Lisa Benson for August 26, 2021

  1. Tf 117
    RAGs  almost 3 years ago

    Lisa is an idiot. Shrub was the one with the “Mission Accomplished” photo op long before the fighting was over.

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  2. Sammy on gocomics
    Say What Now‽ Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    Those evil socialist commie democrats want to make life better for the common people. The good capitalist republicans know that cutting taxes for the rich is the only way they can make their lives better.

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  3. Ddwiz avatar
    DD Wiz Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    Seriously? Lisa Benson is so uneducated and so uninformed that she does not even know that it was TRUMP who bragged as recently as June, six weeks ago that he had locked in terms that he that Biden could not get out of without restarting the war again?

    Lisa does not know that TRUMP is the one who freed Taliban leader Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar in 2018 after Obama had caught him and had him imprisoned back in 2010 and also freed 5,000 other Taliban prisoners so they could rejoin the Taliban and help in the final defeat of the United States?

    Lisa does not know that it was TRUMP who slashed the American support staff from 15,000 to 2,500?

    Dubya Bush was the one who started the war and let Osama bin Laden escape. Obama got Osama and captured Baradar. Trump was the one who freed 5,000 prisoners including Baradar and then negotiated directly with Baradar and locked in the terms of a humiliating U.S. defeat, along with sabotaging the repatriation of Afghan support staff because Trump advisor Stephen Miller didn’t want all those brown-skinned refugees.

    Biden is the one who inherited this mess and is turning things around to overcome a slow start and deliver an amazing rescue effort to evacuate tens of thousands successfully and safely.

    So far 90,000 successful evacuations in the last 14 days. Despite a slow start, with only 1,000 – 2,000 per day, Biden is now running 15-20,000 successful evacuations daily, an astronomical increase far exceeding the previous estimated maximum of 9,000 and an UNPRECEDENTED success.

    ALL AMERICAN CITIZENS who are registered with the U.S. State Department have either been evacuated or have been contacted with arrangements for how to get to the airport for evacuation. Tens of thousands of Afghans who worked as interpreters, cooks, drivers and other support staff have already been evacuated and many more are being successfully evacuated every day.

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    Kurtass Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    How many trillions did we waste in Afghanistan. What do we have to show for the money wasted in Afghanistan, nothing. Unless you count the dead and wounded. Now add on the trillions wasted in Iraq, and you have the 3.5 trillion that could have been spent here on Infrastructure. Shove it Lisa.

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    Judge Magney  almost 3 years ago

    Sounds good to me. And this money will do a lot more to benefit Americans than the trillions we spent on the Iraq and Afghan wars. Or the multitrillion Trump and Bush tax cuts for the richest.

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    suv2000  almost 3 years ago

    That’s Uncle Joe for you

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    Even Ammosexual works more than 10 to 4 Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    Well it’s Official, The President saved everyone. Move along nothing to see here.

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  8. Brain guy dancing hg clr
    Concretionist  almost 3 years ago

    Ms Benson is actually parodying Dubya and doesn’t even know it? The Rong wing ‘toons today are (so far, in the order I’m reading them) uniformly even less well composed and thoughtful than usual. Which is astoundingly hard to do, I would have thought.

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  9. Pat new 150
    Patjade  almost 3 years ago

    Lisa’s been taking Henry Payne’s drugs again.

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    My First Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    Love it when Biden runs away after press conferences now. His handlers won’t let him answer a single question about the worst foreign policy act in history. But go ahead and keep defending this idiot.

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  11. Celtic tree of life
    mourdac Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    I wouldn’t bless Ms. Pelosi but I’m thankful Kevin MqQarthy isn’t House Speaker. He’s proven incapable of accomplishing anything except keeping his lips affixed to the former guy’s posterior and parroting Alt-Reich/Q propaganda.

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    FrankErnesto  almost 3 years ago

    Lisa doesn’t mess with little lies.

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  13. Durak ukraine
    Durak Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    I don’t know about god blessing anyone, but I wish he’d put me in charge of the lightning bolts for five minutes.

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  14. Desron14
    Masterskrain  almost 3 years ago

    GOD FORBID that Americans should be spending money on things that will help EVERYONE, both Democrats AND Qpublicans! Why, that’s TOTALLY AGAINST Qpublican “thinking”, since they KNOW that ONLY the rich should benefit and get Tax Cuts, while “those other people” have to carry the burden.

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    rmfrye Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    Still having a problem with reality, Lisa?

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    The Nodding Head  almost 3 years ago


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  17. Lord flasheart
    Same2Ubuddy  almost 3 years ago

    Sleepy Joe then sniffed Psaki’s hair.

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  18. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  almost 3 years ago

    Right wingers are against progress, that was predictable.

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    WildChilde  almost 3 years ago

    The stupidity of this particular cartoonist beggars belief. I have decided she is no longer worth the time it takes to read her nonsense.

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    imbas5511  almost 3 years ago

    Democrat Trolls spreading Fake News

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    MuddyUSA  Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    @DD Wiz- Lisa are note that Fancy Nancy could care less about Biden’ fiascos in Afghanistan and Southern border, she and her loyal minions passed a pork filled3.5 Trillion dollar budget. More social programming funds!!

