Michael Ramirez for July 02, 2021

  1. 20150712 095628
    LookingGlass Premium Member about 3 years ago

    Ever notice how the talk turns to financial irresponsibility when there is a Democrat in the Oval, from the likes of Mikey and his brethren???

    (O _ O)

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    GiantShetlandPony  about 3 years ago

    Fixing and replacing failing infrastructure is the responsible thing to do.

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    T Smith  about 3 years ago

    Today is the anniversary of the Civil Rights Act 0f 1964 — Republikans plan to commemorate it by celebrating the gutting the Voting Rights Act by ideologues on SCOTUS.

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    baroden Premium Member about 3 years ago

    Biden’s doing a fantastic job. Moving America forward while cleaning up Trump’s mess. The Republicans should be evaluating a retread right about now.

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  5. Mr haney
    NeedaChuckle Premium Member about 3 years ago

    Trump can’t remember the name of the guy who went to the Plant and Biden is the one who needs conservatorship? I guess Mr. Ramirez wants a Law and Auto president.

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    The Nodding Head  about 3 years ago

    The Biden is incompetent trope has traction only among the Low IQ but High Q crowd.

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    Zebrastripes  about 3 years ago

    Biden has more sense and sensibility than the whole party of “NO” !

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  8. My personal icon
    cocavan11  about 3 years ago

    Ramirez-the-Shill’s nonsense against the backdrop of the GOP Leadershit’s $2 trillion tax break for the corpocracy & the 1% weighs heavily on our wallets and purses, while we, the 99%, have to struggle to pay ever increasing prices for rent, for groceries, for mortgages, for transport, for health care, for even a glimmer of a chance to get a $15-per-hour minimum wage that landlords, grocers, banks, gas stations, and hospitals claw from us every single day. We are nothing more than neo-serfs to the greed, the rapacity, the venality, and the mendacity of the GOP Leadershit’s funding sources, i.e., the corpocracy & the 1%. Every day, in every way, daydreams of pitchforks, torches, scythes, lampposts, pillories, guillotines, and Tar & Feathers become more and more attractive.

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    tamrich59  about 3 years ago

    Absolutely scary to have him in the Oval Office!!

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    dandye  about 3 years ago

    Notice how FAST the talk about the 25th amendment disappeared when Biden was elected?

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    twclix  about 3 years ago

    This is simply vile. The psychopathic malignant narcissist cult leader gets a pass on his mental instability, and Ramirez is complaining about a competent, intelligent, careful, leader who truly has the nation’s best interests at heart.

    This is a sickness that these people have. A true mass delusional sickness.

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  12. Durak ukraine
    Durak Premium Member about 3 years ago

    I have no problem criticizing the president. They ALL need someone watching them, ALL the time. They’re just too powerful to be left unattended.

    But this kind of crap is simply ridiculous. Ramirez finally finds the balls to criticize the president, and it’s Joe Biden. Trump was the most rock stupid, inept, perverted man ever in office, and Mike finds the balls to slam Joe Biden.

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    rmfrye Premium Member about 3 years ago

    As compared to Mr. “Aced the Cognitive Test” and blew up the deficit? I think you’re the one that needs to be checked. Your memory is shot.

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  14. Celtic tree of life
    mourdac Premium Member about 3 years ago

    We just booted a classic narcissistic bullying lying sociopath from office, no outcrys from Ramirez on his mental/psychological demeanor.

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    piper_gilbert  about 3 years ago

    That probably seemed like a good idea to the people around Trump when he brought up ideas like nuking hurricanes and drinking bleach.

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  16. Marx lennon
    charliekane  about 3 years ago

    Old cartoon? Talkin’ ’bout the former guy?

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    brit-ed  about 3 years ago

    And what did psychiatrists say about trump? Dangerously narcissistic and intellectually subnormal. Biden is very normal in comparison.

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    Valiant1943 Premium Member about 3 years ago

    A whole team of psychiatrists as well as his own relatives had questions about Trumps mental status

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    StackableContainers  about 3 years ago

    I disagree, but at least this cartoon is topical and kind of clever. A rare commodity.

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    Patjade  about 3 years ago

    I think you have Biden confused with the last Occupant, Ramirez.

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    LakeBill  about 3 years ago

    He is already in the expert care of Dr. Jill.

