Lisa Benson for May 28, 2024

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    The Nodding Head  about 1 month ago

    And the answer to tax cuts that were supposed to pay for themselves but didn’t and added trillions to the national debt


    More tax cuts that are supposed to pay for themselves but won’t and will add trillions more to the national debt.

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    NeoconMan  about 1 month ago

    And then the students whose loans were forgiven can now go to college, get great jobs, and pay back many times over in a lifetime of taxed income.

    Why are Republicans so opposed to investing in the country’s future?

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    suzalee  about 1 month ago

    Why are they not upset over the very large loans that were forgiven for businesses, including many owned by members of Congress, who borrowed durng covid?

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    mourdac Premium Member about 1 month ago

    And gov’t funded health care is bad….

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  5. Durak ukraine
    Durak Premium Member about 1 month ago

    Lady, there is no room for you on the other train. They’ll just tie you to the tracks.

    Biden uses tax money to help other people.

    Trump uses tax money to help himself.

    You want to keep Social Security? Sit yourself back down and vote blue.

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    nodjt  about 1 month ago

    Somebody stop that train and let Lisa off.

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    mrwiskers  about 1 month ago

    To me, choosing a candidate is similar to finding the recipe that hits the umami mark. Starting with the desired outcome, select the freshest ingredients, combined in the right proportions and baked, fried or cured to as near as possible to produce the desired outcome. It is a harder process and luckily we have a few good chefs to help out. I like the League of Women Voters each election.

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    davidthoms1  about 1 month ago

    Helping the victims of predatory lending in bad why?

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    aristoclesplato9  about 1 month ago

    A significant percentage of his eroding base is going to Trump and this is how he thinks he can win them over. Meanwhile the other 98% that are footing the bill are not happy about yet another Democrat vote buying scheme.

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    Ontman  about 1 month ago

    Lisa and her lord and master DJT would rather the students flounder and fail.

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    piper_gilbert  about 1 month ago

    $2 trillion went to billionaires under Trump. Let that sink in.

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    ChristopherBurns  about 1 month ago

    The fossil fuel industry got $14 billion in subsidies in 2022. Why aren’t you objecting to a government give away to a very profitable business? I guess it depends on who is getting the money.

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    ncorgbl  about 1 month ago

    Taxpayer dollars are not used to forgive student loans.

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    Diane Lee Premium Member about 1 month ago
    The best investment we could make to keep America strong is to not just forgive all student loans but to make public higher education, trade schools, etc totally free, as long as the student is progressing. There is no better investment than to give our people every opportunity to be the best they can be. Yes, It’s good for them individually, but the country is made up of individuals, so it’s also good for the nation.

    The average college graduate pays more in federal taxes very year of their working life than the average high school graduate. If that’s divided by the 4 years it takes to get a college education, and public schools were free, those additional taxes would pay for the cost of college, with a net gain for total income taxes paid. THE REST OF US WOULDN’T HAVE TO PAY MORE TAXES, IN FACT THE NET EFFECT WOULD BE A TAX PLUS. This doesn’t even consider that with the degree, the person is less likely to ever need unemployment or welfare, and that more students would complete high school if they could see it as the way to a good job. They would also be paying a larger amount in all other types of taxes, social security and Medicare. Even at a time of high unemployment, there are jobs available, but they require skills that the unemployed don’t have— in other words, a lack of education.

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  15. Catinma
    BeniHanna6 Premium Member about 1 month ago

    Hey, he’ll try anything for votes. Watch out that he doesn’t try to give the vote to illegals.

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    Radish the wordsmith  about 1 month ago

    Republicans demand that the money be thrown at billionaires who don’t need it and the middle class should pay for the tax breaks for the rich.

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    Radish the wordsmith  about 1 month ago

    The Biden administration will forgive $6.1 billion in debt held by 317,000 former students of the defunct for-profit chain the Art Institutes, marking one of the Education Department’s largest group discharges of federal student loans. The decision covers people who were enrolled at any Art Institute campus from Jan. 1, 2004, to Oct. 16, 2017.

    The Education Department will on Wednesday begin notifying eligible borrowers, who are not required to take action. The agency said it also will refund payments that former students have made on loans that are earmarked for forgiveness.

    “This institution falsified data, knowingly misled students, and cheated borrowers into taking on mountains of debt without leading to promising career prospects at the end of their studies,” President Biden said in a statement. “While my predecessor looked the other way when colleges defrauded students and borrowers, I promised to take this on directly to provide borrowers with the relief they need and deserve.”

