Clay Jones for October 29, 2023

  1. Th marvin da martian
    Flashaaway  8 months ago

    Pity you couldn’t put up the bribe dollars next to each gun.

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  2. Ddwiz avatar
    DD Wiz Premium Member 8 months ago

    Things that do not kill children at school, worshippers in churches, synagogues, temples or mosques, shoppers in stores or those seeking entertainment in movie theaters, bowling alleys, night clubs or concerts:

    • Books

    • Storytellers or performers in drag

    • Learning about different kinds of families, relationships and gender identities

    • Learning honest and objective history

    • Pronouns

    • Statue of David or other Renaissance art and statuary

    Conservative Republicans have made various proposals to ban all of the above.


    What DOES kill children at school, worshippers in churches, synagogues, temples or mosques, shoppers in stores or those seeking entertainment in movie theaters, bowling alleys, night clubs or concerts:

    • Semiautomatic assault-style battlefield weapons in the hands of a terrorist, convicted violent felon or domestic abuser who was able to easily obtain it by walking into a gun show in an unregulated state (or ordering online) and buying from a private party.

    Conservative Republicans resist any effort to implement common-sense safety rules to rein in this epidemic of carnage from weapons designed for battlefield but now readily-available to anyone who wants them, no matter how violent, criminal or mentally unstable.

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  3. Step 1
    mr_sherman Premium Member 8 months ago

    GQP theists waste the greatest gift given to them by God, intelligence.

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    lopaka  8 months ago

    Only in America. Not elsewhere in the upper industrialized nations.

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    Psilocybin Fernensis  8 months ago

    When the Cambrian measures were forming, They promised perpetual peace.

    They swore, if we gave them our weapons, that the wars of the tribes would cease.

    But when we disarmed They sold us and delivered us bound to our foe,

    And the Gods of the Copybook Headings said: “Stick to the Devil you know.”

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  6. Lifi
    rossevrymn  8 months ago

    Lotta words…………….how bout we are a violent peoples?

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  7. Dr coathanger abortions 150
    Teto85 Premium Member 8 months ago

    Bullseye. Mr Jones is right on target.

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    piper_gilbert  8 months ago

    Other countries suffer from mental illness too. Why don’t they have the body count we do?

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    ragsarooni Premium Member 8 months ago

    What,again? THOUGHTS and PRAYERS is lame,has been,really,since Columbine…..Get off your high horse and DO SOMETHING!

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  10. Pilgrim
    Newenglandah  8 months ago

    Every mass shooting goes the same way: first the gun lobby sycophants tell us that it’s too early to act and that we should wait until things calm down. Then when things calm down, those same sycophants come back with “that was ages ago. Where have you been?”.

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    GiantShetlandPony  8 months ago

    The big smile on the guy who owns the gun shop in Lewiston tells you all you need to know. He sold 28 guns on a day he would normally sell maybe 4 or 5. The smile tells you how much he cares about those who died last week. Their deaths were great for his business.

    In the meantime, when it was hard to get food Jeff’s Jamaican Cuisine restaurant was feeding first responders and hospital staff, and even some of the press for FREE.

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  12. Pine marten3
    martens  8 months ago

    The Swiss are a well-armed nation. Most males actually serve in their well-regulated militia and keep the weapons issued at home, plus a certain number of rounds of ammo for practice at the local range. While in the service, they must pass a periodic shooting test which, if they fail, means they’ll be spending a few weekends practicing under supervision. It is illegal to carry a loaded gun in public before or after you are actually on the range. Other than specific militia issue, all gun purchases require a background check, a real one by the police, not a “gun show” type. They also have much lower rates of violent crime. Maybe we have something to learn from them.

    https://www .>

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  13. Cover of prophecy of honor
    FGWaiss  8 months ago

    I f anyone else has pointed this out, I haven’t read it: It’s not just the urge to kill other people. The gun advocates (I know some—they are normal non-violent people who enjoy shooting—traps or targets, or hunting—and would never consider shooting another person except in self defense) insist that “guns don’t kill people, people kill people.” But guns kill people faster and easier. Besides that, though, the physical feeling of shooting an automatic weapon is a charge in itself. The vibration in the arms and body of the rapid fire kickbacks, the noise, the smell, the sound, provides an exultation that nothing else can match. When you add that to the insane desire to kill people—to see the explosions of flesh and blood, to make a reality out of the most violent of video games—what other weapon could one possibly choose?