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    MaryBethJavorek1  about 3 years ago

    What is financially irresponsible is to have buildings come crashing down on the residents, pedestrian bridges falling down, potholes in the streets, freeways coming down, etc. I would rather my taxes go for keeping the country well maintained than to have a corporation or billionaire get a fn tax cut. As for mentally questionable, check out the delusional one that thinks he’s moving back in to the White House in August, he has a lot of delusional friends that believe that $4!t too, some of them are fans of yours!

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  23. Lord flasheart
    Same2Ubuddy  about 3 years ago

    Great grandpa Biden does whatever his handlers tell him. And then he looks for little girls so he can sniff their hair.

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    ncorgbl  about 3 years ago

    Reagan tripled our National Debt, Bush2 tripled it again and tRump buried it. Every Republican/conservative presidency since 1929 has had a depression or recession, some had two. Conservatives have proved beyond the shadow of a doubt, that they cannot manage an economy or govern a country.

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    ferddo  about 3 years ago

    LOL, they had Trump take mental competency tests (and Trump gloated about it) because they were concerned about his mental capacities and fiscal irresponsibility… but alt-rights don’t think that’s the same thing when applied to Biden…

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  26. Aaue7md0b0rgomy9hp9uaorlfbrjkkwygrtne4ra1lnf
    JanaKralovna  about 3 years ago

    Snort. Remind me. Who was it who got all excited because he could recognize an elephant on a cognitive test? Who is it who has $400 million in personally guaranteed loans coming due? Glass houses.

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    kentmarx36  about 3 years ago

    Does anyone else get very very tired of The RepulsicanCrime Family’s distracting from issues by projecting their shortcomings onto others?

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    ndblackirish97  about 3 years ago

    But don’t dare ask Conservatives to hold the same standards as they call for Trump to run again in 2024.

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    RAGs  about 3 years ago

    To Kyrie Eleison and similar bigots, Trump, with Abbott grinning like a fool next to him, went on about the “cognizance” test he was given while in office. He claims he “aced it.” I have spoken with several health professional and been told that this is not a test you “ace”, it is a test given to decide if a person is competent to do things on his own or if he needs constant supervision. If he was given this test while he was in office it means that there were indications that he had dementia. That he brought it up again the other day means that there are still questions of his competency. He then went on Fox, with Hannity, and brought it up again. That is probably one of the reasons he gone on record supporting Carlson’s complaint about being “investigated by the NSA”. He needs deflection from actual issues.

    BTW; Tuckhead Carlson’s complaint about the NSA does bring up an interesting issue. The NSA only investigates foreign agents. I Carlson is complaining about his e-mails being read, he has no business e-mailing foreign agents. This is a bit like Trump complaining about being “wire-tapped” in his New York tower. He was renting at least one whole floor to a Russian organization, which the US Government may have had reason to wire tap. Maybe Trump was worried that his conversations with them were being recorded.

    One further thing about Carlson, Fox’s own lawyers told a judge that “only and idiot would believe anything Carlson says.”

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    flpmlp  about 3 years ago

    Why can’t he be removed from office? Oh, I remember, the Cackler!

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  31. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  about 3 years ago

    Big Lie criminal Trump should be put in prison.

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  32. Brain guy dancing hg clr
    Concretionist  about 3 years ago

    Questionable by whom? Financially irresponsible Says who? … (sighs).

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    grumpypophobart  about 3 years ago

    I’ll tell you who is mentally questionable. Got a mirror Ramirez?

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    apfelzra Premium Member about 3 years ago

    Biden’s “questionable” mental status pales in comparison to Trump’s idiocy and ignorance. Biden is just a little slower and softer to make a complete, intelligible sentence — something Trump could only do with a teleprompter (and even then, he’d sound like a robot).

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  35. Catinma
    BeniHanna6 Premium Member about 3 years ago

    Boy Mr. Ramirez, you sure stirred up one heck of a hornets nest. Typically happens when there is a bit of truth in the poke.

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  36. Unnamed
    Another Take  almost 3 years ago

    It’s strange how so many conservatives have come to the aid of Britney Spears. Well, not so strange in Matt Gaetz case maybe. He still thinks of her as pictured on her first hit album.

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    ncorgbl  almost 3 years ago

    Of course he’s describing tRump. The fact is that every Republican/conservative presidency since 1929 has had a depression or recession, some had two. Conservatives have proved beyond the shadow of a doubt, that they cannot manage an economy or govern a country.

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  38. Girlyman throw
    359mxn  almost 3 years ago

    Trump will be there before Biden.

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    billwog  almost 3 years ago

    LookingGlass, You ever paid attention to the reason for that?

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    JU  almost 3 years ago

    I think he already is.

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