I’m a baseball purist and proud of it. Separate leagues, separate umpires, no DH, hit and run, hit behind the runner, double steals, bunting, putting the ball in play and not striking out, taking the first pitch when down in the late innings, and thinking of the team rather than contracts: that’s what I used to enjoy. Heck, the leagues even used to count attendance differently. I don’t care for the homogenous NFL model for baseball. Why change the game for people who don’t understand the strategy and haven’t the patience to appreciate the beauty of baseball? I live in a town with a High-A minor league team, and that’s good enough for me these days.
I used to live for baseball season. Now, it’s ho hum city. You used to be able to identify players with teams, now they move from team to team for the almighty buck. The owners are happy, the players are happy, but fans be d**ned.
Ratkin Premium Member almost 3 years ago
That’s all baseball is – delay of game
distortion Premium Member almost 3 years ago
Since they decided to add the DL to the National League, they can play on without me.
Count Olaf Premium Member almost 3 years ago
Do you think anyone will notice? Probably not.
uniquename almost 3 years ago
They’re going to get a delay of game penalty. It’s called “lack of interest”.
Lotus almost 3 years ago
I’m a baseball purist and proud of it. Separate leagues, separate umpires, no DH, hit and run, hit behind the runner, double steals, bunting, putting the ball in play and not striking out, taking the first pitch when down in the late innings, and thinking of the team rather than contracts: that’s what I used to enjoy. Heck, the leagues even used to count attendance differently. I don’t care for the homogenous NFL model for baseball. Why change the game for people who don’t understand the strategy and haven’t the patience to appreciate the beauty of baseball? I live in a town with a High-A minor league team, and that’s good enough for me these days.
Lee26 Premium Member almost 3 years ago
I used to live for baseball season. Now, it’s ho hum city. You used to be able to identify players with teams, now they move from team to team for the almighty buck. The owners are happy, the players are happy, but fans be d**ned.
Zen-of-Zinfandel almost 3 years ago
Now you’re “teaming” with rage.
Brent Rosenthal Premium Member almost 3 years ago
And a new commissioner and all new owners
PAR85 almost 3 years ago
If you play baseball, you should be expected to take a turn at bat.
InTraining Premium Member almost 3 years ago
but where can we get one of those $9 beers…?