Broom Hilda by Russell Myers for September 24, 2024

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    snsurone76  6 months ago

    But you didn’t waste time with constant texting, as most mall-rats do.

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    Jml58  6 months ago

    She tried, but her card was declined everywhere.

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    LawrenceS  6 months ago

    My wife doesn’t need new clothes, but as long as there is unfilled space in the closet, attic, spare bedroom, or basement and she can find it on sale she keeps buying things she might want to wear one day. Just had an amazing weekend, visited REI, Sierra Trading Post, and the Dick’s Sporting Goods outlet and she didn’t buy one thing. She told me to mark it on the calendar.

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    gammaguy  6 months ago

    A teenage friend to her mother: “But it’s much cheaper if I make my own.”

    Her mother: “Twenty-eight skirts is not cheap.”

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    baskate_2000  6 months ago

    Much more fun to annoy what sales clerks there are!

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    david_42  6 months ago

    I had a GF like this, but she did buy things eventually. It annoyed her when I’d buy the first clothes that fit. There’s so few options in clothing for men, why bother checking out multiple stores?

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    edge32  6 months ago

    I knew some people that would go to Meijer at 1 in the morning, back when they were open 24 hours. They would take carts, walk around the store, and load them full of anything and everything they might want. Once the carts were full they would park them in some out of the way corner and leave. I always thought, and told them, that that was incredibly rude. Just creating a bunch of work for someone. But they thought it was fun.

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    shamino  6 months ago

    One of the reasons I don’t really go to malls anymore. At about the time when I was able to drive and could therefore go on my own, I developed morality. I feel wrong shopping in a store if I know in advance that I have no intention of buying anything. So those trips end up rather pointless. So now I only go if there’s something I explicitly want to buy.

    I assume this is not what the mall owners would prefer….

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    Angry Indeed Premium Member 6 months ago

    Broomie’s trying but not buying has caused merchants to call in the Hazmat peeps to dispose of the destruction in her wake. ;-p

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    Milady Meg  6 months ago

    A friend wanted to try on a $5000 or more wedding dress, just to see if it felt that special. I once made an appointment for my friend, but when the day came, he chickened out.

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    paranormal  6 months ago

    That must be why there’s so much smoke coming from the mall incinerator…

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    ChazNCenTex  6 months ago

    One of my roommates said visiting a mall was like visiting a Museum of Consumerism. So I often went to get ideas on decoration, style, and attractive people, and occasionally, I’d buy something.

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    cuzinron47  6 months ago

    Now they had to disinfect everything.

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    Albert Sims Premium Member 6 months ago

    I haven’t been to the local mall in well over a decade. Things are too overpriced there.

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    ArtistRonHill Premium Member 6 months ago

    In the 70s we had a mall with 3 bookstores, a newsstand and 2 record stores… plus a movie theater. Can’t say I ever tried on clothes and shoes…

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    Aladar30 Premium Member 6 months ago

    Broomie is totally right.

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    Dave's Not Here, Man  6 months ago

    I remember the days when malls used to be somewhat fun to visit. All the software stores and music stores. Seems like ancient history.

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