Men underestimate the difficulty many women have carrying things. Men are usually much stronger and just don’t realize how hard it is for their wives. I was once at a friend’s house and his wife came home from grocery shopping. When he stayed put talking to me while his wife carried it all in, she reamed him out for making her do it all. They got divorced not long after. I took that lesson to heart. My wife does the shopping, but I always run out to help carry. I am still surprised at some things she can’t get in/out of the car. She always has a checker or bag boy help her put those in the car.
That “take two trips with the heavy laundry” gag goes back to at least March 3, 1956, used in an episode of “The Honeymooners” called “Mama Loves Mambo”. But … who the heck can be expected to remember that kind of trivia … :-)
And Nelson might grow up to write the revision to the book, “All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten.” It would be re-titled, “All I Really Need to Know I Learned From Grandpa Earl.”
As a man, I disregard that advice all too often! (I do all the laundry.) I have gotten far better at knowing my limit though, as our basement stairs are well, basement stairs.
allen@home about 2 years ago
Opal liked her wisdom better, Earl. Why make two trips when you can do it in one.
C about 2 years ago
No good deed goes unp..
Templo S.U.D. about 2 years ago
is Opal also expecting Earl to help fold the laundry and put it into the dresser?
Ratkin Premium Member about 2 years ago
Men underestimate the difficulty many women have carrying things. Men are usually much stronger and just don’t realize how hard it is for their wives. I was once at a friend’s house and his wife came home from grocery shopping. When he stayed put talking to me while his wife carried it all in, she reamed him out for making her do it all. They got divorced not long after. I took that lesson to heart. My wife does the shopping, but I always run out to help carry. I am still surprised at some things she can’t get in/out of the car. She always has a checker or bag boy help her put those in the car.
chinadad99 Premium Member about 2 years ago
Too true to be good.
The dude from FL Premium Member about 2 years ago
Why would you have even said anything?…Duh!
cubswin2016 about 2 years ago
As Bully Maguire would say, “You should have thought of that earlier.”
iggyman about 2 years ago
Earl you should have offered to carry that before you were asked to, “Brownie Points” pay off you know!
D.E.N. about 2 years ago
That “take two trips with the heavy laundry” gag goes back to at least March 3, 1956, used in an episode of “The Honeymooners” called “Mama Loves Mambo”. But … who the heck can be expected to remember that kind of trivia … :-)
PraiseofFolly about 2 years ago
And Nelson might grow up to write the revision to the book, “All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten.” It would be re-titled, “All I Really Need to Know I Learned From Grandpa Earl.”
jagedlo about 2 years ago
Having wisdom and knowing when to use it are two different things, Earl!
The Reader Premium Member about 2 years ago
So that’s what a husband is for!
Zebrastripes about 2 years ago
Not so wisdomy Earl…does it again!
jslabotnik about 2 years ago
You’d think he’d be wise enough already to have known that
ANIMAL about 2 years ago
Yeeeeahhhhh………. who coulda’ seen THAT coming.!???
whelan_jj about 2 years ago
One thing I learned in business is not to make a suggestion unless you are prepared to be the one chosen to carry out the suggestion.
rickmac1937 Premium Member about 2 years ago
Keep talking stupid
heathcliff2 about 2 years ago
Did Opal take half?
sandpiper about 2 years ago
The wise man makes a meal by eating his own words.
MuddyUSA Premium Member about 2 years ago
A wise man once said……nothing!
zeexenon about 2 years ago
Nelson, were you ever in a gym shower with a dozen grown men?
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace about 2 years ago
Show by example.
dlaemmerhirt999 about 2 years ago
As a man, I disregard that advice all too often! (I do all the laundry.) I have gotten far better at knowing my limit though, as our basement stairs are well, basement stairs.
eced52 about 2 years ago
If he wants his supper, he better
Otis Rufus Driftwood about 2 years ago
‘It is better to thought a fool and remain silent than to open one’s mouth and remove all doubt.’ Mark Twain