My nephew learned a few choice words from his mom when he was little and after being told repeatedly that those weren’t “kid words”, he made up his own… “GOL-DARN-DANGIT!”… usually with a foot stomp to go with it. Worked for him, worked for us and got more than one chuckle from people when he’d say it in public.
And, the big question left unresolved, will inventing new ones get your mouth washed out with soap? Mom will definitely rule it a euphemism. Can a euphemism get you convicted, or will you walk on a technicality?
“Thou spleeny swag-bellied miscreant!” from Create Your Own Shakespearean Insults by Sarah Royal and Jillian Hofer. The book was a stocking gift for Christmas in some year. . .
The way to really get that cathartic relief of using a juicy swear word is to learn those in another language that your parents don’t speak. Google translate is your friend.
Yeah, I agree with the kids here. Not that it’s good to use swear words, but the double standard. I’ve heard parents tell their kids not to use a word because it’s an “adult” word. How about setting a good example and NOT USING IT AROUND YOUR KIDS? OR AT ALL? Sorry. I’ll get off my soap box now. LOL
Confusion is a great way to dispel the harshness of a profane outburst. Aww shiz-nit! That’s a load of bungwaggle! I find it more satisfying to use phrases that are fun to say and roll off the tongue.
Type B about 2 years ago
Oh Crab.
batmanwithprep about 2 years ago
“Sussy baka”. I don’t know what it means, but it’s something I’ve heard kids say, and I just assume it’s a swear they invented.
sergioandrade Premium Member about 2 years ago
I learned swear words from Yosemite Sam, I thought “ratta, fratta, hatta” was a swear word.
PoodleGroomer about 2 years ago
Oh Fudge Puppies.
Templo S.U.D. about 2 years ago
Ain’t society wonderful when it comers to linguistics?
some idiot from R'lyeh Premium Member about 2 years ago
Anything’s a swear word if you get the inflection right.
[Unnamed Reader - 8bb645] about 2 years ago
Frak! [Battlestar Galactica]
Ida No about 2 years ago
Miles is about to discover that Mom doesn’t care what you think.
leopardglily about 2 years ago
“Shiitake mushrooms” was me and my sister’s code word for “s**t” when we were around our parents.
Caretaker24523 about 2 years ago
My nephew learned a few choice words from his mom when he was little and after being told repeatedly that those weren’t “kid words”, he made up his own… “GOL-DARN-DANGIT!”… usually with a foot stomp to go with it. Worked for him, worked for us and got more than one chuckle from people when he’d say it in public.
Ellis97 about 2 years ago
Why have vulgarities at all if they’re bad anyways?
LawrenceS about 2 years ago
And, the big question left unresolved, will inventing new ones get your mouth washed out with soap? Mom will definitely rule it a euphemism. Can a euphemism get you convicted, or will you walk on a technicality?
DM9001 about 2 years ago
Let me guess. Kevin got grounded for swearing
1953Baby about 2 years ago
“Thou spleeny swag-bellied miscreant!” from Create Your Own Shakespearean Insults by Sarah Royal and Jillian Hofer. The book was a stocking gift for Christmas in some year. . .
trainnut1956 about 2 years ago
Frak and Feldergarb are relatively new.
Diat60 about 2 years ago
I don’t think I’d eat that shwump-fuggle. It looks pretty nasty.
LEOKEV about 2 years ago
Balderdash! Yesterday’s swear words are today’s gibberish.
Olddog1 about 2 years ago
Under movie censorship W. C. Fields used Godfrey Daniels and mother of pearl.
Plods with ...™ about 2 years ago
Schwumpfiggle. I’m so using that!
rpmurray about 2 years ago
The way to really get that cathartic relief of using a juicy swear word is to learn those in another language that your parents don’t speak. Google translate is your friend.
doctorwho29 about 2 years ago
This is hilarious
Ed The Red Premium Member about 2 years ago
This whomps.
MIHorn Premium Member about 2 years ago
Beatrix from Breaking Cat News says “Bullfrogs!”
FunnyPageLover about 2 years ago
Yeah, I agree with the kids here. Not that it’s good to use swear words, but the double standard. I’ve heard parents tell their kids not to use a word because it’s an “adult” word. How about setting a good example and NOT USING IT AROUND YOUR KIDS? OR AT ALL? Sorry. I’ll get off my soap box now. LOL
hollisson Premium Member about 2 years ago
Those word may sound silly but they won’t get your face slapped by your Mom.
The Brooklyn Accent Premium Member about 2 years ago
I’ve mentioned this before: a friend used to use “Geschwindigkeitsbegrenzung!”, a nasty-sounding German term that translates as “speed limit.”
gmu328 about 2 years ago
miles’s mom will certainly understand the meaning of those words – he’s grounded
6turtle9 about 2 years ago
Confusion is a great way to dispel the harshness of a profane outburst. Aww shiz-nit! That’s a load of bungwaggle! I find it more satisfying to use phrases that are fun to say and roll off the tongue.
Eric S about 2 years ago
shifuku ne… fake japanese swear I use
David Rickard Premium Member about 2 years ago
No new swear words? What the frell is he talking about? That gak is fething nonsense.
Aladar30 Premium Member about 2 years ago
They have found their mission in life.
Dante's_Inferno about 2 years ago
I feel bad if I say something so strong as oh my go-odness
claireannharper over 1 year ago
SquidGamerGal 12 months ago
Let me guess, Kevin is grounded for saying a swear word!