Mike Lester for February 10, 2024

  1. Albert einstein brain i6
    braindead Premium Member 5 months ago

    Just when you think Lester’s cartoons cannot get more juvenile.

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    ibFrank  5 months ago

    I’m starting not to care if Biden is running the country just as long as whoever running it doesn’t change.

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    Quixotic1  5 months ago

    According to whom? The insane Qanon Republicans?

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    GOGOPOWERANGERS  5 months ago

    Clearly lester has lost all his marbles

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    WaitingMan  5 months ago

    I have no doubt that Lester read all 300+ pages of the report. /s

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    knutdl  5 months ago

    Who is running USA?

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    Al Fresco, the Librarian  5 months ago

    What is the Dem king maker’s game? They’re financing Ukraine, playing all sides in the Middle East, allowing millions to cross our border, proping up Joe as able to run for re-election, and bringing on the destruction of our country. Why? I have a feeling they think it is no longer our country, but theirs.

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    MarkZuck  5 months ago

    Reading the comments here I can only assume these commenters are trolls. We have a president who has been stealing government secrets for decades and selling them to foreign countries. These people are not only happy with him doing so, they actually defend that behavior. Either they are pleased with that lawlessness because it advances their agenda or they believe “death to America.”

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    baroden Premium Member 5 months ago

    And yet, the Biden administration far outshines the Trump administration in results. Biden’s administration has brought America back from the brink of collapse that Trump created. I cannot believe that so many Americans fall for Trump’s crap. That, in and of itself, is the saddest stamens on far America has fallen.

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    Ontman  5 months ago

    Lester has a perverse belief that Biden is as crazy as Trump actually is.

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    DC Swamp  5 months ago

    Biden couldn’t be a Wal-Mart greeter. If someone asked him where the produce section was he wouldn’t be able to answer correctly, even though it’s right behind him.

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    Johncom  5 months ago

    Great cartoon, Mr. Lester! Says exactly what many believe.

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  13. Myfreckledface
    VegaAlopex  5 months ago

    No, the Drumpfsters pretend he’s a mastermind of evil and not running the country. This is called cognitive dissonance.

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    bueller  5 months ago

    Wow, that’s a Jurassic Park – size newspaper, to match the evolution of the dinosaurs in the bar, I suppose .

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  15. Can flag
    Alberta Oil Premium Member 5 months ago

    While all the political cartoonist are having fun with this report do they realize the danger they create? Demeaning Biden might get you points but it strengthens the alternative.. and do your really want trump? Seriously?? Biden might scramble a sentence or two, but trump’s ramblings are just crazy, listen to what he says.. and take note, that is what he will do. Seriously, take note.

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  16. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  5 months ago

    Just totally ignore the last 10 years of lying idiot Trump’s insanity and gaffs.

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  17. Kernel
    Diane Lee Premium Member 5 months ago

    No president does the job without consulting with experts on whatever subject is being considered. It would be impossible for one person to be thoroughly knowledgeable on all domestic and foreign issues, as they change from day to day. When a decision needs to be made, I would hope that the president would consult with experts on the situation, not just one but several, and then make the decision he is required to make.

    I realize that Trump often didn’t do this. I am aware that the experts he met with often reported that he didn’t read reports and didn’t pay attention in meetings, and usually did whatever he chose.

    This is considered by some of his supporters as being a macho, shoot from the hip type of guy, their kind of of guy. That result is an often shooting off a couple of toes, literally. Figuratively, it means choosing to destroy whatever Obama put into place, including the agency that might have prevented Covid from getting out of the Chinese province where it originated.

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  18. Cigar smoker
    Jack7528  5 months ago

    Good one. The problem is us, we keep sending these morons back again and again and again.

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  19. Ab avitar
    Addled Brain  5 months ago

    Republicans .. having it both ways. They have all these contrived complaints about how President Biden is ruining our country but, since he’s “not running the Country," according the Lester, their hollow complaints all fall apart.

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    ShadowMaster  5 months ago

    Not “by reason of insanity.” By reason of no evidence. And then maligned as a forgetful old man.

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    newyorkslim  5 months ago

    Whatever. Biden spent 40 years as a mediocre politician — corrupt, principle-less, plagiarizing… lying… and now he’s the same thing — only suffering from mounting dementia.

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  22. 3holycow
    cbgoldeneagle2  5 months ago

    Biden still senile as ever, democratic are happy cuz Trump gone until Nov 2024

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    Northgalus2002  5 months ago

    Mike, the investigator who did this report on Biden was appointed by Trump. And, even though he made disparaging remarks on Biden’s mental facilities, even he couldn’t find any serious wrongdoing on Biden’s part. Yes, our President is an Octogenarian (and Trump is only a few years younger than Biden) but he has done a remarkable job as President despite opposition from the Congressional GOP. As far as I’m concerned, this is just the 2024 equivalent of “But her e-mails!”

