Bozo by Foxo Reardon for January 26, 2024

  1. Earl flag
    Mark Thomas  about 1 year ago

    1. Ya know, they don’t make telephone poles like they used to.

    2. The ups and downs of a man named Bozo.

    3. Bozo be thinking, “Did I do that?”

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  2. Snoopy laughs
    HappyDog/ᵀʳʸ ᴮᵒᶻᵒ ⁴ ᵗʰᵉ ᶠᵘⁿ ᵒᶠ ᶦᵗ Premium Member about 1 year ago

    1ˢᵗ The world’s strongest man strikes again!

    2ⁿᵈ What’s up; what’s down? It’s all very confusing.

    3ʳᵈ Now look at what you think you’ve done, Bozo!

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  3. Mmdash6
    Pequod  about 1 year ago

    1. Bozo his own strength does not know. Breaks the thick pole with just one throw.

    2. In thick fog attain the summit. Lose your hat. Oh, shoot! Dadgummit!

    3. Sloppy painter not to blame for the spots on the great Dame.

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    GovernorOfCalisota {LoveBozobyFoxo} Premium Member about 1 year ago

    1) Strong Bozo strikes again ☺ – Fuzzy’s ☂️❤️ love for high places is well known

    2) Bozo knows how to come and go. The hat will be at the bottom, waiting for him ☺

    3) Run Bozo, run… just kidding, you are innocent! ☺ – Fuzzy ☂️❤️ is riding a car in one of his favorite ways.

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  5. Taz by abovetheflames
    danketaz Premium Member about 1 year ago

    1 Just when the lineman thought he was done for the day, Bozo happens along. (Wichita Lineman — Glen Campbell)

    2 Bozo demonstrates how you get to be over the hill without ever knowing when you were on top. (Night On Bald Mountain — Modest Mussorgsy)

    3 Bozo spots Cruella and gets scared. (Cruella de Vil — 101 Dalmatians)

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  6. Gentbear3b1a
    Gent  about 1 year ago

    1. Whoopsie. Please not calls the pole-eece now.

    2. Now see what you cause with all that smoking Bozo.

    3. Uh ohs. Not blames me for that now!

    For those who come in late, these fabulous fun funnies was envisioned and executed so beautifully and brilliantly by FoXo Reardon, a true master cartoonist who told his funny tales with his awesome artwork alone, without any of his characters in BOZO ever saying a single word.

    An especially excellent epitome of pictures speaking thousand words, BOZO also the most pleasant picturesque pantomime where every panel is like a photograph of a three-dimensional cartoon world of realistic-looking depths and details. Such was his powerful perspective artwork which brought to life a lovely lively world of BOZO!

    FoXo a rare combination of both sharp wits and artistic talents which is rarely seen together in the same cartoonist, a true master and professional cartoonist whose work quality speaks for itself and as you can see for yourself BOZO is pure gold coming from a golden era of cartooning!

    BOZO is pure gold coming from a golden era of cartooning! More about FoXo and BOZO in the About page.

    So no wonder that these wonderful wordless wonders still bring great joy and sheer cheer to many even today.

    But despite being a great classic of great creative calibre, neither BOZO nor FoXo are much known or remembered these days.

    Spread the word, friends, so that BOZO can spread more joy and cheer to many many more!

    And of course another big thumbs up, big applause, and three cheers once again for the marvellous master FoXo’s magnificent masterpiece, the most pleasant picturesque pantomime, the ever entertaining ever energetic ever enjoyable ever excellent evergreen entertainer, the brilliantly beautiful and beautifully brilliant BOZO!

    And yes of course many many thanks to Micheal Reardon for bringing BOZO back for us all!

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  7. Tc bear 6 1 19 cropped
    jr1234  about 1 year ago


    1. Rocky

    2. GOODBYE, Mr. Chips

    3. Cruella

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    Just-me  about 1 year ago

    1. Power down

    2. Foggy Mountain Breakdown

    (For your entertainment, a number of talents joining Earl Scruggs playing Foggy Mountain Breakdown.)


    3. Fleeing the scene

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    General Trelane (Ret.) Premium Member about 1 year ago

    “In a fog” – route finding difficulties for our intrepid man Bozo .

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    CorkLock  about 1 year ago

    1. Don’t blame me – it wuz Termites Sir. 2. Bozo climbed the mountain to speak with Guru Fuzzy but he was not in. 3. Seeing spots – connect the dots. Run Bozo run. She’s gonna turn you in. Hoof it.

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  11. Img 3761
    Zebrastripes  about 1 year ago

    Bozo didn’t think a stones throw would down a pole…

    I guess the wise@SS on the hill was out to for the decent!

    Bozo needs to lay down…seeing spots isn’t a good sign….

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  12. Missing large
    guenette.charlie(BozoKnows)  about 1 year ago

    1) Bozo still doesn’t have a clue how strong he is.

    2) Bozo better have an iron grip for the descent!

    3) The lady bought the outfit like that, but with Bozo’s reputation, he doesn’t want to take a chance!

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    Searcy9320  about 1 year ago

    JUST A STONES THROW – Bozo was a lineman for the county (sorry Glen Cambell) IN A FOG – Bozo climbed the mountain for guidance, no Guru there, oh well head for home. SPOTS – Bozo getting black paint on the wall, himself, …..ooops that lady and dog could sue, time to quit!

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  14. T
    T...  about 1 year ago

    1. Enough of the Pole ish jokes…2. Bozo never bak down…3. Sloppy painter…

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    goboboyd  about 1 year ago

    1. The electric service provider has always frowned on that type of thing.

    You rarely see anyone wearing tall laced up boots and jodhpurs anymore. Fashion is cyclical, so… I’m watching you Gen-X.

    2. Vertigo… down. No, your hat did not just fall ‘up’.

    2. Leaving the scene in haste before getting credit for a new look in fashion. I imagine inspiration has come from stranger sources.

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    Sluggo's Eloquence Coach  about 1 year ago

    1) Rocks Off – The Rolling Stones 2) Everybody’s Got a Mountain to Climb – Allman Bros 3) Mess Around – Ray Charles

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  17. Images
    banjoAhhh!   about 1 year ago

    Mr. Umbrella Man, sir: In the 1st strip he is in the last panel. It appears he has at, least temporarily, been able to master the art of flying. Or he’s been taken prisoner on a UFO.

    In the 2nd strip, he ain’t there. I guess it was a UFO.

    In the 3rd strip, he’s in the 2nd panel, smelling the exhaust from the passing car to get high.

    Best stop that Mr. Umbrella. The kids may have told you that, but that exhaust will put you down, not up.

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  18. Mountain lynx
    Shikamoo Premium Member about 1 year ago

    1. Broken connection.

    2. Ups and downs.

    3. Seeing spots.

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