So, just taking inventory today, we have a man’s footprints going both ways and gunpowder on the back of his fingertips. I’m not sure what we’ve learned.
Shot in the forehead? That does make it seem more like a homicide … I’m far from a gun expert, but it seems to me you really have to twist your arm & gun hand around to aim a shot directly in front of your face, & essentially pull the trigger from behind, unlike, say, aiming the barrel at one of your side temples. On that sunny note, enjoy your Sunday breakfast everyone!
Obviously this Tracy adventure took place a long time ago, perhaps the 1960’s or early 1970’s – not a latex glove in sight or being worn by any police. The doctor handling the victim with his bare hands- just lovely (gross) ! .If set in present time Tracy will have a special topic to present at the Police Conference he is attending being :“Crime scene preservation and DNA procedures” to be followed.
The murder happened, the Argintine Police finally got there and found the cleaning lady buffering the floor around the body. Fortunately Inspector Noname knew Dick Tracy was in town attending CopCom, so Tracy was pulled away from his seminar on letting criminals escape because Inspector Noname and his entire police force are too baffled and incompetent to solve a perceived murder or suicide and only the famed Dick Tracy can solve something so odd and complicated before he leaves town. Currently the coroner is finally examining the body which has apparently been lying there the entire time that everything else I described takes place.
1- EENSPECTOR: Permeet me to summate the see-tu-ation, Senor Deek…
2-: …But first allow me to pull the body away from the chair as it detracts from the scene of the … place where no crime was committed.
3- DEEK TRACY: Yes. That helps a lot. I can now better see that he is indeed dead. Why was he wearing a blanket though? It’s hot in here! EENSPECTOR: Then why are you wearing a coat? DEEK: Touche~
4- EENSPECTOR: But let us first geet a medical opinion. HERR EICHMANN: I can confirm from my vast experience in my previous occupation that er ist TOT! KAPUTT! KEIN MEHR MEIN HERR!
5- HERR EICHMANN: I haff alzo confirmed that he has no pulse, ja? Und alzo, the presence of a hole in his head where one probably should not be… DEEK: Excellent work. I could use you in Tracyville, Herr Eichmann. HERR EICHMANN: Nein, danke! I am safe…I mean “happy” here!
What was the guy firing? A black powder pistol? Unless there are powder burns from the muzzle flash at close range, the powder residue on the hand that fire the pistol are invisible and only show up in tests… Also, what’s with the can of beans? Should we be singing “Hand Me Down That Can of Beans” from “Paint your wagon”?
SHAKEDOWNCITY 5 months ago
Certainly not those of a “gumshoe”.
Gweedo -it's legal here- Murray 5 months ago
Good morning™, Mysterious Clues !
Are we approaching pot boiler territory yet ?
Love the view in P.3. Like !
Neil Wick 5 months ago
Good morning™, all!
So, just taking inventory today, we have a man’s footprints going both ways and gunpowder on the back of his fingertips. I’m not sure what we’ve learned.
BreathlessMahoney77 5 months ago
Shot in the forehead? That does make it seem more like a homicide … I’m far from a gun expert, but it seems to me you really have to twist your arm & gun hand around to aim a shot directly in front of your face, & essentially pull the trigger from behind, unlike, say, aiming the barrel at one of your side temples. On that sunny note, enjoy your Sunday breakfast everyone!
avenger09 5 months ago
This story is almost as cockamamie as;
*The idea that Firestrike was a stud as a young man!
*Suggesting that Gweedo’s goats enjoy their occupation!
*Believing that Neil thinks the strip is not perfection!
*Thinking that someone out there actually enjoys JPUZZLEWHIZ’s super lame jokes!
BigDaveGlass 5 months ago
We will find out in a minute. Not.
jim204716 5 months ago
Obviously this Tracy adventure took place a long time ago, perhaps the 1960’s or early 1970’s – not a latex glove in sight or being worn by any police. The doctor handling the victim with his bare hands- just lovely (gross) ! .If set in present time Tracy will have a special topic to present at the Police Conference he is attending being :“Crime scene preservation and DNA procedures” to be followed.
Batster 5 months ago
I’m waning from all this waxing….
jim_pem 5 months ago
You know, he could have gotten up to go to the bathroom before he came back in and offed himself.
cmerb 5 months ago
Super great images today for sure , I’m wondering just what is in the can next to the " wheel gun " ?
crobinson019 5 months ago
Minnit Mystery brought to you by Minwax!
Wichita1.1 5 months ago
“So, CLEARY death by accident! He forgot to breathe. Case closed! NOW, time for an eclair and a heady flagon of Mr. Pibb, Watson?”
Ray Toler 5 months ago
The body has been laying there the whole time?
The murder happened, the Argintine Police finally got there and found the cleaning lady buffering the floor around the body. Fortunately Inspector Noname knew Dick Tracy was in town attending CopCom, so Tracy was pulled away from his seminar on letting criminals escape because Inspector Noname and his entire police force are too baffled and incompetent to solve a perceived murder or suicide and only the famed Dick Tracy can solve something so odd and complicated before he leaves town. Currently the coroner is finally examining the body which has apparently been lying there the entire time that everything else I described takes place.
eced52 5 months ago
The shooter wore gloves while holding the gun in his hands.
Ray Toler 5 months ago
The vampire chair leaves no reflection in the mirrored wall.
Another Take 5 months ago
1- EENSPECTOR: Permeet me to summate the see-tu-ation, Senor Deek…
2-: …But first allow me to pull the body away from the chair as it detracts from the scene of the … place where no crime was committed.
3- DEEK TRACY: Yes. That helps a lot. I can now better see that he is indeed dead. Why was he wearing a blanket though? It’s hot in here! EENSPECTOR: Then why are you wearing a coat? DEEK: Touche~
4- EENSPECTOR: But let us first geet a medical opinion. HERR EICHMANN: I can confirm from my vast experience in my previous occupation that er ist TOT! KAPUTT! KEIN MEHR MEIN HERR!
5- HERR EICHMANN: I haff alzo confirmed that he has no pulse, ja? Und alzo, the presence of a hole in his head where one probably should not be… DEEK: Excellent work. I could use you in Tracyville, Herr Eichmann. HERR EICHMANN: Nein, danke! I am safe…I mean “happy” here!
oakie817 5 months ago
hmmm…don’t think a person would shoot themselves in the forehead, too awkward
trainnut1956 5 months ago
What was the guy firing? A black powder pistol? Unless there are powder burns from the muzzle flash at close range, the powder residue on the hand that fire the pistol are invisible and only show up in tests… Also, what’s with the can of beans? Should we be singing “Hand Me Down That Can of Beans” from “Paint your wagon”?
General Trelane (Ret.) Premium Member 5 months ago
Z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z . . . . . .
jonahhex1 5 months ago
Well unless Miss Randal was wearing men’s shoes, she’s off the list.
Looks like someone rendered the victim unconscious then used his own hand to fire the fatal shot.
Strawberry King 5 months ago
“Are you pondering what I’m pondering?”
[Unnamed Reader - 14b4ce] 5 months ago
Why do medical examiners always look halfway to the grave themselves?
[Unnamed Reader - 14b4ce] 5 months ago
And Johnny Mintworth’s Mother was putting away her sewing kit when she collapsed,so suicide is out…..