Crankshaft by Tom Batiuk and Dan Davis for July 15, 2024

  1. Wherescs
    wherescrankshaft  8 months ago

    Considering that Lillian deliberately went out of her way to sabotage their relationship and prevented them from getting married, one would think that she wouldn’t do this.

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    billsplut  8 months ago

    Oh Lawdy, it’s another of his “GIMME PULITZER!!” arcs again.

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    Doctor Toon  8 months ago

    Canoeing can lead to Canoodling

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    French Persons' Treasury of Self-Applauding Batty Premium Member 8 months ago

    Wait a minute… Didn’t she sabotage their relationship, preventing them from getting married? Like, didn’t she steal some kind of important love letter from Eugene to Lucy?

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  5. Gentbear3b1a
    Gent  8 months ago

    Eh now what on earth be this sepia tone vintage movie?

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    mn4nu  8 months ago

    Wow, just wow. Retcon much?

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    grozar  8 months ago

    Batty’s still trying to unload some of those overpriced, old volumes, gathering dust in his garage.

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    Cabbage Jack  8 months ago

    This is fun – we get Lillian saying “ah yes, remember the young couple whose lives I utterly destroyed out of petty jealousy” mixed with “please, for the love of god, buy my collections of comic strips about the sister whose life was destroyed by Lillian and also died of Alzheimers!”

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    goboboyd  8 months ago

    We called it watching the submarine races.

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    rockyridge1977  8 months ago


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  11. Dvincent
    dv1093  8 months ago

    Since I live only a few miles from Batiuk, I can share some insight here: Summit Beach was a real beach and amusement park which peaked in the 1920s. It was a happening place – Ballroom, swimming pool, amusement park, beach… You can Google: Summit Beach Park for all kinds of history. Bonus points: look up the story about when the roller coaster derailed resulting in many deaths and injuries. I believe the park closed in 1958.

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    Irish53  8 months ago

    Lillian’s doucheyness continues to escalate at a prodigious clip.

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    MuddyUSA  Premium Member 8 months ago

    Memories are made of this???

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    lemonbaskt  8 months ago

    old timers week ? i hope they show the rollercoaster

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    raybarb44  8 months ago

    Ah, memories……

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    macgyver915  8 months ago

    You tell me billy – you sure seem to be living in it! LOL…

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    GojusJoe  8 months ago

    Is it Batiuk or am I going batty? Did anybody go to his web page and find “Roses in December?” Not I.

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    Crandlemire  8 months ago

    Rose sat in the bedroom of her home that morning, the soft light of dawn filtering through lace curtains, casting a gentle glow on the framed photo in her hand. It was of her and Tom, taken on one of those golden summer days at Summit Beach Park. She could almost hear the distant laughter of children and the rhythmic crash of waves as she stared at the image.

    They were young then, barely out of their teens, full of dreams and the intoxicating promise of forever. The boardwalk stretched out before them like a path to eternity, where they would walk hand in hand, the rough wood warm beneath their bare feet. The ocean, a vast, endless expanse, mirrored their love—boundless and uncharted.

    Rose remembered the way Tom would look at her, his eyes sparkling with mischief and affection, his hand gripping hers as if he would never let go. They would sit on the edge of the boardwalk, feet dangling above the frothy surf, whispering secrets and sharing dreams that seemed as infinite as the sea before them.

    Sixty years had passed since those sun-drenched days, yet the memories remained vivid, etched in her heart like the lines on her weathered hands. The future now seemed as distant as the horizon she and Tom had once gazed upon. But in that quiet morning light, with the photo clutched to her chest, Rose felt the warmth of those long-ago summers, a bittersweet reminder that true love, once kindled, never truly fades.

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    tcayer  8 months ago

    Remember that? When you sabotaged her relationship so she’d stay a spinster? And then she died alone in a home? Ah, memories!

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    [Unnamed Reader - 14b4ce]  8 months ago

    Nationwide search for color thief….

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  21. Mromalley
    J.J. O'Malley  8 months ago

    Silly me, Lillian. Here and I thought it would remind you of how you jealously hid a love letter Eugene wrote to your sister Lucy and thus prevented them from being together, with said action eventually driving poor Lucy down a life of despair and regret with you, the “ever-devoted” sibling, her only emotional “support.” But no, you think about the beach instead, you cold-hearted harpy. And you keep pushing that Crankshaft merch, Batiuk. After all, your chances to do so on “the comics pages” may be winding down if the rumors are true.

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    Strawberry King  8 months ago

    Nothing like a trip down Memory Lane.

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    BuckeyeFanForever Premium Member 8 months ago

    That’s what I was thinking… with parents in their 90s I’ve been doing a lot of that too.

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    PaulLeckner  8 months ago

    Wow! This is an oldie from the 1980’s. This is the one about two spinster sisters. One found a fella and the older sister wouldn’t let the romance blossom in fear of losing her hold over her little sister.

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