Clay Bennett for February 13, 2024

  1. Th marvin da martian
    Flashaaway  5 months ago

    When Trump pays his own bills then he can whine about certain NATO countries.

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    Fern   5 months ago

    What has NATO done to benefit the West?

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    ibFrank  5 months ago

    Does Trump pay 2% of his income on lawyers? And I mean actually pay them.

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  4. Avt freyjaw nurse48
    FreyjaRN Premium Member 5 months ago

    Donavsky Trumpchev would do that in a heartbeat. (Not his, since he doesn’t have a heart.)

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  5. Fox picture avatar  2
    phritzg Premium Member 5 months ago

    Trump would be far worse than just a broken link in the chain that is NATO. He’d sell out all of Europe in a heartbeat. Then he’d unlock the door and invite his lord and master Putin to come in and take everything he wants. As long as there’s money in it for him.

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    My First Premium Member 5 months ago

    Democrats favorite Mantra – “You must pay your fair share of taxes”. Meanwhile, NATO members have committed to spending at least 2% of their Gross Domestic Product (GDP) every year on defense – and most of them did not meet that goal last year. That’s just Trumps way of saying “Pay up, losers”. Biden be like “Don’t worry. We’ll cover the shortage”. /s

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    monya_43  5 months ago

    He would abandon all of our allies and allow his friends, the dictators of the world, to be aggressive and destroy democracy and freedom in their countries. He is a very dangerous wannabe dictator. For our democratic republic and civil rights sake, vote BLUE.

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    cdward  5 months ago

    NATO has provided for stability for both Europe and the US for decades. Not only did it act as a check on the USSR during its time, but it now acts as a check on Russia with its aggression toward peaceful neighbors. Trump had tried to weaken NATO into irrelevance, and Putin erroneously thought he had succeeded. But he miscalculated, and with Biden at the helm, NATO re-animated itself and has grown stronger, which is why other vulnerable countries want to join NATO and why Republicans want to do everything they can to stop NATO.

    By the way, Russia has never been a good neighbor. Remember that the USSR helped Nazi Germany start World War II. But Stalin and Hitler were both backstabbers, so it was only a matter of time before they turned on each other.

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    Foxcarver Premium Member 5 months ago

    Arms manufacturers and dealers make money no matter who is at war or where. Consider how a war prevention alliance might not be to their benefit. Consider what they could collectively do about that inconvenience.

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    tpcox928  5 months ago

    NATO has helped keep Russia, China, and North Korea in check. NATO’s European group kept WWII on European soil; had Hitler and Mussolini dominated all of Europe the war would have spread to the U.S. Have you forgotten or never learned about all of the German submarines found off the coast of the Eastern U.S.? About the German sailors taken captive in Norfolk, VA? And this was in the 1940s; so much easier to attack us today. That is what NATO has done for the West.

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    rs0204 Premium Member 5 months ago

    By the way, NATO invoked its collective defense clause (Article 5) for the first and only time in 75 years in response to the terrorist attacks of 11 September 2001 on the United States.

    I am confident Trump, in his stupidity, will energize independent and Democrat voters as to why he has to lose the next election. And we all know there aren’t enough maga to win a national election.

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    ladykat  5 months ago

    Trump is the weakest link. Tell him goodbye.

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    For a Just and Peaceful World  5 months ago

    Give one point to the good guys!

    Google: Senate passes $95 billion package with aid for Ukraine and Israel, setting up showdown with the House

    As for the bad guys, the word Trump appears eleven times in the article. The following contain a few of his nasties.

    " Trump’s stance on foreign aid looms

    The Senate continued to move forward on the bill even as Trump argued the US should not grant foreign aid unless it is a loan, signaling opposition to the legislation. Trump has also indicated he would encourage Russian aggression against any NATO member country that doesn’t pay enough.

    A number of Senate Republicans either defended or downplayed Trump’s NATO comments on Monday.

    “I’m 100% behind him,” Sen. Tommy Tuberville said of Trump saying NATO members should be paying their dues or risk Putin invading their country."

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    artegal  5 months ago

    Those chain locks are notoriously easy to break through to begin with.

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  15. Wanderer auf nebelmeer
    kv450  5 months ago

    He IS the Weakest Link!

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  16. Lifi
    rossevrymn  5 months ago

    74,000,000, how many of you want to continue to act on initial, quick reaction, immature feelings, rather than work into adult, sober thoughts?:

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  17. Marx lennon
    charliekane  5 months ago

    With the Orange Felon, there is always a threshold issue of whether he actually knows (or understands) much of what he blathers about.

