JumpStart by Robb Armstrong for May 30, 2021

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    joegee  almost 4 years ago

    You’ve got to admit; he has cited some references.

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    momofalex7  almost 4 years ago

    Bagpipes originated in the Middle East.

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    jimmjonzz Premium Member almost 4 years ago

    And then there’s…

    Meet Branigan, Fannigan, Milligan, Gilligan

    Duffy, McCuffy, Malachy, Mahone

    Rafferty, Lafferty, Donnelly, Connelly

    Dooley, O’Hooley, Muldowney, Malone

    Madigan, Cadigan, Lanihan, Flanihan

    Fagan, O’Hagan, O’Hoolihan, Flynn

    Shanihan, Manihan, Fogarty, Hogarty

    Kelly, O’Kelly, McGuinness, McGuinn

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    David Huie Green LikeNobody'sEverSeen  almost 4 years ago

    The hidden legacies of the Irish. Those leprechauns sure got around!!

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  5. Me sarcastic never 2
    alien011  almost 4 years ago

    Kilts such as this originated from a battle uniform? Maybe. But that design was actually created by an Englishman, who owned a factory in Scotland. The original design of the kilt was basically a lot of fabric covering the whole body. In a factory setting that was too dangerous, the fabric could get caught in a machine, injuring or even killing the worker. So he came up with the design of the “modern” kilt.

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    R.R.Bedford  almost 4 years ago

    All I know is as soon as I read “Irish pipes” my fingers began to run along an imaginary chanter, playing ’Danny Boy".

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    jagedlo  almost 4 years ago

    Don’t mess with a dude with a kilt…or you’ll end up being kilt by them!

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    Ellis97  almost 4 years ago

    And there are also British black folks.

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  9. Rugeirn
    rugeirn  almost 4 years ago

    The racist idea that one drop of Black blood makes you Black is one of the most tenacious racist ideas in the culture. It’s one of the very few racist ideas still widely accepted by people who are otherwise quite, and proudly, non-racist. We just can’t handle the idea of mixed heritage, even though that’s what most of us are.

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  10. Yakko
    TheBigPickle  almost 4 years ago


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    Lou  almost 4 years ago

    This is for all of you music nerds out there…

    Q- What’s the definition of Perfect PitchA – Throwing a bagpipe into a dumpster without hitting the sides.

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    tremaine53  almost 4 years ago

    I recognize that guy! He’s the famous basketball star, Shaquille O’Mahoney!

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    buckman-j  almost 4 years ago

    Obama proudly became O’Bama for 8 years.

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    timbob2313 Premium Member almost 4 years ago

    So the Cartoonist is saying that Obama and LeBron are half Irish?

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    Petemejia77  almost 4 years ago

    Thin Lizzy!

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    oakie817  almost 4 years ago

    check out the snakecharmer on youtube—-heavy metal bagpipe—-she rocks!

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    asrialfeeple  almost 4 years ago


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    Daeder  almost 4 years ago

    I expected @BlackIrish to leave a comment.

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    briangj2  almost 4 years ago

    Northern Europe sees the pipes in their better-known locations of Scotland and Ireland but also Scandinavia and the Baltic. They are a cultural feature also in Portugal, Spain, Italy, Malta and Greece. In Southwest Asia they can found in The Gulf States and Iran! Finally they are also embraced in North Africa.

    Each country has its own variations on the standard bagpipes and usually knows them by a different name. Just some of the different types of bagpipe around the world include the Biniou of France, the Pijpzak of the Netherlands, the Dudelsack of Germany and the Bock of Austria. As well as varying in name there are slight variations in the basic construction of the pipes that give each version its own uniqueness of its region of origin.

    In France the traditional bagpipe is known as the Musette de cour, and this is closely related to the small pipes in being a bellows blown instrument, while another French form of pipes is the Biniou, which has Celtic origins and is a mouth blown instrument in the vein of the Scottish pipes

    Germany has the Dudelsack, a traditional pipe that is very much like the Scottish classic pipes, while the Bock, an Austrian traditional pipe that is bellows operated and features bells, is one of the bigger pipes found on the European mainland.

    In addition to the Highland bagpipes – the version that we all picture in our minds – more traditional instruments such as the Northumbrian small pipes with their mellow tone and bellows operation, the similar border or lowland pipes and a number of now extinct but still interesting regional versions of bagpipes litter the musical history of the country.

    Worth a mention also are the Uilleann pipes, the traditional Irish version of the bagpipes still played today in Irish folk music, and a number of other derivations on the theme found in Ireland over the years.

    (To be continued)

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    briangj2  almost 4 years ago


    In Sweden, the Sackpipa – as it was known – remains sparsely and is a relative of the Highland pipes with just one drone.

    Latvia and Lithuania feature a very similar bagpipe type known as the Dudas, this being a simple instrument much like the Swedish one with a single drone. The Estonian Torupill is another variation on the theme and one that can have anywhere up to three drones, or as few as one.

    The Sakkipilli, or Finnish bagpipes, has been revived at the hands of enthusiasts and is undergoing something of a revival.

    The Volynka is a prevalent eastern European bagpipe that was primarily found in the Ukraine, but is also found in many areas where -the Slavic influence is strong.

    Romania and Hungary have similar traditional bagpipes, the Cimpoi and the Magyar Duda respectively, and these are unusual in having two chanters and a solo drone.

    Poland is very much bagpipe country with four varieties of the Koza played to this day in traditional folk music from the country, while Croatia has its own version of the Duda, again very similar in type to many of the pipes found in eastern European countries.

    There are at least ten types of pipes found in the Spanish regions and all use the familiar blowstick operation that is similar to the highland pipes, and all are variations on the theme with different pitches and numbers of drones.

    Italy has the Zampogna – this being the Italian name for a bagpipe instrument and which again covers a variety of different versions on the same theme.

    Two other southern European countries that still have a string bagpipe tradition are Greece, where a double chanter pipe without drones prevails, and Malta, where a similar instrument is played to this day.

    (To be continued)

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    briangj2  almost 4 years ago


    Turkey has a number of pipes that it can claim as its own, often referred to collectively as Dankiyo. These tend to be double chanter pipes without drones.

    Armenia and Georgia both have proud bagpipe traditions with their own version of the droneless device still being prevalent in local folk music today, and even in some of the Arabic states there is a tradition of bagpipe style instruments. Indeed, many historians point to pipes played by the Bedouin tribes of Kuwait and the surrounding desert areas as being possibly the oldest of all of the bagpipes family.

    An interesting point to mention is that in the state of Oman there is a modern tradition of playing a version of the Great Highland bagpipes, an instrument that is not found in the area other than as a ceremonial item. This is most likely a throwback from the links with British military.

    In Libya there is a widespread tradition of playing the Zokra, a double chanter bagpipe that bears some relation to those found in Greece and other countries in that area, and one that features – almost uniquely – cow horns as part of its construction. This traditional folk instrument is widely played even today, and remains a staple part of North African music.

    Notably, a very similar instrument is found in neighbouring Tunisia – the Mizwad, but the Ghaita, found in Algeria, is notably different from both of these and has its own unique attributes. Many have pointed to the tribal instruments played by many of the desert dwelling tribes as a possible source of reference for North African bagpipes, while others are certain that the instruments are in fact mutations of European versions.


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    DEACON FRED  almost 4 years ago

    OH I LOVE IT!! #44 is still in demand!! And Shaq isn’t shabby either!! BTW, I’m Irish on my mother’s side!!

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