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    Iseau  almost 3 years ago

    Well it looks like Stumbling Joe has it all covered. The Afghanistan update about the “Troop Withdrawal, Civilian Evacuation, Troop Redeployment” in that exact order. The White flag signifying his administrations complete bungling of the Afghanistan pullout and Surender to the Taliban takeover. Blessings to Nancy for passing the horrendously bad and expensive infrastructure bill with no Republican support giving him full credit for its eventual failure. And of course the smiley face on his Commander and Chief Helmet signifying he hasn’t a clue what is going on. (Good Cartoon)

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    guyjen2004 Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    At any minute, ISIS-K will blow up people in Kabul outside the airport. Joe will blame trump and Psaki will say the mission is a success.

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  24. Blackhawk
    WittyWeasel  almost 3 years ago

    Good going there, Lisa !! Keep up the great work . . .

    Have you noticed how your paid Democrat trolls are getting more and more desperate and shoveling more and more liberal, horse pucky your way ?

    It’s like the more Biden and this " administration " are creating havoc and disaster for America, the louder and more unhinged his supporters are becoming . . . :-)

    They’re at they’re wits ( what little is left of them ) ends now.

    Keep up the pressure . . . we love you !

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    WildsidePhoto Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    It must be a miserable life you lead Lisa, having to wake up every day and see shit and demoralizing disaster everywhere you look. As bad as you make everything look, I’m in disbelief that you can even continue breathing.

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    Teto85 Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    Looks like Liesa had an extra bowl of stupid for breakfast this morning.

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    GiantShetlandPony  almost 3 years ago

    The war brought us a deficit. The infrastructure bill, with proper oversight, will largely pay for itself. Which is another reason to vote overwhelmingly Democrat at the next elections for quite some time. Republicans hate oversight, as it makes it harder for them to steal.

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    waltkamp  almost 3 years ago

    Looking on the bright side, at least we prevented Trump from holding a celebration of his “surrender agreement with the Taliban” (H.R. McMaster) at Camp David.

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    Bambihunter6  almost 3 years ago

    I am now pretty sure, having read the comments section here for a month or so, that Progressives need a psychiatrist for their delusional mental state or a guide dog for their blindness. Maybe both.

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    gcottay  almost 3 years ago

    Benson is a disgrace to nation and party.

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    Iseau  almost 3 years ago

    News just in Several Marines and other military wondered or killed in bomb attack at Kabul.

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    Iseau  almost 3 years ago

    Won’t be surprised if these suicide bombers weren’t ISIS pretending to be Afghans trying to escape the Taliban and where being aided by our military when they detonated the bombs.

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  33. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  almost 3 years ago

    The homeless crises could be solved for 20 billion.

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    Iseau  almost 3 years ago

    Old Joe was happy to take the credit for all the vaccination successes and you leftist lot sucked up and enjoyed it. Now take the heat or get out of the kitchen. As for Kabul, no cheering from us, just prayers for the wounded and dead. It was Joes and his administrations plan and they should take the heat for that disaster as well. And to all his loud mouth supporters enough of your inane rhetoric.

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  35. Fighting irish hood auto decal 2000x
    ndblackirish97  almost 3 years ago

    Poor Lisa. Conflating two false narratives. Our primary mission in the country was accomplished years ago. The secondary mission has been a complete failure but war profiteers aren’t complaining. As for Nancy, she hasn’t done a damn thing. The procedural House vote is no different than what happened in the Senate; smoke and mirrors from the Dems pretending they are getting stuff done.

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  36. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  almost 3 years ago

    When Reagan was president…

    Early on a Sunday morning, October 23, 1983, two truck bombs struck buildings in Beirut, Lebanon, housing American and French service members of the Multinational Force in Lebanon (MNF), a military peacekeeping operation during the Lebanese Civil War. The attack killed 307 people: 241 U.S. and 58 French military personnel, six civilians, and two attackers.

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    Iseau  almost 3 years ago

    To Zuhlamon I commend you an your ancestors for there service. Two of my family served in the War between the states, 1 died in service 1 returned to farming. And my Dutch ancestry dates back to the Revolution. That aside, your and the other commenters disrespect is why I addressed you as I did. Respect is a two way street you need to give it to get it. You both are lacking in that category. I do not know who the “YOU and YOUR” you are addressing but I am a Voting Republican if not a Libertarian and I love this country and it’s flag and would never disrespect it. You did not mention your branch or years of service in Vietnam but in your comments you reminded me of Vietnam vets I know who have many issues with government, military, political parties what ever. Don’t take it out on me or my beliefs. Your issues are not my fault and as I don’t know you, my concern either. You can take or leave this critique, I don’t care one Iota.

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  38. Benfranklin
    Bill.Franklin  almost 3 years ago

    Biden is worse than Bush (and Peanut boy Carter) at this point.

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    dandye  almost 3 years ago

    I believe DD Wiz stays up all night to be the first to jump into the Lisa Benson cartoon with the Democrat/Progressive talking points.

