Lisa Benson for April 20, 2024

  1. Sammy on gocomics
    Say What Now‽ Premium Member 2 months ago

    Boneheaded Rump supporters are claiming there are “stealth jurors” who would automatically convict the Rump. What they fail to understand is that it has to be an unanimous verdict. It would only take one “stealth” Rump fluffer to hang the jury.

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  2. Albert einstein brain i6
    braindead Premium Member 2 months ago

    MAGAts have NO concept whatsoever of impartial.

    Just like they believe any election they lose is ‘rigged’. And any news they don’t like is ‘fake’.

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    knutdl  2 months ago

    Where are they?

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    ibFrank  2 months ago

    You don’t have to like Trump to find him not guilty nor do you have to believe he is innocent to find him not guilty, you just have to believe there is not enough evident.

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    gccowboy27  2 months ago

    Some of us don’t believe the jury is going to matter. There are so many holes in this case that it is going to go down, whether it is soon or has to wallow throw the courts. First point: The State Attorney General (Bragg) is authorized to prosecute state crimes; when he upgraded a misdemeanor (with statute of limitations expired) to a federal felony, he overstepped the authority of his office. He campaigned with a promise to bring Trump down, which is such an obvious bias that he should recuse himself from the case, and there is more. I am not bringing this to attention because I’m not a to-the-last-breath Trump fan. I have listened to attorneys who know constituional law forward, backwards, and uupside down – Jonathan Turley and Alan Derschwitz.

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    Zuhl's Wife  2 months ago

    The sycophantic FOX “News” crews were busily screeching about the “liberals” on the jury, and the crotch couch were dismally funereal in their sad, sad faces.

    Accordingly, we have Lisa jumping on the MAGA Martyr bandwagon.


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  7. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  2 months ago

    Casting doubt on our legal system because professional criminal and tax cheat Trump is the head of the Putin loving republican party.

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    aristoclesplato9  2 months ago

    In the end none of this will matter. Trump is ahead and the Dems are in a death spiral.

    LBJ appears to be wrong in predicting Blacks (he reportedly chose another word) would vote Democrat for 200 years.

    And the Cloward – Piven strategy to bring down the country by overwhelming the welfare state is also failing. Adding millions of illegals to the welfare rolls with benefits greater than those given to citizens is failing. And it’s those same Blacks that are headed to the right and not looking back.

    The country is done with all this nonsense from the left. Get ready for a major course correction.

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    GOGOPOWERANGERS  2 months ago

    Trump is a bad person if ypu are impartial then thats a problem

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  10. Homoerectus
    fusilier  2 months ago

    Ya know, when even the Xordaxians know tfg is a racist, rapist, child-molesting, business fraud and tax cheat….


    James 2:24

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  11. Celtic tree of life
    mourdac Premium Member 2 months ago

    Perp45 has reached a level of noteriety not even OJ, mob bosses, etc. achieved.

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    The Nodding Head  2 months ago

    The legal system right wingers used to support was just fine when all white juries found terrorists innocent of killing Black people and minorities guilty of everything. Now when a conservative conman is on the dock, it’s cryin’ time.

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  13. Braveheart
    Free or Not? Premium Member 2 months ago

    The political persecution of Trump is designed to produce a series of show trials.

    All it shows is that the dems prefer a banana republic.

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  14. P1000380
    A# 466  2 months ago

    Benson has a point this time. It’s a chore to find unbiased jurors for Trumps trials. But Benson seems to miss the fact that of the pool of jurors the biased ones are just as likely to be bias towards Trump as they are to be biased (actually the correct word here is “prejudiced”) against Trump. Often, as in this case, one must accept that truly impartial jurors are likely to be oblivious to Trump’s activities over the past decades (a VERY far stretch, indeed!) or one must accept that they will be biased but, under oath, willing to put that bias (or prejudice) aside as completely as possible and make an impartial judgment based on the facts presented in the trial.

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  15. Mr haney
    NeedaChuckle Premium Member 2 months ago

    We know of one guy who would not have been impartial. He was too fired up over Donny!!

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    Ontman  2 months ago

    Lisa wants an honest venue like Mar A Lago.

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    ladykat  2 months ago

    I think the jurors have been found.

