Wizard of Id by Parker and Hart for June 07, 2021

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    littlejohn Premium Member almost 4 years ago

    Do the moat monsters need feeding?

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    Imagine  almost 4 years ago

    So, how much does crime cost now?

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    Doug K  almost 4 years ago

    What is the solution? How can the king bring the crime rate down?

    by not prosecuting crimes? “pretending” you don’t see any crimes?

    or changing laws so that almost nothing is a crime?

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    Farside99  almost 4 years ago

    Let them all out. They’re just poor misguided souls who only need a second chance to find their moral compass.

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    bookworm0812  almost 4 years ago

    Our local paper re-ran Friday’s by mistake.

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    cdward  almost 4 years ago

    Crime goes down when opportunities for the least financially stable go up. The safest societies are those that take good care of their poorest.

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    e.groves  almost 4 years ago

    Sounds like Oklahoma. We have to keep the private prisons stocked.

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    sandpiper  almost 4 years ago

    Many have the will to work for a living. Some have the view that stealing is working. If that view can’t be changed, stealing will continue to offer opportunity to part of the population, even though the risk/return odds put it on the low side of success. Endless loop.

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    wirepunchr  almost 4 years ago

    The Fink always disliked the competition.

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    blakerl  almost 4 years ago

    The solution is simple. Deport all criminals, to the Republic of Burundi the poorest country in the world. Don’t tell Burundi, just pay coyotes to sneak them across the border at night. Why not! Other countries have been doing it to us for decades.

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    geese28  almost 4 years ago

    Time for another “Purge”

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    Goat from PBS  almost 4 years ago

    The solution: no laws. You can’t break the law if there are no laws.

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    jango  almost 4 years ago

    Very interesting range of COMMENTS here today. In the 60s our penal system in US moved from being one of punitive to one of being rehabilitative. Not so sure we have found the solution yet!

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    me_the_polish_gull  almost 4 years ago

    I missed the old caption…

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    squireobrien  almost 4 years ago

    Too bad for Id. Fortunately, in the USA, crime has been going down steadily for decades.

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    PaulLeckner  almost 4 years ago

    George III emptied the jails in England, by sending the convicts to the colony of Georgia. After American independence, the Brits sent the convicts to Australia.

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    PaulLeckner  almost 4 years ago

    What a state!

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    GreggW Premium Member almost 4 years ago

    In the US the crime rate overall is down AND the prisons are overflowing.

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    Sailor46 USN 65-95  almost 4 years ago

    As long as you have laws, you will have criminals breaking laws…so the answer is…no laws!

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    elvisgirl3  almost 4 years ago
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