During the making of White Dawn (1974) in the Canadian Arctic it was necessary to make the igloo sets from Styrofoam because the snow versions melted from the studio lights.
Ice blocks insulate and would take more than one night to melt. She looks like hers melted from a hot flash not a heat wave. Another thing about styrofoam is that it doesn’t break down so if you breathed in any particles you could develop pneumonia like symptoms which would be fatal to infants.
Dang those atomic fabricators can create anything for them. Those “warm snaps” are really temporary cold brought to you by the “Weather Wizard” Zeus satellite.
C almost 2 years ago
It burns, it burns.. my eyes
angelolady Premium Member almost 2 years ago
LOL!! Styrofoam is very insulative. Insulatory? It’s a good insulator.
Lyrak almost 2 years ago
Where did he get styrofoam?
Marblemouth almost 2 years ago
Works for warm snaps and cold snaps but not so good in a wind snap.
Enter.Name.Here almost 2 years ago
“And for some reason it seems like my beers stay cold forever!”
charliefarmrhere almost 2 years ago
Looks like hers has melted.
littlejohn Premium Member almost 2 years ago
Did she wake up with that damp sensation in her bed?
preacherman Premium Member almost 2 years ago
If he’s that far along in chemistry, then he should go on a invent pants and shoes, no less.
Sir Ruddy Blighter, Jr. almost 2 years ago
OK, so she DIDN’T slip in fall on an ice patch…that’s water from HER igloo that melted. Got it.
dlkrueger33 almost 2 years ago
We had styrofoam (huge) building blocks as kids. They were called Flintstone Building Boulders. Could make some HUGE forts with them.
J. R. M. almost 2 years ago
I’d like to see how it holds up in a wind storm.
yip yip yip almost 2 years ago
Help, My waterbed broke and I can’t get up. Yip yip yip yip yip
jagedlo almost 2 years ago
Did he use igloo to connect those pieces of styrofoam together?
Zebrastripes almost 2 years ago
NOW he tells me…..☺️
Frank Burns Eats Worms almost 2 years ago
A man’s foam is his castle.
Sportymonk almost 2 years ago
The styrofoam may insulate better but the squeaking sound is horrible. I remember as a kid long trips made longer by the squeaking.
Flatlander, purveyor of fine covfefe almost 2 years ago
During the making of White Dawn (1974) in the Canadian Arctic it was necessary to make the igloo sets from Styrofoam because the snow versions melted from the studio lights.
wolfgang73 almost 2 years ago
Until the wind blows
Diat60 almost 2 years ago
Let’s see. Cave Dwellers living in igloos. Styrofoam. Not even gonna comment.
ladykat almost 2 years ago
Sounds like a plan.
donwestonmysteries almost 2 years ago
But how’s the insulation?
davidnavar almost 2 years ago
And also with the moist, the styrofoam it’s expand to a 2 story house
tammyspeakslife Premium Member almost 2 years ago
Ice blocks insulate and would take more than one night to melt. She looks like hers melted from a hot flash not a heat wave. Another thing about styrofoam is that it doesn’t break down so if you breathed in any particles you could develop pneumonia like symptoms which would be fatal to infants.
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace almost 2 years ago
Wonderful stuff, styrofoam.
Larrycleve almost 2 years ago
Got to get the dirty comment in. Hope he’s not looking up her dress or he’ll go blind.
sisterea almost 2 years ago
Yeah 71° here today and I am in NC
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] almost 2 years ago
Dang those atomic fabricators can create anything for them. Those “warm snaps” are really temporary cold brought to you by the “Weather Wizard” Zeus satellite.