And there was a young girl sitting in the occasional chair to the side of the desk. Probably somewhere between twelve and thirty, to narrow it down as much as possible. “Now that we are friends, we can do without the avatars and such. You can talk to me normally, if you want people to think you are talking to yourself. They cannot see me, after all. Or, you can talk to me as you just did, by making conscious conversation in your head. The currency of consciousness is different from the social currency you normally employ. I’m created from the workings of consciousness, and have no physical being at all. I’m a water spirit, a sprite, an elf, an elemental entity sprung from the unconscious mind of the world itself, as old as the world and tied to it until it is swallowed by its expanding star.” Amy quietly listened, as questions began forming involuntarily. Buried thought as social currency was the least of her questions.
Tuber or not tuber? What kind of question is that? It is easier for a russet to pass through the eye of a needle than it is for a golden tator tot to pass the pearly gates of plumage. I can do the mashed potato, I can do the monster hash, and I can even do the lame stomp boogie, but if I have to walk around with french fries in my pockets to pay for my Christmas gifts, waving a steak fry at the cashier and saying”This spuds for you!, do you have change?,” I’m going to lose it. I mean, what will this do to the average stripper? Is she going to slather herself in ketchup and have the George’s throw fries at her? What about the money dance at a wedding? I love a strong woman, but she’s gonna have to be a power lifter to stand the onslaught of Yukon Gold. And what of piggie banks? It’s gonna take me all day to stuff the mashed potatoes in that little slot. If I knew it was gonna be that kind of party, Ida’ put my butter stick in the mashed potatoes long ago. The futures so bright, it’s appeeling. My eyes! My eyes!
The Froglandian Space Agency has announced that it will belatedly be joining the Space Race, as some cartoonist (of all people!) has led to remarks about Sputnik, or something like that.
Stay tuned for further press releases from the Froglandian Broadcasting Initiative (FBI)….
[Irrelevant gloss: I like potato chips. Not so much poker chips.]
Howard'sMyHero about 3 years ago
The new craptocurrency …! Invest now and you will soon be rolling in golden tater tots …$
Randy B Premium Member about 3 years ago
Are these government-issued potatoes? Do they increase or decrease in value when they start sprouting?
davidob about 3 years ago
The love of money is the root of all evil.
FLIGHT SUIT about 3 years ago
My low-carb lifestyle is not compatible with this economic system.
*Space Madness at The Station* about 3 years ago
GNP….Gross National Potato
3hourtour Premium Member about 3 years ago
…let the chips fall where they may…
…another FA mash up…
…they aren’t called golden fries for nothing…
…potatoes do hold a current…
…your change back is…
…one potato, two potato, three potato, four…
…and that’s the true meaning of Christmas…
Nighthawks Premium Member about 3 years ago
potatoes as currency?
the eyes have it
descabro about 3 years ago
Why not? We’ve tried everything else.
The Old Wolf about 3 years ago
I love you , potato dog!
coltish1 about 3 years ago
Don’t tell anybody, but I’m planning a big Ore-Ida heist.
Zebrastripes about 3 years ago
They go around smashing and mashing, baking and or roasting, and to top it off they get creamed, buttered and ketsuped!
Linguist about 3 years ago
I can see paying spuds for duds …
Radish... about 3 years ago
Is huge celebration crypto potato!
Larry Miller Premium Member about 3 years ago
Be cool to see the potato eye floating above the pyramid.
Steve Bartholomew about 3 years ago
This actually makes a lot of sense.
Linguist about 3 years ago
“Goodbye Mrs. Durkin, I’m sick and tired of workin’.
No more I’ll dig your praties, no longer I’ll be poor.
As sure as my name is Barney, I’m off to Califarny.
Instead of digging praties, I’ll be digging lumps of gold.”
willie_mctell about 3 years ago
Are russets more valuable than Yukon golds?
Brass Orchid Premium Member about 3 years ago
And there was a young girl sitting in the occasional chair to the side of the desk. Probably somewhere between twelve and thirty, to narrow it down as much as possible. “Now that we are friends, we can do without the avatars and such. You can talk to me normally, if you want people to think you are talking to yourself. They cannot see me, after all. Or, you can talk to me as you just did, by making conscious conversation in your head. The currency of consciousness is different from the social currency you normally employ. I’m created from the workings of consciousness, and have no physical being at all. I’m a water spirit, a sprite, an elf, an elemental entity sprung from the unconscious mind of the world itself, as old as the world and tied to it until it is swallowed by its expanding star.” Amy quietly listened, as questions began forming involuntarily. Buried thought as social currency was the least of her questions.
6turtle9 about 3 years ago
Tuber or not tuber? What kind of question is that? It is easier for a russet to pass through the eye of a needle than it is for a golden tator tot to pass the pearly gates of plumage. I can do the mashed potato, I can do the monster hash, and I can even do the lame stomp boogie, but if I have to walk around with french fries in my pockets to pay for my Christmas gifts, waving a steak fry at the cashier and saying”This spuds for you!, do you have change?,” I’m going to lose it. I mean, what will this do to the average stripper? Is she going to slather herself in ketchup and have the George’s throw fries at her? What about the money dance at a wedding? I love a strong woman, but she’s gonna have to be a power lifter to stand the onslaught of Yukon Gold. And what of piggie banks? It’s gonna take me all day to stuff the mashed potatoes in that little slot. If I knew it was gonna be that kind of party, Ida’ put my butter stick in the mashed potatoes long ago. The futures so bright, it’s appeeling. My eyes! My eyes!
InquireWithin about 3 years ago
This adds a whole new layer of dirty to the concept of crypto farming.
Sun about 3 years ago
Bless your lucky starch.
Brass Orchid Premium Member about 3 years ago
You say “po-tay-to”, I say, “You never give me your money. You only give me your funny paper.”
Sisyphos about 3 years ago
Spuds? Nix!
The Froglandian Space Agency has announced that it will belatedly be joining the Space Race, as some cartoonist (of all people!) has led to remarks about Sputnik, or something like that.
Stay tuned for further press releases from the Froglandian Broadcasting Initiative (FBI)….
[Irrelevant gloss: I like potato chips. Not so much poker chips.]
painedsmile about 3 years ago
I saw a documentary on Netflix about potatoes as currency in at least one part of the world. I looked it up and found it…
charles9156 about 3 years ago
in ireland?
*Space Madness at The Station* about 3 years ago
Honey, I need a few hundred french fries to pay for the elephants in the corner.