Bozo by Foxo Reardon for August 23, 2024

  1. Earl flag
    Mark Thomas  7 months ago

    1. Bandit wants Bozo to give or it’ll hurt.

    2. The pooch hid the gift in a safe place.

    3. Bozo is always hanging around.

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  2. Img 20200309 wa0015
    GovernorOfCalisota {LoveBozobyFoxo} Premium Member 7 months ago

    1) Bozo’s generosity is well known ☺ – Fuzzy ☂️❤️ carrying something

    2) Fuzzy ☂️❤️ riding a car in one of his favorite ways – That was quick, little Dog ☺

    3) Bozo looks so serene. Go home and let him sleep there ☺

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  3. Snoopy laughs
    HappyDog/ᵀʳʸ ᴮᵒᶻᵒ ⁴ ᵗʰᵉ ᶠᵘⁿ ᵒᶠ ᶦᵗ Premium Member 7 months ago

    1) Give, & give, & give again. Hey! You owe me.

    2) Dog-gone smart little saver!

    3) Unchecked, Unchecked, Unhooked. We’re done here!

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  4. Taz by abovetheflames
    danketaz Premium Member 7 months ago

    1 Come on Bozo, empty your wallet. He’s got a quota to fill. (I Can’t Give You Anything But Love — Fats Waller)

    2 Come on Bozo, pup is just making sure that that is not getting opened until Christmas (Nuttin’ For Christmas — Stan Freberg)

    3 Come on Bozo, you promised to take her out once she finished her shift. ( One O’clock Jump — Count Basie)

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  5. Nc201206
    some idiot from R'lyeh Premium Member 7 months ago

    Checked: Bozo really should get checked for narcolepsy.

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  6. Mmdash6
    Pequod  7 months ago

    1. Alms for the poor. The thief wants more.

    2. Fuzzy hitches a ride. Wrapped gift the pooch does hide.

    3. Lovely gal checks coat and hat. Hung up Bozo sleeps like that?!

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  7. Gentbear3b1a
    Gent  7 months ago

    1. One for you. One for you. One for you too. Oh nopes. None for you steenky crook.

    2. What? You eats doggie treats already? You is want more now?!!

    3. Ya likes to hangs out with her eh. Just waits till Bozanne is gets to knows of this.

    For those who come in late, these fabulous fun funnies was envisioned and executed so beautifully and brilliantly by FoXo Reardon, a true master cartoonist who told his funny tales with his awesome artwork alone, without any of his characters in BOZO ever saying a single word.

    An especially excellent epitome of pictures speaking thousand words, BOZO also the most pleasant picturesque pantomime where every panel is like a photograph of a three-dimensional cartoon world of realistic-looking depths and details. Such was his powerful perspective artwork which brought to life a lovely lively world of BOZO!

    FoXo a rare combination of both sharp wits and artistic talents which is rarely seen together in the same cartoonist, a true master and professional cartoonist whose work quality speaks for itself and as you can see for yourself BOZO is pure gold coming from a golden era of cartooning!

    BOZO is pure gold coming from a golden era of cartooning! More about FoXo and BOZO in the About page.

    So no wonder that these wonderful wordless wonders still bring great joy and sheer cheer to many even today.

    But despite being a great classic of great creative calibre, neither BOZO nor FoXo are much known or remembered these days.

    Spread the word, friends, so that BOZO can spread more joy and cheer to many many more!

    And of course another big thumbs up, big applause, and three cheers once again for the marvellous master FoXo’s magnificent masterpiece, the most pleasant picturesque pantomime, the ever entertaining ever energetic ever enjoyable ever excellent evergreen entertainer, the brilliantly beautiful and beautifully brilliant BOZO!

    And yes of course many thankses to Micheal Reardon for bringing BOZO back for us all!

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    Just-me  7 months ago

    1. Cheerful giver

    2. Buried treasure

    3. Coatroom quietude

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  9. Missing large
    guenette.charlie(BozoKnows)  7 months ago

    1) Bozo’s always willing to give, and Fingers seems to be hoping for a little “donation” himself.

    2) The dog is very helpful, even going so far as to hide that gift where no one can find it.

    3) OK Bozo, we’re closing now. You don’t have to go home but you can’t hang around here!

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    goboboyd  7 months ago

    1. I am in the mood for Christmas very early this year. Planning on putting twinkling lights on the Festivus pole. The unravellable knot of lights from last year will go on the top, a’ la a star.

    2. Eager to please. Albeit beyond expectations.

    3. Reminds me of the song, Sunny Side of the Street (Tommy Dorsey version) ‘Grab your coat, Don’t forget your hat, Leave your troubles on the doorstep…’ Everyone wore a hat. And judging by Bozo, while he is sleeping. Or perhaps he just lost his claim ticket.

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    Sluggo's Eloquence Coach  7 months ago

    1) You Never Give Me Your Money – The Beatles 2) I Can Dig It – Booker T & The MGs 3) Hang On Sloopy – Diana Ross & The Supremes

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    Searcy9320  7 months ago

    CHRISTMAS SPIRIT- Bozo very generous to all, but maybe not the Friendly Neighborhood Bandit. DIRTY TRICK- Bozo, you should have known Poochie is going to bury any gift he gets. CHECKED- Well all the coats have been handed back to their owners, now to “return” a snoozing Bozo.

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    the lost wizard  7 months ago

    1. How about a handout. Crime doesn’t pay like it used to. :)

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    General Trelane (Ret.) Premium Member 7 months ago

    “Christmas spirit” – Fingers is cleaning Bozo out of his spare change . The only thing he missed on his nightly visits .

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  15. Mountain lynx
    Shikamoo Premium Member 7 months ago

    1. Finger’s finger in the presence.

    2. Hidden treasure.

    3. Check, mate!

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