I was forced to watch football once. My sister took me to her high school’s game. She was a cheerleader & dated a football player. I was bored. I hate football.
Many years ago, I got involved in an after school, pick-up football game. Don’t know how long I was flat on my back, unconscious. Never played football again.
I’ve really only played in one game of football. It was in Junior High gym class. They gave me the ball and I ran for a touchdown. The other team was so shocked at the idea of me having the ball that nobody was covering me.
Templo S.U.D. about 2 years ago
anything to stay out quality brother time by doing sports, huh? (neither my older brother nor I ever played football)
Wilde Bill about 2 years ago
I’m with Jason on this one.
Uncle Kenny about 2 years ago
Cross pollinated with Billy from Family Circus
Kroykali about 2 years ago
Today’s classic FoxTrot Sunday strip:
pixiekitten Premium Member about 2 years ago
Jason your Billy from Family Circus is showing
Wren Fahel about 2 years ago
I was forced to watch football once. My sister took me to her high school’s game. She was a cheerleader & dated a football player. I was bored. I hate football.
shawnc1959 about 2 years ago
Jason must have pretty mad juke skills to get that apostrophe in there like that.
WaitingMan about 2 years ago
Many years ago, I got involved in an after school, pick-up football game. Don’t know how long I was flat on my back, unconscious. Never played football again.
del_grande Premium Member about 2 years ago
I wonder how many readers of Jason’s (or Peter’s, for that matter) age would struggle with reading the cursive script
Official Foxtrot Page about 2 years ago
He must have a lot of skill to make that pass route.
John LaCasella about 2 years ago
Looks like Billy Keane drew up that play
BiggerNate91 about 2 years ago
As if Peter wouldn’t do the same thing to spell out “Peter Fox is great” or something.
Darryl Heine about 2 years ago
No need for a Lucy/Charlie Brown style pull the football away while trying to kick it thing?
gmu328 about 2 years ago
shades of “Family Circus”!
MT Wallet about 2 years ago
Billy Keane won’t appreciate you doing that.
Otis Rufus Driftwood about 2 years ago
Peter really can’t the hint that Jason doesn’t enjoy this.
jbruins84341 about 2 years ago
Jason forgot to add a comma or a period after “Help.” Not sure how he would do it, but hey, this is Jason. Maybe just one step out of his path?
MichiganMitten about 2 years ago
Hey, a ten-year-old that knows cursive. Rare these days.
CheyonJunction about 2 years ago
Dang, mans tight
EnlilEnkiEa about 2 years ago
He fades left! Right! North, south, east, west! (We call that the compass play.)
of020711 about 2 years ago
i would never be forced, i WOULD force people to play
of020711 about 2 years ago
I LOVE football
tcviii Premium Member about 2 years ago
I’ve really only played in one game of football. It was in Junior High gym class. They gave me the ball and I ran for a touchdown. The other team was so shocked at the idea of me having the ball that nobody was covering me.
THEBIGGESTBEAN over 1 year ago
my brother must feel like this
supayoshibro about 2 months ago
Stop playing with Lucy, Charlie Brown!