    Three points:

    NATO has held the peace for going on 75 years.

    If there are problems with a NATO member’s conduct or commitment those are in the family issues that should be dealt with in the family. Washing the dirty laundry in public sends signals of weakness to opponents.

    Article 5 is creates an absolute, immediate obligation. Whether he means it or not, his comments create an impression that he may not be willing to honor this commitment when an emergency arises.

    Just another in the long list of reasons he should never be President again.

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    Lord King Wazmo Premium Member 5 months ago

    MasterBrain’s simple-mindedness on display once again. Hey, you don’t pay, you don’t get stuff. His world isn’t even black-and-white, it’s just black.

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    Quixotic1  5 months ago

    When did Republicans become the party of ComSymps?

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    piper_gilbert  5 months ago

    It would be the most valuable gift Trump could give Putin.

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  21. A williams spt  1
    guyjen2004 Premium Member 5 months ago

    The NATO countries have not been keeping up their end of the funding requirements and spending 2% of their GDP on their military. I hate the way trump operates but if his intent with his latest comment on NATO is to get them to spend more on their own defense, it’s already working. The timing of his comment was possibly planned or maybe just coincidence because Macron, Sholz and Duda met on Monday to discuss their NATO issues. The Baltic countries are suddenly planning to follow suit. All of them will soon announce a myriad of military changes to better keep Russia in check. They are coming to the conclusion that how they operate and fund their defense both individually and within NATO shouldn’t be dependent on who is in the Oval Office.

    Germany, France and Poland alone have a combined GDP that is 4 x bigger than Russia’s. The NATO countries in Europe are fully capable of keeping Russia from attacking any NATO country. Yes, the US should support NATO and keep a presence in Europe, just as always. There were only 3 NATO countries meeting the 2% of GDP guideline when it was adopted in 2014 – 2% had been an unofficial number prior to that. By 2020 there were 10. There’s been some backsliding after 2020, but Russia taking advantage of what they perceive as a weak US admin and invading Ukraine (again – Crimea in 2012), seems to have corrected the backsliding, and European countries are just now discussing how they will collectively better prep militarily beyond supplying military aid to Ukraine. This allows the US to roll back some of its European military expenses, money that could return in the form of Aid to Ukraine or elsewhere. After Germany and others upped their spending on the military during the last admin, the US was able to remove some troops from Germany. A stronger military among ALL NATO members is a deterrent to keep Putin out of all NATO countries. If Putin invaded Poland, he would be grossly overmatched by NATO forces. It would be the end of Putin.

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    Rich Douglas  5 months ago

    “You ARE the weakest link! Goodbye!”

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  23. Neat  33
    Neat '33  5 months ago

    I’ve often wondered what the “count” is nowadays for un-paid parking tickets handed out to those that attend that useless enity?

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    Walter Kocker Premium Member 5 months ago

    The SSFM (ShortShitFromMoscow) just declared the Estonian Prime Minister guilty on the grounds of “desecration of historical memory,” according to Reuters. “These are the people who take hostile actions against historical memory and our country.”This marks the first time Russia has brought a criminal case against the head of a foreign government. Why? Because he can.

    Why can he? Because of the FSFM (FatShitFromMarALardo) has ENABLED him. Put this POTS (PieceOfTraitorousShit) in prison so the World might sleep better!

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    rlaker22j  5 months ago

    their first response is the stupidest question I’ve ever heard anybody with supposed intelligence say ( I’m giving you credit for supposed intelligence)

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    jvscanlan Premium Member 5 months ago

    Donald: I don’t know how NATO works. I just know my buddy Vlad doesn’t like it.

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    smartman  5 months ago

    For the love of everything, stop responding to the troll no matter what name he uses. All he wants is your response. He wants no information or facts because he’s a pro-Russian anti-Democracy troll. Everything he posts is solely to waste your time posting a response. It’s either because he has absolutely no life whatsoever so the giggles he gets in baiting you is all he has, or he’s paid per response he gets aka engagement. Just stop responding to him.

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  28. Curious cat
    Curiosity Premium Member 5 months ago

    There are times, like with the Undercover Fern question, when I wonder whether: it’s an honest answer from someone who really doesn’t know, which is a bit difficult to believe but is a legitimate possibility; it is a delibrate troll just to get a reaction; its an attempt to provoke outrage against the idea that the US is being taken advantage of and should withdraw from one of the more effective groups that we belong to (and were instrumental in founding) that provides protection for All of us from an outside aggressor, no matter who that might be.

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