Arlo and Janis by Jimmy Johnson for August 03, 2022

  1. Ava2
    C  over 2 years ago

    Missed opportunities

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    Ahuehuete  over 2 years ago

    These days most 25 year olds are chubbier than Janis.

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  3. Al the fish cup
    alasko  over 2 years ago

    Arlo the manther.

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    David Huie Green LikeNobody'sEverSeen  over 2 years ago

    ā€œEasier by far than you managing to get one.ā€

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    whahoppened  over 2 years ago

    Would he even want what he COULD get?

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    Alias1600  over 2 years ago

    Not sure why he thinks his flattery and opinion is more important than how she thinks and feels about herself.

    That theyā€™re discussing this as if by changing the style of her blouse, sheā€™s changing the terms of her ā€œwifely dutiesā€ to show her form to him is off-putting. No one owes anyone access to their body, physically or visually.

    Besides, encouraging her to feel good within herself will increase intimacy on all levels.

    Maybe Arlo here is representing the daily commenters more than his character, though.

    Maybe with this change in clothing design, those commenters will see Janis as a ā€œpersonā€ and stop measuring her worthiness based on how they perceive her weight or shape based on how sheā€™s been drawn in any given panel.

    That some people stop by here daily to dump their toxic opinions about women has always been really gross.

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  7. Ti
    Rhetorical_Question   over 2 years ago

    Ha ha ha ha ha, in your dreams.

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    John Smith  over 2 years ago

    Maybe instead of complaining she could just simply go buy whatever she wants. But then, whereā€™s the drama in that?

    Plus, sheā€™d miss a perfect opportunity to emasculate her supportive spouse. (And then they wonder why we donā€™t want to talk)

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    Da'Dad  over 2 years ago

    Have to give JJ credit. With just a few pen strokes he can trigger a tidal wave of fairly well thought out responses.

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  10. Scullyufo
    ScullyUFO  over 2 years ago

    Toxic opinions? I thought the joke was that Arlo still thinks he can ā€œgo out and get a 25-year oldā€. I suppose the outrage is around the use of the verb ā€œgetā€.

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    Oceanic  over 2 years ago

    i like Janisā€™ response to his ā€œi could get me a 25 y-o any time i wanted one if i wanted to!ā€ -type comment, myself. it is to laugh!

    srsly, i do get the ā€˜augh! iā€™m getting old!ā€™ bit, & heā€™s sweet to flatter her. iā€™d have responded to his ā€œdonā€™t i flatter you?ā€ with ā€œyes! but i canā€™t wear you outside of the house! people would talk!ā€ ;)

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    Oceanic  over 2 years ago

    itā€™s counselor, @Meledosia, unless she needs to take the matter up before a council or committee but she should not do that unless she feels your recommendation has merit, which it does not on any grounds. words matter, you know; you could choose to make yours a little kinder, if not more accurate, please

    other than that, yā€™all tend to read a LOT into these comics, donā€™t u think? maybe form a book clubā€¦

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  13. Celtic tree of life
    mourdac Premium Member over 2 years ago

    Iā€™m assuming (no personal knowledge here) that the older the guy, the richer heā€™d have to be to get a 25 year ā€œgirlfriendā€.

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  14. Cobra 1
    [Traveler] Premium Member over 2 years ago

    I thought the joke was to trade her in for two 25 yr. olds.

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    Alias1600  over 2 years ago

    Funny thing is Janis has probably worn dozens of blouses like this over the decades, with frayed cutoff shorts, skinny jeans, as a cute pedal pusher or skirt set, or as a bikini coverup. Even now, sheā€™s wearing shorts and showing off her legs. Also those blouses are usually semi-sheer. With the younger crowd on Instagram or TikTok, sheā€™d be considered ā€œcostal chic.ā€

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    trainnut1956  over 2 years ago

    Oh, poor Janis. Wait until you get to be my age. Nothing is flattering once you get past a certain age.

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  17. Captain smokeblower
    poppacapsmokeblower  over 2 years ago

    Old joke: Electricianā€™s wife turns 40. He tells her heā€™s going to trade her in for two 20 year olds. She responds, ā€œYouā€™r not wired for 220.ā€

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    MuddyUSA  Premium Member over 2 years ago

    Arlo is flattering himselfā€¦ā€¦

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  19. Dvincent
    dv1093  over 2 years ago

    My wife says she needs clothes that will fit her. Sheā€™s got enough clothes to dress a 76 trombone all-girlā€™s band.

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  20. Bunny and summer together
    Moonkey Premium Member over 2 years ago

    Janis can also ā€œgetā€ a 25 year old.

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    raybarb44  over 2 years ago

    As a man, Iā€™ve been fortunate enough to have enjoyed every age that Iā€™ve had and gone through. Iā€™m still even enjoying my winding down period before I die. Canā€™t be young forever in this world, hopefully the next one. Donā€™t fight it girl. You got a man that loves you the way that you are; who wants to be with you; and take care of you. What more do want or really need?ā€¦.

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    Dr. Whom   over 2 years ago

    This is not a cartoon about what Janis wears. Itā€™s about her feelings about how she looks as she ages. And Arloā€™s response is not about what she wears. Itā€™s about his attempts to get her to see herself as he sees her. Which ainā€™t gonna happen.

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    Searcy9320  over 2 years ago

    After over 53 years my wife does not look like the 15 year old girl that took my heart. And I am in NO WAY the 18 year old skinny, geeky guy that was lucky enough to prove I was the ā€œmanā€ for her. Married for almost 50 years, we do not look like that wedding photo, or beach photos. I have been like Arlo, bought articles of clothes that to me made my wife (I thought sexy and flattering.) I guess all men try and reclaim those ā€œthrilling days of yesteryear!ā€ But yesteryear will only be in our minds and heart, but to have that true beautiful woman there with you after seeing friends who lost a spouse due to age, COVID, accidents, or whatever, its good to remember yesterday, but tomorrow is the true beauty we look for.

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    destry1970  over 2 years ago

    Ok Arlo besides not being able to keep up with them, I do not think you would know what to do if you got one.

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    mjpalmer  over 2 years ago

    this happens to us all as we age, lossā€¦..loss of something, you pick, something you were or used to be able to do.

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  26. Sneaky garfield  solar eclipse  002
    Sneaker  over 2 years ago

    Well there you have it a pros opinion. It is a comic .

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  27. Whitemug
    Ina Tizzy  over 2 years ago

    Okay. Look at the top in yesterdayā€™s comic. It looks like a maternity top and actually makes her look ā€˜fat.ā€™ The sleeves are awful. Theyā€™re just the right length to get mucked up if she is cooking or gardening and canā€™t be pushed up to get them out of the way. As several commenters have pointed out, sheā€™s bought into the current idea of what a woman ā€œshouldā€ look like. She has been brain washed by the media.Iā€™m 73, 4ā€™ 11", around 150lbs and mostly wear jeans and T-shirts. My husband doesnā€™t complain, and we are still together after almost 50 years. He and I are both feminists.And as a side note, if Arlo wanted a 25-year-old he probably could get one. Some young thing would see him as a ā€œSugar Daddy.ā€

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    alexius23  over 2 years ago

    Sad to say it easier for an older man to get the young tootsie than on older woman to get a boy toy. Both efforts are easier if both of the older people use money to support their causeā€¦

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    markasius  over 2 years ago

    someone has way too much time on their hands and not enough lightness in their life

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