Moderately Confused by Jeff Stahler for November 14, 2023

  1. Missing large
    drbee  over 1 year ago

    No likes from the Trumpeteers, tho. They seem to Much prefer a dictatorship and living under the thumbs of the mega-rich and the Felonious Fascist.

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  2. The shadow
    Ubintold  over 1 year ago


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  3. Man with x ray glasses
    The Reader Premium Member over 1 year ago

    Most of them were bots.

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    Anters55  over 1 year ago

    But only if you can keep it.

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  5. Cthulhu p1xg
    gorbag  over 1 year ago

    Before or after the first ten amendments?

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  6. Ed583643 91bf 4172 be99 60eabdf33fa3
    Lee26 Premium Member over 1 year ago

    Well, I declayah.

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  7. Gocomic avatar
    sandpiper  over 1 year ago

    If most of America had cell phones in that time, very few would be reading this send. They’d be immersed in their own lives, texting friends, insulting and bullying people, supporting people like Trumplilly, and generally nonresponsive.

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  8. Serenity3d
    MRC112  over 1 year ago

    Must be the second amendment. About time that was amended

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    dflak  over 1 year ago

    I find it interesting that no sooner than we adopt the Constitution to create a governments that we immediately turned around and amended it to protect the citizens from the government just created.

    Now we have a major political party and a block of followers willing to suspend those protections and they call themselves “Patriots.”

    A nationalist defends his country. A patriot defends its people.

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    ladykat Premium Member over 1 year ago

    At the time, I imagine it got a great many likes.

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    DawnQuinn1  over 1 year ago

    Trump made te comment that he would change the Constitution so he could be President for life; you know, just like Hitler said. BUT, the Constitution can only be changed with the approval of SCOTUS…which Trump owns.

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  12. Effenbee boy 2
    sobrown51  over 1 year ago

    This is the Constitution on the table and those who know history know that the Bill of Rights (first 10 amendments to the constitution) came about AFTER the main part of constitution was settled on to get the final approvals from the last few states or holdouts. The amendments to the constitution (first 10 and several others) have always seemed to me to be where the controversies arise. I support them all but wish a few would have been written to be clearer for future changes.

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    ncorgbl  over 1 year ago

    But none from conservatives, Ben. conservatives opposed our independence then, and oppose our constitution then and through today. conservatives are the enemy of the U.S. and have been since 1774.

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    formathe  over 1 year ago

    Y’all are still convinced your side is on your side when , in truth, neither side is on anyone’s side. they are in it for themselves. Your governments no longer serve the people. the fact you refuse to see it, is why it will never get changed.

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    Smeagol  over 1 year ago

    There are many things wrong with America yet as a US citizen who was born in a foreign country I believe it is still the best place to live anywhere. Those who think otherwise should go and visit another country overseas, better yet, live there for a time, not Canada or Mexico, farther away, Europe or Asia and you will find the Laws we have protecting you here do not apply anywhere else; think Britney Griner. Natalee Holloway’s killer was protected by his country Aruba which has Dutch Law for 20 years. Also, English Law is sometimes opposite of ours, watch the movie Denial with Rachel Weisz about whether the Holocaust actually happened. Be thankful, we could be speaking German or Japanese.

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