WuMo by Wulff & Morgenthaler for October 04, 2024

  1. 7a3d35b05103496eecec311170ba260d
    Pickled Pete  5 months ago

    Best decision ever! Just hope they survive to adulthood..

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    cdward  5 months ago

    My kids were almost regulars at the Emergency One place. Were literally on a first name basis with the PA.

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    gammaguy  5 months ago

    Ignorance is this.

    I grew up learning about nature, and it has never hurt me.

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    Steve Dallas  5 months ago

    Weird. It almost seems as if the cartoonist want kids to be inactive shut ins.

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    SquidGamerGal  5 months ago

    You DID told them to stay away from the wild animals, right?

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    NRHAWK Premium Member 5 months ago

    Building jump ramps for our bikes, playing baseball, climbing trees, racing a pinewood cart on old roller-skate wheels down a steep street with no breaks but our shoe soles, taking a shortcut across the neighbors field hoping not to draw the attention of his over-protective bull, sledding in winter on a toboggan down suicide hill where it ended in a cross-street intersection, and picking up a dead racoon by the tail without checking that it was really dead (that was one PO’d racoon), and my cousin getting his hand stuck while noodling for catfish along the river banks all caused a few trips to the ER but we all somehow survived childhood. Today’s activities generally result in early onset obesity and thumb cramps. It’s no wonder that parents feel they have to load their kids up with sports related activities to get them out of the house.

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    Munch  5 months ago

    Dad’s doing it right.

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    Alberta Oil  5 months ago

    A bit too late, they missed all the early nature lessons and now are oblivious to the natural hazards of nature.

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    Frank Burns Eats Worms  5 months ago

    They’re not out of the woods yet.

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    IWannaBeLerxst  5 months ago

    Hm. Pretty funny concept for a comic…just IMAGINE it: children actually leaving the house, experiencing the outdoors, exposure to the natural world, and experience the now-hardly-imaginable consequences of physical activity. These guys really have good imaginations, drawing a strip like this!!! 8^p

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    Aladar30 Premium Member 5 months ago

    I knew a couple who did this and got exactly the same result.

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    Jml58  5 months ago

    My contribution to a better world. I have not repouduced, those I asked to help said NO.

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    Mark DeMist Premium Member 5 months ago

    Bones heal and chicks dig scars.

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  14. Hanszarkov
    CleverHans Premium Member 5 months ago

    Unfortunately, this seems to be the case. It is becoming increasingly obvious that many of the college students I deal with spent their young lives staring at screens and never developed the basic common sense that comes from interacting with the natural world. They would have been much better off if their parents had yanked their gadgets and sent them outside, even if it meant an occasional trip to the ER. I had a few myself, like the old joke:

    “Doc, I broke my arm in two places. What should I do?”

    “Stay out of those places!”

    Sage advice.

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