Eric Allie for September 25, 2023

  1. Xf8u 3
    XF8U-3  9 months ago

    Free speech does not include spreading lies about Covid you horrible little man.

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  2. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  9 months ago

    Why is it the republicans who want to shut everyone up?

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  3. Rabbit hat
    s49nav  9 months ago

    “The end justifies the means as long as there is something that justifies the end”.

    So tell me again what the difference is between the Trotskyites of 1935 and the Democrats of 2023.


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    preacherman Premium Member 9 months ago

    This looks more like a Repub poll.

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    Tzinger   9 months ago

    Polls are always suspect because readers of the questions interpret them differently and the questions are not sufficiently nuanced for everyone to understand. e.g.“free speech should be legal only under certain circumstances” would be correct if you we intentionally intending to influence someone via a lie … think Trump suggesting you inject bleach to cure a virus.Polls with very short yes/no questions are basically useless.

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    thelordthygod666  9 months ago

    A poll conducted by a far right polling company funded by Republican donors. Of course it’s accurate…

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    rs0204 Premium Member 9 months ago

    First of all, Eric, please provide your source for your statistics. If you cannot, then they will be considered fabricated.

    Second, in any modern society, free speech has limitations. Limitations based on time, place, and manner apply to all speech, regardless of the view expressed. For instance, you cannot libel another person, you cannot instigate a riot, etc. Anyone who takes the time to dissect your political cartoon will see that you are being disingenuous with the matter.

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    The Dem Veteran   9 months ago

    Interesting poll. What are the numbers for Republicans?

    The repubs are MORE in favor of restricting speech

    Just ask meatball Ron

    Disney can say anything they want right up to anything critical of meatballs legislation

    Then meatball will destroy thier business and confiscate thier property

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  9. Wtp
    superposition  9 months ago

    Considering that generative AI is rigorously dependent on factual data for accuracy and safety, which seems to be the reason some people are opposed, … as AI will be eventually be able to detect lies in real-time. Not all opinions are based on facts which is why we hypothesis testing.

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    Vidrinath Premium Member 9 months ago

    67% of Rs say Voting is not a right its a privilege.

    Pew Research July 22, 2021

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  11. Marx lennon
    charliekane  9 months ago

    And roughly 2/3 to 3/4 of Republicans support a guy willing to wreck the country for personal gain.

    We’s in a helluva mess . . .

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    lawguy05  9 months ago

    Demoncrats are the real threat to democracy.

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  13. Yin yang
    Havel  9 months ago

    There are no absolute freedoms. There are no absolute rights. There are plenty of gray areas. That is why courts exist.

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  14. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  9 months ago

    Republicans don’t want people to vote.

    Trump gives away his election game plan with attack on Pennsylvania governor

    Donald Trump attacked Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro for expanding automatic voter registration in his state – and that suggests he intends to limit access to the polls to regain power, according to an analysis.The former president hailed a decision by Wisconsin’s conservative Supreme Court that forbid the state from allowing drop boxes, which Trump believes give an advantage to Democrats, and he complained that Shapiro’s decision would hurt the chances of Republicans like himself to win in Pennsylvania — but notably did not say it would increase the chances of fraud, reported the Washington Post.

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  15. Picture
    ChristopherBurns  9 months ago

    Mr. Allie leaves out the context of the poll(no surprise there), which is about social media.

    Here is what the poll asked:

    “To try and assess what is going on with censorship, the authors showed the 1,120 people in their study fake news headlines, such as “Hours after signing an executive order on Jan. 20, 2021, President Joe Biden violated his own mask mandate” or “In Sept. 2016, Ted Cruz tweeted, ‘I’ll believe in climate change when Texas freezes over.’”

    The poll respondents were then told the headlines were invented and solicited the respondents’ views as to whether they should be censored. The results were stark. “Even when Republicans agree that content is false, they are half as likely as Democrats to say that the content should be removed and more than twice as likely to consider removal as censorship,” the authors wrote."

