Ripley's Believe It or Not by Ripley’s Believe It or Not! for January 09, 2023

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    jmolay161  about 2 years ago

    And especially, dogs can detect the electric current running your vacuum cleaner!

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    jmolay161  about 2 years ago

    And on a less happy New Year’s note, I hope you’re satisfied now, Mr. J Shrilly.

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    jmolay161  about 2 years ago

    Grandma vil helfen du!

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    Gweedo -it's legal here- Murray  about 2 years ago

    JohnShirley1 said about some time ago.

    Don’t spit on the floor.

    John, I would never do that.

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  5. Bananaslug3
    SWCarter  about 2 years ago

    Just imagine what the DMV would be like if it handled first-aid training, too.

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  6. Shilo s first year 002  2
    MY DOG IS MY CO PILOT  about 2 years ago

    In World War I there was trench warfare, and neither the Americans nor the Germans could get the upper hand. They were reaching a stalemate. One day, an American came up with a plan that would win them the war. This private explained his plan to his trench mates, and they figured, “Why not? It’s not like we have any better ideas.” The next day, an American soldier called out, “Hans!?” A German popped up and shouted back, “Ja?!” Boom, the German was shot dead. The next day the Americans shouted again, “Hans?!” “Ja?!” Shot dead. This process continued over the next couple of days. The Germans were losing large numbers, and were now finally catching on.

    The Germans had an emergency meeting. They thought they could come back from the heavy losses using the same tactics as the Americans. Thus, a German asked, “What is a popular American name?” “John!” replied another. The next day, the Germans decided to execute their plan. A German shouted, “John!?” An American called back, “Is that you Hans?!” “Ja!” And that is how the Americans won WWI.

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    ekke  about 2 years ago

    Dogs can detect electric currents? Wow, just wow. Not.

    So can people. Just watch someone stick their finger in a light socket.

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    ekke  about 2 years ago

    That’s the difference between Germany and here. Here, if you tried to give another driver first aid, you’d be on the receiving end of a lawsuit.

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    James Wolfenstein  about 2 years ago

    I can detect electric currents. I can tell you right away… up to a certain amperage… over that, you have to wait until I recover from the coma. And at very high currents, you’ll get the report from the coroner :D

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    Pickled Pete  about 2 years ago

    If you think dogs don’t drive, then have a looky ( and scroll down)

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  11. Huckandfish
    Huckleberry Hiroshima Premium Member about 2 years ago

    Of course dogs can detect electrical currents. How do you think the first poodle came about: as a result of a pug in a puddle zapped by a lamp cord (don’t try this at home). Thus the name poodle. This is well known.

    Take care, may California Motor Vehicle Department employee Juanita “They Want To Drive Just Like The Rest Of Us And Heck Four Legs Are Better Than Just Two Sometimes I Guess Oh Shut Up And Leave Me Alone It’s Break Time” Shortfuseord be with you, and gesundheit.

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    jjoddfellow  about 2 years ago

    I would guess the USA.

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    jjoddfellow  about 2 years ago

    Go comics is in the USA I believe.

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    DawnQuinn1  about 2 years ago

    In Canada, we have the “Good Samaritan” law. If you stop to help someone, you cannot be sued for doing so. Americans are lawsuit crazy. They will sue for ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING.

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    artegal  about 2 years ago

    There may be a requirement of being able to help, but is there one of actually helping?

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  16. Poodlebiker2
    FassEddie  about 2 years ago

    That smart dog! He’ll never get left in the truck a Walmart again!

    Now they’ll take him inside like he wanted!

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  17. John wayne
    The Duke  about 2 years ago

    You give a dog a license and he thinks he can drive.

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    Templo S.U.D.  about 2 years ago

    three tidbits: two and a half about dogs, the other two and and a half about cars

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    think it through  about 2 years ago

    Thank you for saying what a lot, if not most, of us feel. But there are a large minority of idiots who only will believe propaganda and insist on making life miserable for everyone else. Loser love company.

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    WCraft Premium Member about 2 years ago

    I remember the time my dog was supposed to pick me up at the door after I was finished shopping at WalMart and he didn’t come. Turns out, he had a fender bender in the parking lot, too.

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    dawnsterner59  about 2 years ago

    If I’m up and at ‘em early enough in byu morning.. I’ll post another funny. Several of you seemed to enjoyed the last ‘punny’ one.. AND… I think we’ve ’ beat this poor subject to the point that it makes me want to upchuck’. Let’s give it a rest for a few days and see how it all boils out…

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    dawnsterner59  about 2 years ago

    Eek. Typos!!!

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  23. Giphy downsized
    Angry Indeed Premium Member about 2 years ago

    So! I think anyone can detect a current if they stick their finger in a live outlet. That dog that had a wreck was probably driving a Subaru!

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  24. Giphy downsized
    Angry Indeed Premium Member about 2 years ago

    Who’s ever under that sports car is going to need more than the little old lady from Bavaria ;-p

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    Nancy Simpson  about 2 years ago

    Change to suit your idea of what is/isn’t offensive? Vulgar, sexist, racist or just sophomoric idiocy? Any of it offend you? Wonder why the offensive comments here are from old men with a lot of time on their hands?

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    pbr50138  about 2 years ago

    How did the dog start the truck? He must’ve had his own set of keys.

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