Al Goodwyn Editorial Cartoons by Al Goodwyn for December 21, 2023

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    Quixotic1  7 months ago

    Unless, of course, the decision sticks. As it should, according to the, you know, Constitution.

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  2. Sammy on gocomics
    Say What Now‽ Premium Member 7 months ago

    Suddenly the repubs don’t want the courts to determine who’s electable.

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    knutdl  7 months ago

    How well do Americans know the constitution?

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    GOGOPOWERANGERS  7 months ago

    Now if this can be applied to red states…

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  5. Albert einstein brain i6
    braindead Premium Member 7 months ago

    Trump Disciples like Goodwyn absolutely revere the Constitution, whenever it’s convenient.

    When it’s not convenient, not so much.


    Same as with the Bible.

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    Joe1962 Premium Member 7 months ago

    When the Dems throw the word fascist at Republicans, it’s not Republicans who are fascist but it’s democrats who are fascist.

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    gordon.f.brown Premium Member 7 months ago

    I concur, thank you for following the Constitution! Now we just need the rest of the states to follow suit.

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    Sprarklin  7 months ago

    How crazy is it that a flamboyant New York billionaire would sacrifice so much for our country?

    He’s completely exposed the deep state. We now know for certain that it’s a nexus of embedded bureaucrats, politicians, and their oligarch paymasters.

    No one buys the MSM anymore, so they’ve had to resort to lawfare. Trump has taken it all on and WILL NOT STOP FIGHTING! Thank you, president Trump!

    There is still an America that deserves you! I promise.

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    baroden Premium Member 7 months ago

    No. We’re not going to blame the ethical decisions of a competent court for Trump’s popularity with the base. The GOP made this monster and he is YOURS. Goodwyn applauded Trump, supported him and criticized Trump’s critics. If the GOP doesn’t want him, get rid of him. It’s that easy.

    But no, the GOP knows if they oust Trump, the party will crumble and go away. They’ll lose power for decades. They’ll also lose all the money that flows into their party including their Putin checks.

    I hope more and more states follow Colorado’s example. Lack of ethics created Trump. Ethics will destroy him.

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    Al Fresco  7 months ago

    The CO decision. and that other Dem states to keep Trump off the ballot is only gaining him more sympathy and potential votes. These politically motivate tactics are why the Democrats are the greatest threat to democracy. These antics would be reason for a revolution in other less democratic countries. Keep the person most likely to win the election off the ballot? Trump is a traitor. Most GOP and some Dems don’t believe it or don’t care. He is the peoples’ choice. “America, what a country” (Yakov Smirnoff)

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    aristoclesplato9  7 months ago

    The ultimate voter suppression action. Blocks millions at one time. No crime need be charged. No conviction need be cited. Just declare a candidate an insurrectionist and BINGO! no one can vote for them.

    What’s next? Declare the open southern border activity an invasion by insurrectionists and ban Biden?

    SCOTUS will slap this down 9-0. Too bad they could not declare the CO Supreme Court inept and throw the bums out.

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  12. Braveheart
    Free or Not? Premium Member 7 months ago

    The Dems WANT Trump to win the Primaries by revving up his base with the lawfare.

    They want him to win the primary because they know they can beat him in the General. He will be banned from some swing state ballots after he is (unjustly) convicted of “Insurrection”.(He will overcome the Colorado ban because he has not yet been convicted, but once that changes, it is all over for him regarding the ballot fight).

    That is why we need to get behind DESANTIS. He would be the best President and is the only one who can win the White House.

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    The Nodding Head  7 months ago

    So passes “The Party of Law and Order.”

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    rs0204 Premium Member 7 months ago

    Depriving voters has absolutely nothing to do with a matter of Law, and to use that as a basis of argument is ridiculous in the extreme.

    If trump is found to have broken the law in aiding and abetting an insurrection, then he is barred from holding office, as a matter of law. It’s as simple as that. The public’s ability to vote or not vote for him is altogether another matter and is not relevant to the situation.

