Bravo! Good choice!
willie_mctell over 4 years ago
I’m eagerly awaiting the shakeout when the vast majority are bought out or just fail.
Mary Sullivan Premium Member over 4 years ago
So true.
asrialfeeple over 4 years ago
Good choice! This is why I like DVDs. Once you buy them, they remain yours. Nobody who will remove content. A wonky connection won’t bother you.
Bicycle Dude over 4 years ago
I cut the cord five years ago. I told the cable representative that if I was going to be forced to watch the same old crap repurposed, it might as we be the original material watched over the airways for free instead of the single highest household expense, excluding my mortgage. My cable bill was more than my electric, gas and mobile bills combined, which are essential services. The representative still argued that the service was worth the expense.
tcayer over 4 years ago
And then AFTER you pay us $9.99 a month, we’ll add “Exclusive Content” and expect you to pay even MORE! Like having 12 channels of HBO, but they want you to pay more for HBO Max!
Schaller Handmade Knives over 4 years ago
I’ve given Lio some flak over all the mask preaching lately, but this one is spot on! Kudos!
henshaven Premium Member over 1 year ago
You rock, Lio!
Shirl Summ Premium Member 4 months ago
A thousand thumbs up to this strip…