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  16. Anzi
    Phoenix83  9 months ago

    (RealClear) Reliability: Mixed Reliability/Opinion OR Other Issues —AdFontes

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    Stephen Runnels Premium Member 9 months ago

    Every utterance, in any form from a Republican is a demonstrable lie.

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  18. Sunimage
    Sun  9 months ago

    Democrats are the party of censorship.

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  19. Albert einstein brain i6
    braindead Premium Member 9 months ago

    Allie again expresses Anything to Distract from the 91 indictments.

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    davidthoms1  9 months ago

    Spreading dangerous lies is not free speech! Is that hard for anyone to understand?

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    AndrewSharpe  9 months ago

    Who paid for the poll?

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    Plumb.Bob Premium Member 9 months ago

    “They are almost all dishonest and corrupt, but Comcast, with its one-side and vicious coverage by NBC NEWS, and in particular MSNBC, often and correctly referred to as MSDNC (Democrat National Committee!), should be investigated for its ‘Country Threatening Treason,’" Donald Trump yesterday.

    Who cares what a poll says when the leading GOP presidential candidate is talking about prosecuting journalists for speech?

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    My First Premium Member 9 months ago

    Everybody has seen that the democrats invented “cancel culture”. You see it at college’s and universities, in the public square etc. If your position differs from dem-wits, you can be rest assured they’ll be coming after you.

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    ncorgbl  9 months ago

    “certain circumstances” are those instances when free speech violates the rights of others. The rest, including the speech bubbles, are examples of free speech.

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    calliarcale  9 months ago

    Notably, even with this coming from a source with a definite right-wing bias, the numbers Allie has chosen to report are minority results — i.e. the majority doesn’t agree. Would it be reasonable to imply Republicans are murderers if I said “30% of Republicans agree killing people should be legal at their discretion,” without clarifying that I was talking about the castle doctrine specifically? Of course not. And it’s obvious there’s nuance not described here. As with the hypothetical I just mentioned, the first one here could refer to common sense restrictions on free speech — the classic example being shouting “fire!” in a crowded theater, but of course I think also pretty much everybody is in favor of laws restricting fraud as well. I mean, technically a scam is speech, but laws targeting scammers are pretty uncontroversial.

    And as to the last one? I am not surprised most Democrats aren’t willing to die for someone else’s free speech. I wouldn’t expect very many Republicans would be willing either. I’m actually surprised it’s as high as 31% who say they are willing to give the ultimate sacrifice just for speech. I mean, dying is a pretty big deal. The actual percentage of people willing to join the armed forces (the classic way of fulfilling such a pledge) is far, far lower than that, after all.

    It is very normal to not want to die. It does not show a lack of character, nor does it mean the person is a “baddie”.

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    oxlid1963  9 months ago

    Spot on Eric. The leftist’s comments here alone prove your point.

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    think it through  9 months ago

    100% of republicans believe only they should rule the world and have the right to execute anyone who disagrees with them.

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    LC64  9 months ago

    There definitely are limits to free speech.

    That woman in Texas who left Judge Chutkan a threatening voice mail learned that.

    E. Jean Carroll taught tRump that.

    Those poll workers in Georgia taught Giuliani that.

    Or does Eric believe that fomenting an insurrection or causing death threats to be made is all right?

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    The Dem Veteran   9 months ago

    Allie’s Version of Free Speech is It would be a good thing if a citizen were to kill Dr Fauci.

    We used to call that making a terroristic threat Now its just called GOP politics .

    If you disagree with me remember the Trump statement

    “If she gets to pick judges there is nothing you can do”

    “Although second amendment people – Maybe there is”

    If she get to pic Judges ( Because she is president) someone with guns can fix that

    That is your guy advocating the murder of a president as normal political discourse

    Is that free speech?

    How about " If you Murder this person I am sure someone will pay for your legal bills"

    How about if you commit this crime i will pardon you? Is that free speech?

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