Wizard of Id by Parker and Hart for November 24, 2020

  1. Bead braid p
    I Mad Am I  about 4 years ago

    Not much meat on the neck. Too many bones as well! I’ll stick with thighs! :)

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  2. Rick o shay
    wiatr  about 4 years ago

    That bird has to form a committee to decide which way it’s walking.

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    finkd  about 4 years ago

    Wiz must have crossed that turkey with a hydra.

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    SamuelMeasa  about 4 years ago

    This could turn out bad. Plug “Angry Turkey” into google or YouTube and ask what it would be like if they had more heads.

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    David Huie Green LikeNobody'sEverSeen  about 4 years ago

    “Good thing he doesn’t like drumsticks or you’d never catch it.”

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    tigerdg  about 4 years ago

    Yes, Wiz, but a lot more work come time for slaughter.

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    fuzzbucket Premium Member about 4 years ago

    Could you make a chicken with 27 wings?

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  8. Snake on a hat 2003
    BigDaveGlass  about 4 years ago

    A bit of thigh, a bit of breast, I’m quite happy

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  9. Aaue7ma zc xenyua1bytgbko1ro2ttnvgybg1s4xixqjg
    RaymondMoulton  about 4 years ago

    5 heads, still bet it’s not brighter than normal!

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  10. Sharknose
    SharkNose  about 4 years ago

    I remember seeing a comic or cartoon about someone who invented a turkey with 4 or 8 legs. Now that would be an improvement! :P

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  11. Cane immagine animata 0071
    Renatus Profuturus Frigeridus Premium Member about 4 years ago

    Does Rodney have a strong cold?

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  12. Giphy
    ericrgrant  about 4 years ago

    Messin’ with the genome. Frankenturkey.

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  13. Img 1612
    Zebrastripes  about 4 years ago

    Wow this gives a whole new meaning to a “hug around the neck” s (Make Turkey soup and throw them in

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  14. Abcd3
    redback  about 4 years ago

    people come with stuff like turkey stuffed with a donkey stuffed with a fish stuffed with a platypus and put it names like turdonplafish or something like that. Can you make one like that?

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  15. Millionchimps1
    tripwire45  about 4 years ago

    Dark meat. I love dark meat, Make some more of that.

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  16. Missing large
    geese28  about 4 years ago

    Typhon Turkey (for those who don’t know Greek myth, Typhon was a giant monster who had a hundred necks on his shoulders)

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  17. Pc200099
    assrdood  about 4 years ago

    I would prefer multi-breasted turkey

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  18. Profile msn
    vaughnrl2003 Premium Member about 4 years ago

    A true gobbler, with all those mouths.

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  19. Beer o clock
    Doug Taylor Premium Member about 4 years ago

    Time for the Three Legged Chicken Joke

    A man was driving along a rural road one day when he saw a three legged chicken running down the road. He was amused enough to drive along side it for a while, as he was driving he noticed the chicken was running 30 mph.

    Pretty fast chicken, he thought, I wonder just how fast it can run. So he sped up and the chicken did too! They were now moving along the road at 45 mph!

    The man in the car sped up again, to his surprise the chicken was still running ahead of him at 60 mph!!!

    Suddenly the chicken turned off the road and ran down a long driveway leading to a farmhouse. The man followed the chicken to the house and saw a man in the yard with dozens of three legged chickens. The man in the car called out to the farmer “How did you get all these three legged chickens?”

    The farmer replied, “I breed ‘em. Ya see it’s me, my wife and my son living here and we all like to eat the chicken leg. Since a chicken only has two legs, I started breeding this three legged variety so we could all eat our favorite piece.”

    “That’s amazing!” said the driver “How do they taste?”

    “Don’t rightly know, I ain’t caught one yet!”

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  20. Dvincent
    dv1093  about 4 years ago

    Would have been funnier if it were legs.

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  21. Th 9
    Count Olaf Premium Member about 4 years ago

    Deputy Cletus on “The Dukes of Hazard” was Rick Hurst, father of Ryan Hurst, Beta on “The Walking Dead”

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  22. Cw avatar006
    blakerl  about 4 years ago

    Sorry but Thanksgiving and Christmas have been banned. Also “anything not good for you” is now illegal, including “alcohol, caffeine, contact sports, meat, bad language, chocolate, gasoline, un-educational toys, and anything spicy. Additionally freedom of speech and freedom of choice, to include freedom of thought. Are now illegal as they are all bad for you.

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    n32816  about 4 years ago
    My mom always got “stuck” eating the neck and back. As an adult, I learned how yummy that meat really is – closer to the bone, sweeter the meat.
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    Cincoflex  about 4 years ago

    I think I’m more disturbed that he has a cousin named Cletus.

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    42ntson  about 4 years ago

    I’ve often wished chickens had four wings. (Yes I know that’s a turkey)

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  26. Mario500
    Mario500  about 4 years ago


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  27. Can flag
    Alberta Oil  about 4 years ago

    Enough necks on that one bird to satisfy 85% of Americans, breed one more and you have more than enough to go around with seconds for some.. although hard to imagine anyone wanting seconds.

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  28. Img 1610
    WCraft Premium Member about 4 years ago

    He and me both! Now, can you multiply the organs, too?

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  29. Pufnstuff
    s.gottlieb  about 4 years ago

    Cereturkey? Tiamaturkey? HydraTurkey?

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    Dr_Zinj  about 4 years ago

    What to you get when you cross a hydra with a turkey?

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    WentBrown  about 4 years ago

    I prefer the thighs.

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