I’m so confused! Mopey Pete refers to the character of Funky Winkerbean as the “owner of Montoni’s.”
1.) Isn’t Tony Montoni the owner of Montoni’s? In the latter years of the strip, the owner Tony Montoni occasionally made trips from his retirement home in Florida to check on things. Often to supervise the setup of the Christmas decorations. Funky was running Montoni’s in Tony’s absence. Managing Montoni’s empire included being the landlord to Skunkhead John’s Komiix Korner.
2.) If Tony is no longer the owner of Montoni’s, when did he sell or transfer his restaurant to Funky? Was this ever shown in the FW comic strip? Shouldn’t the sale of Montoni’s been a worthwhile story arc to cover in the life of the FW strip’s titular character? Was the cartoonist too busy covering comic books or Les Moore’s ceaseless wh0ring of Lisa’s Story?
3.) Is Toni Montoni still alive? There has never been a mention in Funky Winkerbean about Tony Montoni dying. In one Sunday Funky Winkerbean strip, Tony, a non-speaking, ghost-like figure observes Funky and Wally discussing Christmas decorations in storage. Many commenters were asking, “Tony’s dead? When did he die?” Later, in the penultimate week, an alive and well Tony Montoni was one of the many characters headed to the “Jazz Messiah” concert at St. Spires Church. Was Tony resurrected from death to attend the concert? He has risen! Hallelujah!
4.) Late last October in Funky Winkerbean, Funky announced the closure of Montoni’s and auctioned off its contents. Funky, citing the closure due to losses suffered during the Covid-19 pandemic. If that is indeed the case, it means that Montoni’s restaurant has ceased to exist. As such, there is no restaurant for sale. I am wondering if Mopey Pete is buying the entire building or just renting the floor space where the restaurant used to be? Does Funky own the entire building?
Frankly, I miss ol’ Funky, and the gang. The occasional ‘crossover’ (if I can call a defunct strip that) is kinda nice.Hey, it worked for the Beverly Hillbillies!
seismic-2 Premium Member about 1 year ago
And now the cast of Funky Winkerbean has invaded and taken over this strip, like a fungus that’s resistant to antibiotics.
Bill Thompson about 1 year ago
Yeah, Ed, we’re already on that page.
Bill Thompson about 1 year ago
I want to hear what Ed has against Funky Winkerbean. It would let the strip end the year on a sigh note.
B UTTONS about 1 year ago
Winkerbean … one of those fictions soundings names … like Crankshaft.
J.J. O'Malley about 1 year ago
And the reason for saying the owner’s name was…?
Also, this is going on at Ed’s house? Mopey wasn’t good enough to invite to the Thanksgiving table, but you bring him over to set up your tree?
Hope all you “Crankshaft” loyalists who defend this strip’s current direction enjoy the spectacle to come.
Blu Bunny about 1 year ago
Excited that Funky coming to visit! As Mindy put it yesterday, excited meaning to throw up.
chief tommy about 1 year ago
You guys who rag on Crankshaft and Tom and Dan were all Bullies in Jr High, right?
French Persons' Treasury of Self-Applauding Batty Premium Member about 1 year ago
And the Winkification of this comic continues apace..
tpcox928 about 1 year ago
Welcome back, Funky Winkerbean!
ladykat Premium Member about 1 year ago
Is there bad blood here?
Cabbage Jack about 1 year ago
It’s a derelict building! “Owner of the restaurant that closed down over a year ago” is not Funky’s job title. It’s “slum lord.”
elbow macaroni about 1 year ago
Crankshaft is a minor bystander in his own strip.
Daltongang Premium Member about 1 year ago
Oh come on Ed, you remember Funky, the art teacher/study hall monitor. He was in the high school forever.
be ware of eve hill about 1 year ago
I’m so confused! Mopey Pete refers to the character of Funky Winkerbean as the “owner of Montoni’s.”
1.) Isn’t Tony Montoni the owner of Montoni’s? In the latter years of the strip, the owner Tony Montoni occasionally made trips from his retirement home in Florida to check on things. Often to supervise the setup of the Christmas decorations. Funky was running Montoni’s in Tony’s absence. Managing Montoni’s empire included being the landlord to Skunkhead John’s Komiix Korner.
2.) If Tony is no longer the owner of Montoni’s, when did he sell or transfer his restaurant to Funky? Was this ever shown in the FW comic strip? Shouldn’t the sale of Montoni’s been a worthwhile story arc to cover in the life of the FW strip’s titular character? Was the cartoonist too busy covering comic books or Les Moore’s ceaseless wh0ring of Lisa’s Story?
3.) Is Toni Montoni still alive? There has never been a mention in Funky Winkerbean about Tony Montoni dying. In one Sunday Funky Winkerbean strip, Tony, a non-speaking, ghost-like figure observes Funky and Wally discussing Christmas decorations in storage. Many commenters were asking, “Tony’s dead? When did he die?” Later, in the penultimate week, an alive and well Tony Montoni was one of the many characters headed to the “Jazz Messiah” concert at St. Spires Church. Was Tony resurrected from death to attend the concert? He has risen! Hallelujah!
4.) Late last October in Funky Winkerbean, Funky announced the closure of Montoni’s and auctioned off its contents. Funky, citing the closure due to losses suffered during the Covid-19 pandemic. If that is indeed the case, it means that Montoni’s restaurant has ceased to exist. As such, there is no restaurant for sale. I am wondering if Mopey Pete is buying the entire building or just renting the floor space where the restaurant used to be? Does Funky own the entire building?
Out of the Past about 1 year ago
Uh oh
tcayer about 1 year ago
The biggest scam ever! Merging two strips that were set 10 years apart, until it became inconvenient.
YankeeFan56 about 1 year ago
Frankly, I miss ol’ Funky, and the gang. The occasional ‘crossover’ (if I can call a defunct strip that) is kinda nice.Hey, it worked for the Beverly Hillbillies!
lemonbaskt about 1 year ago
what happen to the delivery trucks ?
Kitty Queen about 1 year ago
Always listen to your elders, we have more experience in judging people.
JPuzzleWhiz about 1 year ago
Something’s amiss, here — Cranky put the star atop the tree and DIDN’T cause a disaster!
Blu Bunny about 1 year ago
Odd shaped tree topper, not a cross or a star.
Mopman about 1 year ago
Why did Ed turn into Mr. Magoo in the last panel?
David Rickard Premium Member about 1 year ago
Flunky Wankerbean is coming back? Eloi Eloi Lama Sabachthani?
Al Fresco, the Librarian about 1 year ago
Better to send Les is Moore. He has negotiated book and movie deals. Or better yet Mason Jarr.
crazeekatlady about 1 year ago
Punctuation police! Two unnecessary commas in panel one. To use the commas properly it would be, “Funky Winkerbean, Owner of Mortoni’s”….
bwest.devore37 about 1 year ago
Haven’t seen Funky in years. Is it still running?
ToneeRhianRose 8 months ago
Haha! (^▽^)