Very old poem. [Author unknown. Many variations over the decades. Dad ordered this one from the Buzza Co. of Minneapolis, MN over 90 years ago. It arrived framed and hung by his chair for years. It now decorates the wall next to my desk]
Your nose is close to the grindstone rough
And you hold it down there long enough
In time you will say there is no such thing
As brooks that babble and birds that sing.
These three all the world will compose,
Just you and the grindstone
and your darned old nose
Kinda sounds like a longer Burma Shave sign, but it’s still true enough.
I was born on Sept 6. When I was young, my mom told me I was born on Labor Day, the actual holiday. I believed her until I was much older and used computers that could show me the calendar for any year and month. She fibbed ;-)
Jml58 over 1 year ago
Put your nose to it.
Ratkin Premium Member over 1 year ago
The day you were born was labor day for your mother.
[Traveler] Premium Member over 1 year ago
Good one
uniquename over 1 year ago
Ernie’s very sharp. His birth stone must be a whetstone.
Count Olaf Premium Member over 1 year ago
Most people were born on Labor Day.
InTraining Premium Member over 1 year ago
well Frankie, it’s better than a tombstone…!
sandpiper over 1 year ago
Very old poem. [Author unknown. Many variations over the decades. Dad ordered this one from the Buzza Co. of Minneapolis, MN over 90 years ago. It arrived framed and hung by his chair for years. It now decorates the wall next to my desk]
Your nose is close to the grindstone rough
And you hold it down there long enough
In time you will say there is no such thing
As brooks that babble and birds that sing.
These three all the world will compose,
Just you and the grindstone
and your darned old nose
Kinda sounds like a longer Burma Shave sign, but it’s still true enough.
dbrucepm over 1 year ago
and you are just a number to Mega Corp, a replaceable cog in the giant machine
locake over 1 year ago
The most common birth date in the U.S. is September 9th. I have 2 relatives born that day and 2 relatives born on Sept. 8th.
Frank Burns Eats Worms over 1 year ago
With each new month, you never know what jewel get.
Mr. Impatient over 1 year ago
It’s better than a Kidney stone.
LeftCoastBoomer Premium Member over 1 year ago
I was born on Sept 6. When I was young, my mom told me I was born on Labor Day, the actual holiday. I believed her until I was much older and used computers that could show me the calendar for any year and month. She fibbed ;-)
T... over 1 year ago
Overworked, underpaid, underloved, but employed old guy, lucky…
Geophyzz over 1 year ago
Depending on the color, gem quality grindstone (corundum) is ruby or sapphire.