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    My First Premium Member 2 months ago

    The good old days. Mean tweets, and world peace.

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    tpcox928  2 months ago

    Almost all publicity courtesy of Orange Jesus.

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    Valiant1943 Premium Member 2 months ago

    Dictatorship and our country run by an incompetent loon?

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    MuddyUSA  Premium Member 2 months ago

    The trail should not even be happening….justice is not being served!

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  22. Durak ukraine
    Durak Premium Member 2 months ago

    Donald Trump. A man of privilege and wealth his entire life. He’s had a lifetime of being surrounded by yes men and compliant women. Compounded by the fact that he once occupied the office of President of the United States.

    Bottom line, he thinks that he’s special and he expects to be treated as being special.

    And now he’s in a courtroom, and in a courtroom THE JUDGE thinks that he’s the only special one.

    For the first time in his life Trump is being treated like a normal person, and he can’t handle it.

    Guilty or innocent, his behavior in court is inexcusable. He’s behaving like a petulant child and not helping his own case.

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    piper_gilbert  2 months ago

    I just hope he takes the stand like he said he is going to, or is this another Trump lie?

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    Alberta Oil Premium Member 2 months ago

    I keep harping on it.. trumps case (es) should be tried in Guantanamo. They have methods (evidently) to get at the truth and don’t need juries to decide.

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  25. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  2 months ago

    A Porn Star and a Bible Salesman walk into a courthouse…

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    dpatrickryan Premium Member 2 months ago

    Careful, Lisa, that’s dangerously close to awareness of how horrible your guy is.

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    Al Fresco  2 months ago

    With the jury they’ve selected in record time conviction is a 90% done deal. Not Justice. Compromised judge, raped anti-Trump DA. What a circus. We are the laughing stock of the world. And a congressman wants to strip of his SS protection. Can’t shame him, bankrupt him, silence him, convict him, or jail him. What is left for the Trump hating crowd to keep him from returning to the White House? Assassination? Will it be JFK style or more like Jeffrey Epstein? How about defeat him at the ballot box. Now that would be democracy. Can’t have that.

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  28. Eagleonjohnsons1
    Man of the Woods  2 months ago

    The sad thing is, the Republican Party is self destructing because of this person.

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    Zuhl's Wife  2 months ago

    And still, sane people respond to a fun house mirror / troll who will never, ever change it’s myopically maniacal MAGA mind, simply because it doesn’t have one, anymore.

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    Northgalus2002  2 months ago

    Gee, Lisa, I saw on the news yesterday evening that the Trump jury (12 regular jurors and 6 alternates) were seated and that they’ll be hearing oral arguments this coming Monday. Time will tell if Trump finally gets convicted of at least some of the charges laid against him. Or if the cases in GA and DC move faster as a result. But my hope is that Trump finally ends up with a conviction! I don’t expect Trump to go to jail as a result, he’s more likely to get house arrest at Mar a Lago IMOHO. If so, his oversized ego will likely keep him in the race (it’s pretty difficult to run from prison I believe). Independent swing voters might be reluctant to vote for a convicted felon though, but we’ll see.

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    old1953  2 months ago

    So any well known criminal must be allowed to walk because they are well known and people have opinions about well known people.

    Gee, does Lisa really think the court system has never tried a well known person before?

    Are the Q-pubs really dumb enough to believe this garbage?


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    da_villa  2 months ago

    I wish I could have confidence that people are finally coming to their senses. But, historically, strong and successful leaders eventually fall to weak and corrupt regimes such as those begun under Obama I and Obama II akaBumbling Biden!

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    Addled Brain  2 months ago

    The jury selection phase took about half the time it was expected to take.

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    tpcox928  2 months ago

    Let me recall recent history. 2022. Red Wave. MAGA control of House and Senate. GOP picking up 60 House seats. How’d that work out? Virginia, 2023. MAGA-lite governor predicts Virginia will never be Blue again, predicts GOP will retain Senate and pick up House. GOP loses Senate, loses House. GOP runs on culture and hate, which appeals to a base but not to most Americans. Best illustration of MAGA priorities? Bipartisan Boarder Bill, drafted with GOP priorities, voted down by GOP. Party over country, Orange Jesus over border security.

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