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  24. Me avatar
    rbullfogg  5 months ago

    If it walks like a duck, if it quacks like a duck. Then

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    ncorgbl  5 months ago

    Regardless how good or bad a report might come, conservatives need to lie about it.

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  26. So long charlie brown copy
    mlester101 creator 5 months ago

    Report from Biden’s own DOJ: The President is so far gone mentally he can’t be charged w a crime. Currently he enjoys the ultimate in immunity. Nothing else is close.

    For the good of the country he needs to be charged or removed. There’s’ no middle ground.

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    Ivan the Terrible   5 months ago

    What happened to the 25th Amendment?

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    Al Fresco, the Librarian  5 months ago

    The Marxist cockroaches have once again had their nest stirred. Either Biden commited crimes with secret documents or he hets off because he’s nuts. Neither way should he re-elected or even remain in office. Give cackling Kamalalala a try.

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    Even Ammosexual works more than 10 to 4 Premium Member 5 months ago

    Boy-o-boy are there going to be some upset little liberals in November. Remember that weird Wokesters lady screaming in 2016, this is going to be much louder this time. It is all your fault too, ya-all shouldn’t have gone after Trump like that or found a candidate with brain function. Trump is your fault Democrats.

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    Zykoic  5 months ago

    Poor old Joe……

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    kennebunkrick  5 months ago

    Are you all planning on leaving the country in November Bidenists?

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    tpcox928  5 months ago

    $1.7 trillion in deficit reduction? Check. U.S. producing more oil than any other country in history? Check. 14 million NEW jobs created. Check. Record low unemployment? Check. Small business looking for help? Check. Highest stock market in history? Done. Infrastructure neglected for 10 years? Taken care of. Green initiative to offset carbon? Under way. First presciption drug price reductions in history? Done. All of this accomplished with 80% of GOP believing him to be an illegitimate president? Check. Representing the only party in the next election that is pro-democracy? Check. Boring presidency? Check. Give me four more years!

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    tpcox928  5 months ago

    A president who answers I don’t know to questions he cannot immediately answer (which any lawyer will tell you to do) or a president intent on trashing the Constitution, tossing out democracy, and installing himself as king (with help from the Federalist Society)? Your choice. Democracy or Fascism.

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    jader3rd  5 months ago

    Joe Biden is doing a great job as President. Even if somehow there is some truth to this comic it would just mean that his administration is doing a great job, and I am willing to reelect this administration.

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  35. Sparrow
    kennnyp  5 months ago

    mikie’s favorite wet dream… too bad it’s not true….keep ‘wishin n hopin’ mikie… and while your at it look up how many times your pu$$y grabbing hero said he ’’couldn’t remember’’ in his depositions ( hint it was 59 times in one sitting)..oh… and remember … it was Haley who was in charge of security in the capital and by the way… what will the new name for Pennsylvania be after your big orange putin loving draft dodging convicted groper loses.? here’s an idea… go coveffe yourself….

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  36. Twblob
    SrTechWriter  5 months ago

    Meanwhile, in the land of reality:



    Katie Phang presents an opinion piece that deals with a reality. her article is accompanied by opinions expressed by readers. Both Democrat and Republican readers had an equal opportunity to respond. What follows is an amateur, unscientific reality summary:

    Of the first 20 top-level (primary) comments (out of 242) that followed, the following reactions held consistently true. I have noted whether the comment author seemed to be in favor of Trump ( R ) or not ( D ), and summarised those comments in two separate lists. The first number is likes for the comment, the second is for dislikes.

    In sequence for D comments: 116/4, 164/9, 43/2, 181/5, 1/0, 1/0, 111/5, 2/0, 1/0, 9/0, 87/5, 18/0, 17/0, 17/0, 25/0, 4/0, 6/0, 33/0, 18/0

    In sequence for R comments: 8/11

    19 to 1 total comments: 95% of responses were D, while only 5% were R.

    Totals for D comments: 854 likes, 30 dislikes.

    Totals for R comments: 8 likes, 11 dislikes.

    Taking just those, if we calculate the percentages:

    D responses: 30/(854+30) = 3.4% disagree, so 96.6% agree.

    R responses: 11/(8+11)= 57.9% disagree, so 42.1 agree.

    Regarding large-scale support for Trump and his ways, and what these calculations might mean for the upcoming November election … … …

    Draw your own conclusions.

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