    The unfortunate fact that his cult falls for the orange criminals lies on the matter, is of no concern to the courts.

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    DC Swamp  7 months ago

    Leftists: disenfranchisement of voters one state at a time.

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    Valiant1943 Premium Member 7 months ago

    That’s why the Magas have done away with Civics.

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    Ontman  7 months ago

    Goodwyn, like Trump, has no respect for the Constitution.

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    davidthoms1  7 months ago

    Once again Goodwyn misses the point!

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  19. Rabbit hat
    s49nav  7 months ago

    Democrats are congenitally blind to the fact that their strategy in Colorado serves only to further galvanize Trump’s supporters. Those supporters have no trouble recognizing that the Federal crime of Insurrection is one that Trump has never been charged with, let alone convicted of. There is no way that Trump’s mild words on 1/6 can be cast in the same light as Confederate generals attempting to gain federal office after the Civil War.

    For Democrats who’ve convinced themselves that the Colorado decision is nothing more than blind justice at work, two questions. Do you really think that Jack Smith would have hesitated to bring that charge if he had any hope of making it stick? And does that fact that DOJ decided not to pursue this tactic raise the slightest doubt in your mind?

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    ncorgbl  7 months ago

    The Colorado Supreme Court issued their ruling based on the U.S. Constitution and it’s interpretation by Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch before he came to the bench. We will see if the U.S. Supreme Court does the same.

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    adunano367  7 months ago

    Einstein was able to escape to the US. I wonder where our geniuses will go.

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    ChristopherBurns  7 months ago

    What I find “interesting” with the right wing posters and cartoonist here is that none of them want to talk about what Mr. Trump is accused of. There are some very serious charges with convincing physical evidence to back them up. Yet they never want to talk about that.

    I wonder why?

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  23. Unnamed
    Another Take  7 months ago

    The Orange Mussolini can turn everything to his advantage as he convinces his MAGA base that they are the victims of big, bad woke conspiracies that can only be overcome with campaign contributions. Win or lose, he wins financially!

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    rs0204 Premium Member 7 months ago

    Too many of our Conservative friends, here and elsewhere, keep implying that trump is above the law. Faced with his constant law-breaking and in the face of multiple indictments, trump should be treated differently than anyone else. That is not the American way.

    As long as we have a democracy, fragile though it may be, and a free and fair court system (we hope), people like trump need to be held to account for their actions. To turn a blind eye or to demand less because he’s popular with some would be a travesty to our country and Constitution.

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    ferddo  7 months ago

    Odd how MAGAs love how Trump’s grifting keeps going and going and going…

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    fjblume2000  7 months ago

    Al, my man — Haven’t you been told enough times to kowtow to any Dem since their veracity is beyond reproach and they can walk on water? At least in Chi-town in the depths of Winter…

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    Salty dog Premium Member 7 months ago

    Time to get Biden off the ballot for not enforcing the law concerning the border

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  28. The eye of god
    Woodstock Generation Premium Member 7 months ago

    Mr. Goodwyn forgot the arm bands with swastikas.

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  29. Frank
    Frankfreak  7 months ago

    Why are Democrats being blamed for actions brought by Republicans and judgement brought by conservative judges?

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  30. Cigar smoker
    Jack7528  7 months ago

    Both the Left and the Right think that way! Oh, did you hear, the four judges who voted to Ban Trump, all went to Ivy League Schools. The other three have asked, what are you doing?

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    Ivan the Terrible   7 months ago

    Outlaw cannabis in Colorado!

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    muskrat  6 months ago

    There are people who argue that despite the fact trump is obviously guilty of insurrection and under the 14th amendment should not be on any ballot that we should still “let the people decide”. Please remember that he lost the last election by over 7 million votes and then simply refused to admit he had and has yet to present any actual proof that there was cheating.He is already saying the other Republican candidates will cheat to win the primary.It is seldom in our everyday lives that we run into someone who continues to lie despite obvious proof that they are. Such people are difficult to deal with.

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