Dick Tracy by Mike Curtis and Charles Ettinger for March 07, 2021

  1. Mmdash6
    Pequod  about 4 years ago

    The blue balloon secured at last. Pouch allows a grin

    To grace his face. So out of place. The hippy didnā€™t win.

    A gas-leak fake. The con did take. Auntie carried out

    Pouch, he does a little dance. Resists the urge to shout.

    Joy so brief. Thereā€™s no relief. ā€˜Tis Tracy at the door

    Smell the gas. For Pouch no pass. Troubled times once more.

    Plan defective. Great Detective suspects thereā€™s been foul play

    Pouch now low on options. Must elude the law this day.

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  2. Neil2009
    Neil Wick  about 4 years ago

    Good morningā„¢, investigators!

    As Tracy discovers the horrible smell, Pouch seems to be hiding in a closet or something. He doesnā€™t dare to move, because Sam is heading up the stairs towards him.

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  3. Large goat riddance
    Gweedo -it's legal here- Murray  about 4 years ago

    Good morningā„¢, frightened felons !

    Time for the Pouch to exit ā€¦. stage whatever is opposite Tracyā€™s position. That there is a gas ā€œleakā€ should buy him some much needed time to get out and be gone. I wonder if heā€™ll go out the side where Cheesy, Aunty and Oscar have cleared off to ?

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  4. Jeep head 02
    Ray Toler  about 4 years ago

    Great coloring today.

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  5. German typewriter detail small
    Cheapskate0  about 4 years ago

    I suppose the real positive today is seeing the look on Pouchā€™s face.

    Heā€™s been ambivalent toward Tracy in the past, though Tracy has gone to him for ā€œinfo.ā€

    We donā€™t know what Pouch does other than sell balloons, though we now know his balloons are ā€œinfo.ā€

    But for once, at least we, the readers, get to see Pouch in a real crime.

    Should be interesting how this turns out.

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  6. Picture
    JDBella  about 4 years ago

    Donā€™t light any matches or else,ā€¦.KABOOM!

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  7. Mrpeabodyboysherman
    iggyman  about 4 years ago

    Pouchā€™s expression last panel, wow!

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  8. Sherlock holmes gillette chose the pipe and deerstalker because they could be seen easily in the theater
    WGillete  about 4 years ago

    Love that final panel! His face lit by his flashlight, I love it. (And when Tracy goes downstairs will he find Aquariusā€™ business supplies?)

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  9. Thinker
    Sisyphos  about 4 years ago

    The Snow Show may soon hit the fan (to carefully mix metaphors) as the po-po (Tracy, Sam, and two uniforms) arrive along with Ms. Han of the DCFS/DFCS (whatever) for the pretextual Wellness Check on Auntie Peggy Bellum, who, by Stage Farce Artifice is not home right now. But Pouch is terrified that he and his ā€œgas leakā€ ruse may soon be found out! His joy at finding the Blue Balloon has almost instantly turned to stark terror.

    Random Thought: Although I do not expect this(!), would it not be a delightful irony if Pouchā€™s tinkering to set up and release his fake ā€œgasā€ odor had accidentally caused a real gas leak and a real potential danger of an explosion?!Ā 

    [P.S. I was offline most of Saturday with a computer glitch and have made an early Sunday-for-Saturday post there.]

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    Ken in Ohio  about 4 years ago

    Most of us are in agreement that the smell is only a smell, and not a real gas leak. Weā€™d better hope so, because I have read more than once that a door bell can set off an explosion in a house that is really full of natural gas.

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  11. Picture
    ERBEN2  about 4 years ago

    ! WOW ! What great images again today , and all of you are right about the last panel .

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  12. Test01b
    Lawrence.S  about 4 years ago

    Have we established if there is a real gas leak or not? Natural gas doesnā€™t smell, so a chemical is added to let us know if thereā€™s a leak. Did Pouch feed a real gas line in or just a canister of the chemical? And no one has thought to call the real gas company? They are the FIRST people you call. No one from the house is standing outside to clue in the police? Pouch can head out a back door with the police at the front. The real gas people will not be going upstairs to look for a gas leak (the line is downstairs, although theyā€™ll find Pouchā€™s tampering real fast when the go to turn off the gas at the meter) and Pouch can try and mingle with them as they go out. Or Pouch was actually running gas into the house (although that wasnā€™t what it looked like he was doing) and there will a glorious explosion ā€“ next Sundayā€¦ Monday ā€“ Saturday, we will have someone finally calling the gas people, see what is going on with Aquarius, Tiger, Auntie Bellum, Aquariusā€™s dad, Oscar, Cheesecake, Ty, and developments at Wildman Organicsā€¦ And next Sunday there will be an earth-shattering kaboom when the Uranium PU-36 Explosive Space Modulator accidentally ignites.

