JumpStart by Robb Armstrong for September 12, 2021

  1. 0438aab5 b754 4b25 b41d bb310caeac1d
    GirlGeek Premium Member over 3 years ago

    Iā€™m more shocked about the tab too

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    bryce.gear  over 3 years ago

    Looks like a crazed investment banker trying to drum up business for his commission.

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    david_42  over 3 years ago

    I was in grad school when I found out that my stock broker was using my buys/sells as investment advice for other clients. Online wasnā€™t a choice back then.

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    Ellis97  over 3 years ago

    Non fungible token? Now thatā€™s commentary.

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    jagedlo  over 3 years ago

    OK, write it downā€¦September 12, 2021ā€¦Marcus Glover ACTUALLY opens up his walletā€¦

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    Moron Goldtwit  over 3 years ago

    Do you have any soybeans

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    BullCityFats  over 3 years ago

    More a tulip craze than a gold rushā€¦

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    oldwolf1951  over 3 years ago

    I have never thought it was a good idea to invest in a product that had no physical asset behind it. Bitcoin has always sounded like a money pit to me.

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    Bruce1253  over 3 years ago

    Bit Coin is brought to you by the same people who tell you that the internet is full of happy people who only want the best for you.

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    The Wolf In Your Midst  over 3 years ago

    NFTs: Now you actually CAN say you own the Brooklyn Bridge! (You donā€™t, of course, but you can SAY it!)

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    contralto2b  over 3 years ago

    Finances are one area I almost have a nervous break down over. I put all my trust in other people. Itā€™s dangerous, I know, but I have used the same tax preparer for almost 40 years and havenā€™t gotten trouble with the IRS yet. My financial advisors are the ones my FIL used and my retirement advisors/investors are the ones my mother and sister use. I am sticking with what I know!

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    Charlie Fogwhistle  over 3 years ago

    They say you shouldnā€™t invest in anything you donā€™t understand. Thereā€™s a heck of a lot of people violating that principle with cryptocurrency investments.

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    William Bludworth Premium Member over 3 years ago

    What happens when a solar flare fries all communication satellites sending a surge through all the Internet connected servers running crypto-mining programsā€¦ ANDā€¦ the extra dose of cosmic radiation destroys all the backups (tape, disk, thumb drives, and igniting the paper tape backups)?

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    yoda1234  over 3 years ago

    Sorry, I like to be able to Funge my tokens when Iā€™m in the moodā€¦.

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    DM2860  over 3 years ago

    You should buy wheat futures. Then you can make a lot of dough.

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    captastro  over 3 years ago

    My older brother was all about making money and financial fads. I was an ordained Lutheran pastor and he kept after me to ā€œinvestā€ my pension fund with him. I was a ā€˜loserā€™ because I wouldnā€™t. Today I have a house that is paid for, medical plan, pension, my wifeā€™s pension and both social security checks. Heā€™s living alone in a borrowed apartment and furniture, no pension funds and only half his social security due to his walking out on his wife of 46 years at the age of 73. Thereā€™s a tortoise and hare story there.

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    mafastore  over 3 years ago

    China is planning to issue cryptocurrency as a ā€œcurrencyā€ separate from renminbi to make international trade in and out of China easier. Thought seems to be that other countries might do this also to make international trade easier.

    We have lived on U.S. bank accounts and Federal bonds and will continue to do so. We may never had a huge gain on our ā€œinvestmentsā€ but we never lost anything either. Husband quit his job at 54 and I work extremely part time in the last of 2 accounting practices and we get by fine ā€“ almost 15 years on now. We donā€™t live lavishly ā€“ never been out of the country other than to Canada and Mexico and never will be ā€“ but we are not starving either, house paid off before he quit his job. We take car trips around the NE US when we take trips. Donā€™t feel deprived as we have a great time together. The security of knowing we would/will not lose the assets we have is all we need and that would be lacking in anything unsecured.

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