I had a Galaxy Note with the Stylus and hand writing recognition – I would watch in amazement as it correctly deciphered the scrawl of my hand writing and in horror as it would change it to a totally different word (eventually found the stupid option to always auto correct)
Yesterday I was looking for a plumber to get a quote on some bathroom remodeling. I am so glad I checked my search before hitting enter. I almost entered a search for “roto-tooter”. I don’t even want to know what would have resulted from that query.
I fully understand Brutus’s plight. My Cell Phone and Computer think they know me and what’s best for me at times. I can make my own mistakes just fine by myself, thank you. I don’t need any help doing it. Darn these new fangled inventions…..
I have the same problem with my comments. I do check it 2 or 3 times before I hit the button, but I come back later and cringe at what I posted. It changes the whole meaning when you leave out a ‘not’.
Don’t worry Brutus, most of the people you would be sending text messages to probably can’t spell either. That is except for Veeblefester, but that’s OK because he has you on autodelete.
My son gave me a smart phone for Christmas. I’m 70 and he said I wouldn’t be able to figure it out.. Well I call it a smart a$$ phone ;-) I am figuring it out little by little.
dadthedawg Premium Member over 3 years ago
It makes me look illiterate…..
Renatus Profuturus Frigeridus Premium Member over 3 years ago
Brutus’ device must be the same model I own
wjones over 3 years ago
It’s 2021 and you still don’t have a smart phone.
LookingGlass Premium Member over 3 years ago
You have to remember Brutus, your “smart” phone is only “smart” as the person using it!!
wiatr over 3 years ago
I rely on me. If I’m not sure I refer to my dictionary.
PoodleGroomer over 3 years ago
AutoCorrupt. It takes one more stab at it and you after you hit send.
amethyst52 Premium Member over 3 years ago
Pay attention and edit before you hit send
John M over 3 years ago
I had a Galaxy Note with the Stylus and hand writing recognition – I would watch in amazement as it correctly deciphered the scrawl of my hand writing and in horror as it would change it to a totally different word (eventually found the stupid option to always auto correct)
GROG Premium Member over 3 years ago
I think I know that feeling.
pathamil over 3 years ago
Owed to the Spell Checker
I have a spelling checker—
It came with my PC.
It plane lee marks four my revue
Miss steaks aye can knot sea.
Eye ran this poem threw it,
Your sure reel glad two no
It’s vary polished in it’s weigh,
My checker tolled me sew.
A checker is a bless sing,
It freeze yew lodes of thyme.
It helps me right awl stiles two reed,
And aides me when aye rime.
To rite with care is sure a feet
Of witch won should be proud.
And wee mussed dew the best wee can,
Sew flaws are knot aloud.
And now bee cause my spelling
Is checked with such grate flare,
Their are know faults with in my cite,
Of none eye am a wear.
Each frays come posed up on my screen
Eye trussed to bee a joule
The checker poured o’er every word
To cheque sum spelling rule.
that’s why aye brake in two averse
By righting wants too please.
Sow now ewe sea why aye dew prays
Such soft wear for pea seas!
Jeff0811 over 3 years ago
Yesterday I was looking for a plumber to get a quote on some bathroom remodeling. I am so glad I checked my search before hitting enter. I almost entered a search for “roto-tooter”. I don’t even want to know what would have resulted from that query.
Michael G. over 3 years ago
You might learn to read and write your language.
Chris over 3 years ago
sounds like my families cellphones.
gopher gofer over 3 years ago
my phone is equipped with auto don’t give a damn…
nosirrom over 3 years ago
I’m all thumbs when it comes to texting. I know how to spell the words but my thumbs don’t. If I don’t use my stylus mu tects wiuld be umresdablr.
djtenltd over 3 years ago
Smart phones do tend to do that from time to time. That’s why you have to check your spelling before you sent messages.
Charlie Fogwhistle over 3 years ago
My phone kept doing that and I finally figured out how to turn that feature off. There are still occasional misspellings, but nothing like before.
comixbomix over 3 years ago
I’ve always referred to it as “autoblunder”.
raybarb44 over 3 years ago
I fully understand Brutus’s plight. My Cell Phone and Computer think they know me and what’s best for me at times. I can make my own mistakes just fine by myself, thank you. I don’t need any help doing it. Darn these new fangled inventions…..
nednewbie over 3 years ago
Yeah, I mis-type a word once, and somehow Autocorrect thinks that’s the right word :-D
Iseau over 3 years ago
I resemble that remark!
suelou over 3 years ago
Mine has "auto change the whole word " to something that makes no sense at all !… misspellings I could deal with!
cuzinron47 over 3 years ago
I have the same problem with my comments. I do check it 2 or 3 times before I hit the button, but I come back later and cringe at what I posted. It changes the whole meaning when you leave out a ‘not’.
Plods with ...™ over 3 years ago
Mis spell them long enough and spell check thinks that is the correct spelling
Buckeye67 over 3 years ago
Don’t worry Brutus, most of the people you would be sending text messages to probably can’t spell either. That is except for Veeblefester, but that’s OK because he has you on autodelete.
RetFor over 3 years ago
It makes the changes after you hit send. It does it in order to make you sound alliterate.
GiantShetlandPony over 3 years ago
Depends on how much of a hurry I am to send the note/post.
rice69922 over 3 years ago
My son gave me a smart phone for Christmas. I’m 70 and he said I wouldn’t be able to figure it out.. Well I call it a smart a$$ phone ;-) I am figuring it out little by little.
Carlos the clown over 3 years ago
It’s not auto-correct. It’s auto-corrupt!