So what’s all the HOOPLA? I remember wearing fluffy undergarments to widen the volume on the dress/skirt. My mother always said, Beauty must suffer! So all day and night we maneuvered, slid, walked sideways, and scratched to death just to look good… sitting down was a fete in itself! BAH HUMBUG! Thank god for the fashion industry…the pencil skirts and dresses were trending and I took full advantage….except the garter belts to hold up the seamed hose showed through if you wore them too tight.
Ya just can’t win…now we have holey, baggy, butt hanging, clinging, and wild fashioned clothing….just a different hoopla scene
“Wait a minute!” Amy exclaimed, “Why did you need to get me involved at all, if all you needed was an accidental revelation for hidden data?” “Well,” said the spirit, "your participation was key. Your presence made your overlord confident in being able to use your computer to manage some sensitive documents, quite a few of them, in fact. You only have limited access to your system. They were safely hidden in plain sight. If you are asking why the exposition and the fish on the nose and all of that, well . . . it’s not just theater. You are the go-between. The disorienting reveal is just a spark to set up a reaction, or a broom to give a push and move things along the same path on which you were set. You always wonder about that. But it is very simple, really. We do not act directly upon the world. We act upon you, and the world follows in the path you create. If you didn’t know, it wouldn’t work. But now you do. Familiarity breeds contentment and all of that. And I know you are thinking that is not how the saying goes, but it’s our saying, not theirs, and that is exactly how it goes.
Not at all losing familiarity rather, losing millinery and related daywear. And, then, hold such a Life Policy. Of course, always, always have a Sturdy Broom! What could be more enlighted than such?!
davidob about 3 years ago
Yes, yes, they’ve been lowering the broom on me, with their sweeping generalizations.
davidob about 3 years ago
So hoop it up already.
Superfrog about 3 years ago
That’s a sweeping statement and familiarity only leads to contempt.
davidob about 3 years ago
I’ve heard that familiarity breeds.
davidob about 3 years ago
Does that make “Child is mother to the daughter” ?
davidob about 3 years ago
Also, please dress for success by skirting the issue.
Randy B Premium Member about 3 years ago
That’s me in the corner,
That’s me in the spot light,
Losing my awareness (and capability to clean rough floors)
FLIGHT SUIT about 3 years ago
Great, now this comic is pandering to my baser instincts.
At least warn a guy before you show him such a sexy image.
*Space Madness at The Station* about 3 years ago
Seems all to familiar to the seamstress.
*Space Madness at The Station* about 3 years ago
Hi honey, happy to seize the moment, or is that a Mounds™ Bar and Grill after an Almond Joy ™ double nut bar under your dress?
3hourtour Premium Member about 3 years ago
…she’s no Vera-Ellen…
…but she seems to be waisting away in margaritasville…
…there are only two things that you need a sturdy broom for…
…and Sweeps Week on Froglandia Channel 2…
…corset doesn’t hurt to show your construction off either…
…Jeopardy was the rest of the world’s version of Froglandia’s famous Tv show…
… Familiarity and Sturdy Brooms …
…and our boy, B.J. was losing on it quite nicely…
…he knew that The Incredible Mr. Limpet was a tilefish…
…but he got his skirt up in bunches…
…and choked on the answer…
…but Boxing Day saved the day…
Zebrastripes about 3 years ago
So what’s all the HOOPLA? I remember wearing fluffy undergarments to widen the volume on the dress/skirt. My mother always said, Beauty must suffer! So all day and night we maneuvered, slid, walked sideways, and scratched to death just to look good… sitting down was a fete in itself! BAH HUMBUG! Thank god for the fashion industry…the pencil skirts and dresses were trending and I took full advantage….except the garter belts to hold up the seamed hose showed through if you wore them too tight.
Ya just can’t win…now we have holey, baggy, butt hanging, clinging, and wild fashioned clothing….just a different hoopla scene
Brass Orchid Premium Member about 3 years ago
Good King Wenceslas went WAY forth.
coltish1 about 3 years ago
She’s thinking that procedure they did on her ribs was totally worth while.
Linguist about 3 years ago
" I’m ready for my close-up now, Mr. DeMille. "
Howard'sMyHero about 3 years ago
Obviously, she tried to do the whirling dervish thing & went one spin over the line …!
willie_mctell about 3 years ago
This is serious. Sturdy brooms are a necessity.
Ninette about 3 years ago
People should be measured not by height nor weight but by surface area.
6turtle9 about 3 years ago
If you still have your head, is that because it is not pretty and pink? They gave you the brush off.
Brass Orchid Premium Member about 3 years ago
“Wait a minute!” Amy exclaimed, “Why did you need to get me involved at all, if all you needed was an accidental revelation for hidden data?” “Well,” said the spirit, "your participation was key. Your presence made your overlord confident in being able to use your computer to manage some sensitive documents, quite a few of them, in fact. You only have limited access to your system. They were safely hidden in plain sight. If you are asking why the exposition and the fish on the nose and all of that, well . . . it’s not just theater. You are the go-between. The disorienting reveal is just a spark to set up a reaction, or a broom to give a push and move things along the same path on which you were set. You always wonder about that. But it is very simple, really. We do not act directly upon the world. We act upon you, and the world follows in the path you create. If you didn’t know, it wouldn’t work. But now you do. Familiarity breeds contentment and all of that. And I know you are thinking that is not how the saying goes, but it’s our saying, not theirs, and that is exactly how it goes.
Ninette about 3 years ago
The derrière the merrière.
Sisyphos about 3 years ago
Not at all losing familiarity rather, losing millinery and related daywear. And, then, hold such a Life Policy. Of course, always, always have a Sturdy Broom! What could be more enlighted than such?!
painedsmile about 3 years ago
Are you familiar with my unsturdy mop?