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    lawguy05  about 1 month ago

    Let’s go, Brandon!

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    Al Fresco  about 1 month ago

    I paid off my small student loan through government service. My son paid off his huge student loan through hard work and monthly payments. Where do we go to get a tax credit for what we’ve payed? Or do we have to vote for Biden first and then collect our cash?

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  20. Wtp
    superposition  about 1 month ago

    “… According to a new report from the Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce (CEW), adults with a bachelor’s degree earn an average of $2.8 million during their careers, $1.2 million more than the median for workers with a high school diploma. In addition, at every additional level of education, workers tend to earn more than those with less education.

    However, that’s not the whole story. The report also reveals that career earnings depend on many factors in addition to level of education—including age, field of study, occupation, gender, race and ethnicity, and location.

    For example, the CEW report, The College Payoff: More Education Doesn’t Always Mean More Earnings, finds that:

    16% of high school graduates, 23% of workers with some college education but no degree, and 28% of associate’s degree holders earn more than half of workers with a bachelor’s degree and, 36% of workers with a bachelor’s degree earn more than half of workers with a master’s degree.

    Median Income and Education

    Here are the median lifetime earnings of full-time workers by level of education:

    less than high school – $1.2 million

    high school diploma – $1.6 million

    some college, but no degree – $1.9 million, equal to about $47,500 annuallyassociate’s degree – $2 million, or about $50,000 per yearbachelor’s degree – $2.8 million, the equivalent of $70,000 annually

    master’s degree – $3.2 million, or $80,000 annually

    doctoral degree – $4 million, equal to $100,000 per year

    professional degree – $4.7 million, or an average of $117,500 annually. …" — forbes .com/sites/michaeltnietzel/2021/10/11/new-study-college-degree-carries-big-earnings-premium-but-other-factors-matter-too

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    DrDon1  about 1 month ago

    Typical Benson … Criticize Biden for forgiving student loan debt ( and support Trump for botching the COVID 19 response[!] ).

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    Al Fresco  about 1 month ago

    wonder what the credit rating of these deadbeat students who have not made payments on their student loans. And if their loans are forgiven, how long will it take for them to once again be a good credit risk? If Biden is miraculously reelected will he issue an executive order (and bypass Congress) to eliminate the credit rating system in the interest of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion?

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    Fklimko  about 1 month ago

    A day after Biden announced his last student loan forgiveness, a congressman was stating on cable news that the forgiveness was aimed at people in government and non profit organizations. He continued saying no one becomes rich working for the government.

    After an Internet search I found the following; Full-time federal workers earn, on average, an annual salary that exceeds $67,000. The U.S. Department of Labor Bureau of Economic Analysis reports that the annual compensation for federal workers is $106,871 (pay plus benefits) compared to $53,288 for the private sector. GOVERNMENT SERVICE – THE NEW HOT JOB!

    Not only do federal employees earn more, but receive better Healthcare and pensions. Once retired they can get a job in the private sector and earn a SS check as well.

    Payment should be made and perhaps the answer is refinance at the same rate +0.5% as government pays.

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    My First Premium Member about 1 month ago

    If it’s your degree and I’m paying for it, doesn’t that make it “our” degree?

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    truthsocialol  about 1 month ago

    $51 billion in student loan forgiveness by President Biden


    from donald trump

    let me know when the student debt forgiveness costs half that much.

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    rjrustigian  about 1 month ago

    Yea, all that money is best used for tax breaks for millionaires!

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    My First Premium Member about 1 month ago

    Democrat socialist – A person who wants everything you have, except your job.

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    gccowboy27  about 1 month ago

    The reaction to it proves that Lisa can hit the nerve with her cartoons. This one seems to have done that big time. that’s the purpose of political carftoons.

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    jader3rd  about 1 month ago

    It’s all within the law that was passed decades ago.

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    Ivan the Terrible   about 1 month ago

    Why is Biden trying to bribe students for votes?

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    MuddyUSA  Premium Member about 1 month ago

    Another reason to vote for Trump if he isn’t railroaded……….

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    Another Take  about 1 month ago

    Lisa has this and “Inflation”. I’d like to see her combine them into one comic – but then what would she have left for the next deadline…?

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    dpatrickryan Premium Member about 1 month ago

    Right – you should only be forgiving the debts of Rethuglican members of Congress who took out small business loans during COVID.

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    da_villa  28 days ago

    More waste! Nothing like paying for someone else’s loan while supporting Illegal aliens and paying for extra security because criminals are no longer locked up! It’s the train to hell brought to you courtesy of Biden and is liberal followers.

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