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  14. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  8 months ago

    Ele Fink wishes he had more guns because he wants to kill dems.

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    Mike Baldwin creator 8 months ago

    Weapons of Mass Hysteria.

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    lsnrchrd.1 Premium Member 8 months ago

    The GOP loves (and is beholden to) the NRA (and the campaign funding/influence it distributes).

    The NRA loves, and its very existence depends upon, the money it receives from arms/munitions manufacturers/distributors/retailers.

    This is who actually calls all the shots (politically AND those fired by US citizenry at la cible [target] du jour).

    Hey. This generates profit. So STFU.

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  17. Reflections animation120
    zxcar1  8 months ago

    Interesting opinion piece by Seamus McGraw delving into the whys and why nots of mass shootings and a conclusion:

    “Almost certainly, there will be a demand for accountability for that delay in doing so. But if we’re going to indict those officers, even if only in the court of public opinion, then we also have an obligation to indict ourselves. Even now, before the bodies of those 19 children and two teachers are buried, there are the perfectly predictable calls to double down on the myth of the good guy with a gun. Just as there were after Santa Fe and El Paso and Midland-Odessa and countless others, there are renewed calls to simply flood the zone with more guns, in the perfect and simplistic faith that untested and inexperienced civilians, teachers, custodians will somehow miraculously arise against depraved killers armed with weapons of war.

    That’s not a plan. That’s not a policy. That’s theology. There are far more AR-15s and far more rounds of ammunition that can vaporize flesh, shatter bone and explode internal organs than there are heroes. And if that is the only response to the ever-mounting slaughter of this nation’s children and its grandparents, and its congregations at worship, and its crowds at movie theaters and country music concerts, then we don’t have a prayer."

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    ShadowMaster  8 months ago

    “And in the meantime, pst. ya wanna buy a gun?”

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  19. Jock
    Godfreydaniel  8 months ago

    We actually had an assault weapons ban at one time (which was supported, even if grudgingly, by the NRA—this was before they were raking in the rubles, of course), and it was allowed to sunset. While it was in operation, the total number of people whose 2nd amendment rights were violated was……..ZERO. If the ban had remained in effect, the total number of people whose 2nd amendment rights were violated (because of that ban, in case our resident trolls don’t get this) would be, at present, ZERO, and in the future (because of that ban) ZERO. Any questions?

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  20. Jock
    Godfreydaniel  8 months ago

    By the way, to our resident trolls: NO Democrat with any political power (or name recognition) is advocating CONFISCATING your firearms (or mine, for that matter). When the wackos were claiming that “Obama will take away your guns!” I pointed out, over and over, that he wasn’t going to do that any more than he was going to take away their TV Guides. Why the hel do people keep falling for these dam con artists???!!!

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  21. Kirby close up with poppies behind   close cropped
    mistercatworks  8 months ago

    … and body armor

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    patrickab7  8 months ago

    Not to worry. The guns are safe and that’s all that matters! /s

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    NatureBatsLast  8 months ago

    Way past time for Actions not words.

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  24. 3 stooges
    tee929  8 months ago

    …then the GOPhants go home a dream of AR-15’s dancing through their heads.

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  25. Albert einstein brain i6
    braindead Premium Member 8 months ago

    From Clay’s blog:

    “Lauren Boebert inspired this cartoon. Yesterday, she tweeted “thoughts and prayers” to the victims and survivors in Maine. I tweeted a reply to her stating that maybe she should send her Christmas card to them and perhaps that would cheer them up."

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