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  13. Durak ukraine
    Durak Premium Member about 4 years ago

    Whatever is on that balloon better be worth Pouch going down for B and E and causing the gas leak. Reckless endangerment?

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  14. Win 20201204 12 32 23 pro
    oakie817  about 4 years ago

    obviously he had a bean burrito for lunch and feels guilty

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  15. Image
    MuddyUSA  Premium Member about 4 years ago

    Well, Dick and Sam are back in the ā€œpicture.ā€

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  16. Morning cuppa
    Wizard of Ahz-no relation  about 4 years ago

    and for the BAD POLICE ROUTINE OF THE DAY they are there for an interview, 1) why do they have guns drawn? this is beyond excessive. 2) where is everyone-oh i donā€™t know they smelled gas and are standing out side?

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  17. Unnamed
    Another Take  about 4 years ago

    The Dumb Fā€™In Cop Squad (DFCS) finally arrivesā€¦


    2-SAM: Darn. Nobody running around in a scanty nighty. Ooops. Just kidding. Iā€™m not the Midnight Rambler who has everyone in my neighborhood closing their drapes at 5PM every night.

    3-DT: According to Tracyville Statute 9.570, an unlocked door is an open invitation to police. Letā€™s go in.

    4-SAM: I think old Mrs. Bellum might be strapped so Iā€™m going in guns out. And Iā€™m NOT referring to my huge biceps. DT: PEEEE YOOOO! COME ON SAM!

    5-SAM: It must be a gas leak! This time anyway.

    DT: OK TEAM! GAS LEAK PROTOCOL! It dictates that YOU ALL look for people overcome by the gas while I decide to either run for it or stupidly look for the source of the leak even though I wouldnā€™t have a clue as to what to do about it! Lemme think which to doā€¦

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    IvanB.Cohen  about 4 years ago

    ā€œThe lights are onā€ā€¦.1312 Bedwell has got to have one heck of an electric bill.

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    IvanB.Cohen  about 4 years ago

    In their haste to get out of a gas filled house, it didnā€™t cross Cheesecake and Auntie Bellumā€™s mind to lock up after themselves.

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  20. Picture
    IvanB.Cohen  about 4 years ago

    Hmmā€¦what happens next? Tracy and Sam back up out of the house and call a genuine gas company representative.

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    jmcenanly  about 4 years ago

    Does Tracy smell a real gas leak, or just the hydrogen sulfide gas that Pouch has been using to simulate one?

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    IvanB.Cohen  about 4 years ago

    House looks like it is on a isolated lot, no need to evacuate the neighborhood.

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    IvanB.Cohen  about 4 years ago

    Pouchā€¦.between a rock and a hard placeā€¦.decisionsā€¦.decisionsā€¦either get gassed or freeze to death in this oversized house. Unseen silent bubble coming from himā€¦.wishes now he should have stayed in his warm hotel room.

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    buckman-j  about 4 years ago

    Okay, it seems like two or three different people are writing this gobbledygook story. Where has this ā€œgasā€ been all week? What happened to Tiger? Good question on guns drawn for a welfare check. Geez I hope these ā€œstorytellersā€ meet at some point to end this tale. BTW, it was nice to see a Hall of Fame entry that didnā€™t end with ā€œEnd of Watch.ā€

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  25. Udog 1
    ScottHolman  about 4 years ago

    Pouch doesnā€™t seem happy to see Tracy. I guess they just donā€™t get along.

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    BreathlessMahoney77  about 4 years ago

    Funny they didnā€™t notice Pouchā€™s truck when they drove upā€¦.

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  27. Elguapo
    ChucklinChuck  about 4 years ago

    Tracy is wearing his fedora with the hatband bow on the right in todayā€™s strip. He wore his hat with the bow on the left when posing for the logo panel, I guess.

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