Henry Payne for April 24, 2024

  1. Albert einstein brain i6
    braindead Premium Member 2 months ago

    From GM proxy statement 2023:

    Based on our calculation, we can reasonably estimate that our median employee earned $80,034 in 2022.

    The ratio of our CEO’s compensation to that of our median employee is estimated to be 362:1.

    The CEO ‘earned’ $29 million.


    The ratio was calculated AFTER excluding employees salaries in 27 other countries.


    Henry and other MAGAts HATE unions

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    GOGOPOWERANGERS  2 months ago

    Yea blame union not the ceo making millions from hard working workers

    They (union workers) deserve 0 wages

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    cracker65  2 months ago

    How dare they demand a living wage. The poor ceo and shareholders.

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    Vidrinath Premium Member 2 months ago

    Feels more stable today

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    The Nodding Head  2 months ago

    A Detroit-based anti-UAW cartoonist. Sheesh.

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    Dangerguy  2 months ago

    VW will be fine. After all, the plant in question is the ONLY VW plant in their worldwide operation where workers are not represented by a union. I remember reading somewhere that their management found it odd NOT dealing with a union in the US.

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    Henwood  2 months ago

    Someone should tell the #Paynefullystupid cartoonist that VW is German and that all their shops in Germany have been unionized since forever.

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    DC Swamp  2 months ago

    Adios VW!

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    My First Premium Member 2 months ago

    Next year’s cars will have a new line item on the sticker price. It will say something clever like New Car final details, check list or some such thing but you can be assured it’s a premium to cover the new additional cost of excessive vacations, drinking on the job / can’t get fired, poor workmanship / again, can’t get fired, double digit wage increases, while the quality of the car goes down. Good luck, VW. You’re gonna need it.

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  10. Yin yang
    Havel  2 months ago

    There you go working class, the true GOP beliefs about your opportunity to get ahead.

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    Kurtass Premium Member 2 months ago

    Payne, keep my car out of your mouth.

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    mourdac Premium Member 2 months ago

    How dare the peons demand compensation allowing them to possibly have homes, food, education, health care … /s

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    Valiant1943 Premium Member 2 months ago

    If people don’t earn a living wage, who the hell is going to buy the cars?

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  14. P1000380
    A# 466  2 months ago

    Even the arch-capitalist Henry Ford sussed that workers — including his own employees — with enough long green to buy themselves a “T” (which he sold to them at a profit for years) would add to his bottom line. And so Ford instituted the “$5 dollar wage” (for SOME workers at SOME factories, I think).

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    My First Premium Member 2 months ago

    There’s a reason Unions are down to 10% now. Money skimmed off the top, don’t do anything for workers. The worst group imaginable. Just ask Jimmy Hoffa.

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  16. Gocom avatar
    Omega Man  2 months ago

    i’ve owned 5 VW’s. don’t think that number will increase. ever.

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  17. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  2 months ago

    Payne’s right wing fascism took another blow.

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    Ontman  2 months ago

    Poor Payne. He has never and never will care about the autoworkers.

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  19. Kernel
    Diane Lee Premium Member 2 months ago

    While employers squeeze workers and their unions for cuts to health care and other benefits, the CEOs of major corporations now make nearly 400 times more than their average employees, the largest employer-worker gap in our history. While 60 percent of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck– with three multi-billionaires owning more wealth than the bottom half.

    If you are wondering why we continue to pay, by far, the highest prices in the world for prescription drugs, you should know that Pfizer has increased its profits by 42 percent so far this year to $26.4 billion.

    Profits of Exxon Mobil, Chevron, BP and Shell skyrocketed by 169 percent so far this year to $125 billion. They are spending over $73 billion not to reduce gas prices at the pump but to buy back their own stock and increase dividends to their wealthy stockholders.

    Global food prices skyrocketed by over 33 percent last year and are expected to go up another 23 percent this year. Billionaires in the global food and agri-business industry became $382 billion richer during the pandemic.

    Right now, more than any time in modern history, we need a Congress that has the courage to take on the wealthy campaign contributors, super-PACs, and lobbyists who work overtime in protecting the interests of billionaires and corporate interests. And that is precisely what Democrats must do if they are able to expand their majority in the House and the Senate.

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    ShadowMaster  2 months ago

    Nice car, Pain

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    piper_gilbert  2 months ago

    Unions and the GI Bill are responsible for the emergence of the Middle Class in America. You’re welcome. Do you think Republicans and corporate CEO’s want to kill unions because you deserve to be paid more. If they could pay you less, they would.

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    DrDon1  2 months ago

    Payne revels in his stupidity!

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    charliekane  2 months ago

    Don’ them proletarians know their place?

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    jack666 Premium Member 2 months ago

    When TrQmp was pressured to cite the time when America was great he named the 1940’s and 50’s. Significant differences between those “great” years and now is that in the “great” years unions were strong and blacks were oppressed. I wonder which of these two TrQmp thinks helped produce greatness?

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    rlaker22j  2 months ago


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  26. Mooseguy
    moosemin  2 months ago

    It’s not the Unions. It begain in the 1980’s, when Ronald Reagan picked up the battle flag and led the counter-attack against the New Deal, the Fair Deal and the Great Society legislation. It was during the next few years that raises were less forthcoming for the working class, benefits began to fall away, hiring “Contract” workers was embraced by corporate CEO’s, and the salaries- benefit packages for corporate officers began to rise, exponentially by the years, into the upper atmosphere. NO man or woman in such an executive capacity is worth what most are paid today. Funny how the Billionaire-Investor class do not object to these obscene compensation packages, but howl “SOCIALISM!” when Bernie Sanders speaks up for the American worker.

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    Rich Douglas  2 months ago

    Certainly can’t have workers empowered, huh? They’re much harder to exploit that way.

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    zendog13la  2 months ago

    Ignoring the benefits to the community that union jobs bring, Payne is in service to the corporate puppet masters. Good dog!

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    gopher gofer  2 months ago

    oh, boy. henry got to draw a car… ☺

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    Ivan the Terrible   2 months ago

    Here comes braindead again spewing leftist propaganda. Meanwhile, Trump is being persecuted by the judicial and “justice” departments across America. Narcissism and perversion is the hallmark of the leftist degenerates that occupy government.

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    BillS50  2 months ago

    So… Everyone should earn about the same? Yeah, Karl Marx believed that. However by the time the revolution in Russia was over, Lenin and the Communist party elite were already “more equal” than the workers. And so it goes…

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