Joe Heller for July 21, 2023

  1. Green 5 point celtic knot 300
    Erse IS better  12 months ago

    I suppose there’ll be a successor party named “Republican” but from the Magats’ pov, they’ll be RINOs… which would be an okay mascot, eh?

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  2. Th marvin da martian
    Flashaaway  12 months ago

    If you don’t put him in jail it means nothing is as it should be.

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    brwydave Premium Member 12 months ago

    They don’t seem to realize that they are in a world of ………

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  4. Picture
    ibFrank  12 months ago

    I wonder if a person would run as a Republican who really believed and practice the Republican’s platform would they get any votes?

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  5. 9dmn
    GOGOPOWERANGERS  12 months ago

    Oh these crazy republicans

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    knutdl  12 months ago

    Where elephants go to die.

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    Grandma Lea  12 months ago

    While most elections run on platforms, republicans seem to be running on lies and innuendos and their patented hearsay facts and faux news in the making. Remember if it is a dumb idea or violates the constitution or other laws, it forms the foundation of republican ethics

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  8. Lifi
    rossevrymn  12 months ago

    74 million, this is you until you show otherwise.

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  9. Hot beverage 2615
    More Coffee Please! Premium Member 12 months ago

    There are none so stupid as those who continue to vote for republican’ts.

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  10. Celtic tree of life
    mourdac Premium Member 12 months ago

    His utter detestabilty as a human cost the Repubs the Presidency, House, and Senate in 2020 and the Senate in 2022. Can’t wait until the Repubs run him again in 2024 and see the fallout.

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    CarrollJr   12 months ago

    Rape – it’s rape.

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  12. Coexist
    Bookworm  12 months ago

    The current “Republican” Party has passed it’s Point of No Return; their implacable extremism has made it impossible for them to reverse their actions, or to return to their starting points of “Fiscal Responsibility,” “Law and Order,” and “Limited Government.”

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  13. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  12 months ago

    Double down on your corrupt stupidity, over and over and over again.

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  14. Blizzard
    Escapee  12 months ago

    You didn’t include rape.

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  15. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  12 months ago

    Trump says it would be ‘very dangerous’ if Jack Smith sends him to jail

    Bully Traitor Trump continues to threaten the USA.

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  16. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  12 months ago

    Trump Tears Into Republican Rivals on Truth Social: ‘Christie Dead as His Stomach Band’

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  17. Missing large
    casonia2  12 months ago

    Here’s the Republican “platform.” They won’t write it down because too many voters might read it, so I did it for them. Despite being in the minority in terms of the US population, members of the SCOTUS, “Conservatives,” RWNJs, and white supremacists are attempting to drag this country back to their imaginary Jeffersonian agrarian idyl. The 1790 census (when Jefferson was Secretary of State), counted 5.3M Americans. Only white males owning 50 acres or more of land were permitted to vote, approximately 6% of the population. Free white men who did not own land, free white females, and slaves could not vote. In 1790 the American population was largely rural, making a living by farming. Our most recent census counted 332,403,650 Americans. Current estimates are that 83% of Americans live in urban areas. They do not work at farming. Of course, a country of 300-plus million Americans requires a larger government than one with only 5.3 million Americans. Please don’t worry about how “small government” works with regulating what goes on in your bedroom, or prohibiting women (still citizens as far as I know) from crossing state lines for medical care. Nevertheless, in pursuit of “small government,” the following are conservatives’ goals for their “Jeffersonian” America

    1. No women’s rights.

    2. No civil rights for people of color, or for any other minority groups.

    3. No immigration, other than Caucasians.

    4. No labor unions.

    5. No health insurance.

    6. No legal recourse due to Republican-packed courts.

    7. No social security.

    8. No disability insurance.

    9. No minimum wage.

    10. No free and fair elections (ultimately, no elections).

    11. Imposed state religion; government funding of religious schools.

    12. Unregulated militias unchecked by Republican-packed courts.

    13. No work on mitigating climate change; no environmental protections.


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  18. Missing large
    casonia2  12 months ago

    Republican Platform continued…

    14. No free press.

    Oh, I almost forgot! Lying about and misrepresenting everything Democrats try to accomplish.

    GOP politicians don’t care about the environment or mitigating climate change because they intend to stay permanently in office and use their money and power to take over remaining livable locations as environmental conditions worsen. Republican leaders don’t care if America dies as long as they can feed off the carcass for their lifetimes. How many Americans would have to die or be virtually enslaved in jobs with less than living wages for this “platform” to work? Why do you people who support today’s GOP, Trump, and Trump wannabes think that you will come out winners under this regime? NEVER MISS AN OPPORTUNITY TO VOTE, AND VOTE BLUE!

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    Northgalus2002  12 months ago

    Isn’t the definition of insanity, “Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results”?

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  20. Screenshot 2024 02 05 at 6.32.06 pm
    librarylady59  12 months ago

    Would still be a republican with conservative belief:

    “Conservatism, then, is not a commitment to limited government and liberty – or a wariness of change, a belief in evolutionary reform, or a politics of virtue. These may be byproducts of conservatism, one or more of its historically specific and ever-changing modes of expression. But they are not its animating purpose. Neither is conservatism a makeshift fusion of capitalists, Christians, and warriors, for that fusion is impelled by a more elemental force – the opposition to the liberation of men and women from the fetters of their superiors, particularly in the private sphere. Such a view might seem miles away from the libertarian defense of the free market, with its celebration of the atomistic autonomous individual. But it is not. When the libertarian [conservative] looks out upon society, he does not see isolated individuals; he sees private, often hierarchical, groups, where a father governs his family and an owner his employees… the conservative position stems from a genuine conviction that a world thus emancipated will be ugly, brutish, base, and dull. It will lack the excellence of a world where the better man commands the worse… Each in his own way subscribes to this typical statement, from the nineteenth century, of the conservative creed: ‘To obey a real superior… is one of the most important of all virtues – a virtue absolutely essential to the attainment of anything great and lasting.’” – From The Reactionary Mind: Conservatism from Edmund Burke to Sarah Palin by Corey Robin

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  21. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  12 months ago

    Brutal New Poll Shows Trump Losing Big to Biden, Even With Third Party Spoiler

    new Monmouth University poll suggests that former president Donald Trump would be easily dispatched by President Joe Biden in a 2024 rematch of the 2020 presidential election, even if Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) were to mount a third party bid that most analysts believe would hamper the Biden campaign.

    In the national survey of 910 voters, 47% of voters said they would definitely or probably support Biden, while just 40% said they would back Trump.

    Remarkably, a potential unity ticket comprised of Manchin and former Utah governor Jon Huntsman® would barely eat into Biden’s lead, as he would still boast a 40%-34% advantage over Trump.

    63% of voters professed to have an unfavorable view of Trump and half of voters said they would “definitely” not support Trump in 2024.

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  22. Large adolf
    Adolf Trump  12 months ago

    Along with everything else, it seems the orange blob grabbed some antiquities, as he ran out the door.


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  23. Curious cat
    Curiosity Premium Member 12 months ago

    If Elephants knew what they were being used to represent they would be seriously irritated, and if there were any such in the US their reaction would probably be more than a bit destructive. Wonderful creatures, but Do Not cross them!

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    apfelzra Premium Member 12 months ago

    WHAT Republican platform???

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    readanygoodbooks  11 months ago

    Yes! Trump is being beaten daily by EVERYONE.

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