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    cdbro  almost 3 years ago

    The Biden administration’s withdrawal from Afghanistan has been a “f—-g disaster” of “epic proportions,” according to Rep. Seth Moulton, D-Mass.

    “The thing that everybody needs to understand, even if you completely agree with the Biden administration’s decision to withdraw, the way they have handled this has been a total f—-g disaster,” he said, as reported Thursday by New York Magazine.

    The administration, he claimed, “has created a disaster of epic proportions,” which should be investigated by Congress.

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    cdbro  almost 3 years ago

    MIKE POMPEO: We were clear with the Taliban that we had this understanding—but you were going to live up to it. And we had a conditions-based withdrawal plan and we executed that. We were down from about 15,000 to a little over 2,500. And for the last 13 months of our administration, we didn’t have a single American attacked or a single American killed.

    It wasn’t because of the piece of paper, that was the set of understandings. It was because the Taliban understood that if they acted against Americans and took on actions that were inconsistent with what they had promised to do, we’d respond and we did. We did it multiple times. When they pushed on us and the Trump administration, we responded with American power and American might, and we made clear to the Taliban that deterrence was going to be maintained. The difference was when the Biden administration came in, when the Taliban pushed, they withdrew. They showed weakness. The Taliban rolled it up. They put our military in an incredibly difficult position because they weren’t prepared to defend the conditions and then decided to withdraw when the conditions weren’t right.

    President Trump wanted to get all of our folks out. No one disputes that the right thing to do was to get these folks home. But we never found the conditions right to execute what President Biden chose to do. President Trump wanted everyone out from January of 2017. We never found the conditions right to be able to do that. So we withdrew from 15,000 to about 8,600 then to about 4,500, each time along the way thoughtfully making sure that we understood that we had deterrence maintained, that we had an order that we could protect Americans. And we did so every single day.

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    cdbro  almost 3 years ago

    Scheller, a father of three who has been in the USMC Infantry for 17 years, mentioned senior military leaders including Marine Commandant Gen. David H. Berger, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Mark A. Milley, whom he said are “supposed to advise.”

    “I’m not saying we need to be in Afghanistan forever, but I am saying, did any of you throw your rank on the table and say, ‘Hey, it’s a bad idea to evacuate Bagram Airfield, a strategic airbase, before we evacuate everyone’? Did anyone do that? And when you didn’t think to do that, did anyone raise their hand and say, ‘We completely messed this up’?”Scheller concluded by saying that service members did potentially “die if vain if we don’t have senior leaders who own up and raise their hand and say, ‘We did not do this well in the end.’”

    “Without that, we just keep repeating the same mistakes,” he said. “…I want to say this very strongly. I have been fighting for 17 years. I am willing to throw it all away to say to my senior leaders: I demand accountability.”

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    cdbro  almost 3 years ago

    Gen Milley actually had the audacity to say to the president it was far cheaper to leave $80 billion in weapons and ammunition in country instead of destroying it or having removed from the reach of terrorists. In other words, “Potential lives lost aren’t worth the expense” Nice, Milley, can we send your family to Kabul tomorrow so we can witness the hypocrisy when you spare no expense to get them out?

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    cdbro  almost 3 years ago

    And the hypocrisy of the Hypocraps continues….

    Update: Sheller was relieved of duty today. Simper Fi, Stuart!

    “To all my friends across the social networks. I have been relieved for cause based on a lack of trust and confidence as of 14:30 today. My chain of command is doing exactly what I would do… if I were in their shoes. I appreciate the opportunities AITB command provided. To all the news agencies asking for interviews… I will not be making any statements other than what’s on my social platforms until I exit the Marine Corps.America has many issues… but it’s my home… it’s where my three sons will become men. America is still the light shining in a fog of chaos. When my Marine Corps career comes to an end, I look forward to a new beginning. My life’s purpose is to make America the most lethal and effective foreign diplomacy instrument. While my days of hand to hand violence may be ending…I see a new light on the horizon.Semper”

    Biden praised for bravery, Sheller fired. TYPICAL

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    cdbro  almost 3 years ago

    How silly, it’s all Trump’s fault, what are they thinking?

    Two House Republicans are introducing articles of impeachment on Friday, arguing that Secretary of State Antony Blinken failed to properly advise the president and abandoned American interests in Afghanistan.

    “Secretary Blinken has failed to faithfully uphold his oath and has instead presided over a reckless abandonment of our nation’s interests, security, and values in his role in the withdrawal of American forces and diplomatic assets from Afghanistan,” reads the articles.

    They add that “[i]n direct conflict with the intelligence and advice provided by his own diplomats and the intelligence community, Secretary Blinken failed to advise and counsel the President accordingly and did not inform the Congress nor American citizens at home and abroad of the dangers.”

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    cdbro  almost 3 years ago

    So Biden’s accomplishments consist of easily reversing remain in Mexico (during a “plandemic” (per Cheeto Girl)), Keystone Pipeline, Paris Accords, etc… but when it comes to Afghanistan he now is bound by the previous administration? Hunter has some “Pollock-like” art for you to buy.

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    Rich Douglas  almost 3 years ago

    Political cartoons are funny when they’re based in reality. This is not.

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